Protocol questions Flashcards
regex to NFA?
Rules for each operation
Overview of all language classes of the semester
- Finite words: Sigma *, REG, Star-free
- Infinite words: Sigma ^ omega, omega-REG, LTL languages
- Finite tree languages
- Infinite tree / parity games
What are the constructs to to describe regular languages?
NFA, regex, WMSO
NFA to regex?
ardens lemma: proof in detail, idea for design through system of equations
Buchi II
Only rough idea (Alphabet extension) and the automaton for x <y
feature (projection) + argument for projection
For star-free languages, we had such games, what was that?
- Ehrenfeucht-Fraissé Games explains what they are used (for illustrative partial isomorphisms),
- EF theorem (k-equivalence), rough idea of the proof
Application of EF theorem?
(aa) * non-star-free, complete proof
explain WMSO name + signature definition etc
Weak - Finite
Monadic - ???
Second order - Set variables
Automaton model infinite words?
Büchi automata
Counterexample for determinability of Buchi automata?
(a+b)^omega with finitely many b’s
not in L (DBA)
Omega-REG closed under intersection?
Yes, {0,1,2}-counter design
Idea of proof complementation NBA?
- Definition ~
- Of finite index
- All classes in REG
- UV ^ omega always in L (A) or completely outside
- UV ^ omega cover all sigma omega ^
To do this: Ramsey’s theorem (without proof)
What is a push-down system?
Stack-based system model
How to Check if possible in accepting BPDS Run?
Analysis by terms (1) and (2),
- Translation in (1 ‘) and (2’) (statements with pre *)
- Very rough idea of the pre * Calculation
What we had for automata on trees?
Word problem for hedge automata?
Double on-the-fly determinisieren
how do we poove regex equivalent to NFA?
=> exclusiveness v. nfa with operations from def reg..
<= Build reg expression of nfa to, for example.
Formal prove of omega-reqular equivalence to NBA
- Showing NBA over complete complementary (define association with the [u] [v] ^ omega nich in L (A)), proves this:
- Def. of u ~ v
- show [u] requlär
- f.a. w: w in [u][v]^omega
- Endl many ÄK
- ÄK completely or completely not in L (A)
Buchi I
5 step construction
define omega regular language
NBA to omega-reg?
Omega-reg closure properties?
Complement of Omega-reg: construction plus all correctness arguments:
Finiteness of classes sufficient fine separation Every word in omega regular class association (+ Ramsey)