Protocols Flashcards
helps in translating or mapping host names to IP addresses. works on a client-server model, and uses a distributed database over a hierarchy of name servers.
DNS: Domain Name System protocol
Encrypted communication/console access or link - tcp/22
• Looks and acts the same as Telnet
SSH Secure Shell
tcp/20 (active mode data), tcp/21 (control) – Transfers files between systems
• Authenticates with a username and password
– Some systems use a generic/anonymous login
FTP File Transfer Protocol
Login to devices remotely
– insecure Console access
In-the-clear communication
– Not the best choice for production systems
Telnet – Telecommunication Network - tcp/23
Transfer email between mail servers tcp/25
Also used to send mail from a device to a mail server
– Commonly configured on mobile devices and email clients
SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Automated configuration of IP address, subnet mask and
other options - udp/67, udp/68
DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
Communication in the browser
– And by other applications
* In the clear or encrypted
– Supported by nearly all web servers and clients
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
s means secure
Receive email into a email client tcp/110
Basic mail transfer functionality
POP3- Post Office Protocol version 3
A newer email client protocol tcp/143
Includes email inbox management from multiple clients
IMAP4- Internet Message Access Protocol v4
Register, remove, and find Windows services by name udp/137
NetBIOS name service
Windows connecCon-oriented data transfer tcp/139
NetBIOS session service
Windows file transfers and printer sharing tcp/445
SMB- Server Message Block
Gather metrics and manage network devices udp/161
SNMP Query- Simple Network Management Protocol
Receive alerts from network devices udp/162
SNMP Trap- Simple Network Management Protocol
Directory services,Store and retrieve information in a network directory tcp/389
LDAP- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
Graphical display of remote devices,Can connect to an entire desktop or just an application,Remote Desktop Services on many Windows versions tcp/3389
RDP- Remote Desktop Protocol