Protocol Flashcards
Eye Opening
Spontaneous 4
To speech 3
To Pain 2
None 1
Best Verbal Response (BVR)
Oriented 5 Confused 4 Inappropriate words 3 Incomprehensible sounds 2 none 1
Best Motor Response
Obeys 6 Localizes 5 Withdraws 4 Abnormal Flexion 3 Abnormal extension 2 None 1
A mentally competent patient is considered to give informed consent when any of the following occur:
Patient gives verbal permission to treat
Patient gives written permission to treat
Patient does not object as you begin assessment.
If the medical personnel are concerned for the safety of minor and the parent or legal guardian refuses treatment and transport, contact
the rescue district/battalion chief and law enforcement for assistance with transport
A patient shall be defined as
a person who presents with subjective and/or objective signs and/or symptoms or a complaint which results in evaluation and/or treatment
A patient encounter is dependent on
neither treatment nor transport nor cooperation from the patient. If a technician perceives a medical problem that requires evalution a patient encounter has been made and a full patient care report must be completed.
Access to the storage safe can be achieved by
breaking the seal, then use the appropriate key or entering the individual paramedic’s PIN number and pressing the pound key.
Completed JFRD Controlled Substance Daily Checklists will remain with the notebook until collected by
the District/Battalion Chiefs and forwarded to the Quality Improvement Officer
Discrepancies concerning controlled substances will be
Reported to Rescue District/Battalion Chief
Recorded in the company logbook, including circumstances
Documented in the Explanation section of the JFRD Controlled Substance Daily Checklist
Investigated by the Quality Improvement Officer and Rescue District/Battalion chief with a discrepancy report provide to the Division chief of Rescue and the JFRD Medical director
Controlled substances with expiration date listing only the month and year will be
considered as expired on the first day of the month listed.
Monthly 23rd,24th, or 25th
Chief inspection of controlled substance
Controlled substance inventory
ALS Engine
Minimum- Midazolam 5mg
Maximum - Midazolam 10mg
Controlled substance inventory
Rescue Units
Etomidate/Amidate-60 mg
Fentanyl 200mcg
Ketamine 500mg
Midazolam-15 mg
Controlled substance inventory
Rescue Units
Etomidate/Amidate- 100mg
Fentanyl- 400mcg
Ketamine - 1500mg
Midazolam- 25mg
Controlled substance inventory will be determined and authorized by
Division chief of Rescue and the Medical Director
IV Fluids/Medications
Medications with a specific expiration date:
Medications that have an expiration date of a month and a year
Expire on that date
expire at the end of that month
The JFRD is responsible for the
welfare of the patient and all medical treatment at the scene of an emergency
Law enforcement is responsible for
traffic control and general scene management.
Blood draw on patients
In your report, record
the date printed on the blood draw kit and the investigating officer’s name.
Restrained patients shall be
placed in a supine postion
Frequently assess the patient to ensure that the
airway is patent, distal limb circulation is adequate and that restraints can be released quickly should the patient’s condition deteriorate.
The Intention of Quality Improvement will be
to train.
When JFRD personnel suspect that abuse or neglect to a child or vulnerable adult has taken place, they shall initiate the following
Treat related injuries
Transport all suspected cases
If transport is refused:
Request law enforcement at the scene
Stay with patient until Law enforcement arrival
Notify the Rescue District/Battalion Chief
Resuscitation efforts may be terminated only when all of the following criteria exists
Arrest was not witnessed
No shocks provide prior to JFRD arrival
Patient is > 18 years old
Rhythm remains asystole after providing 20 minutes of full ACLS
Acutely hypothermic patients in cardiac arrest shall be
treated and transported
Includes submersion victims
If law enforcement denies you access to the scene
You must obtain the law enforcement officers name and badge number.
If patient not assessed by medical staff within 15 minutes of arrival
consult with charge nurse or nurse manager for guidance; if there is an issue contact your district/battalion chief
Rescue personnel will transfer patient to the hospital stretcher in a timely and expedient manner. If the transfer is delayed
more than 30 minutes notify FRCC.
If, after informing patient of the state guidelines, the patient still insists on transport to another facility, transport will proceed according to patients wishes
This must be documented in Emergency Pro in the Trauma section of the Incident Tab.
Emphasis should be placed on early identification of
cardiac arrests with continuous well performed compressions, defibrillation and rapid transport
Use of an AutoPulse is contraindicated
in trauma patients
Trauma V-fib/Pulseless V-Tach
Administer medications starting with
Epinephrine 1 mg (1:10,000)IV/IO
Repeat Epinephrine every 3 to 5 minutes(consistently)
Do not mix with any other drugs
Recurrent VF/VT give
Amiodarone 300mg Iv/IO
Repeat Amiodarone once at 150 mg IV/IO
Forr Torsades de Pointes
Polymorphic VT
Refractory VF/VT
Give Magnesium Sulfate 2 grams IV/IO
Magnesium Sulfate is to be used as the first antiarrhythmic of choice
in Torsades(polymorphic VT)
H’s and T’s and their appropriate treatments
fluid challenge with 2L max
H’s and T’s and their appropriate treatments
100% O2 with use of BVM and appropriate airway adjunct
H’s and T’s and their appropriate treatments
Hydrogen Ion= acidosis
Sodium Bicarbonate 1mEq/kg IV/IO Condtraindications None is Asystole/PEA Precautions Do not mix with other drugs and flush line well after injecting Inactivates Epinephrine when mix Inactivates Dopamine when mix
H’s and T’s and their appropriate treatments
cool or warm as needed
H’s and T’s and their appropriate treatments
D50W 25grams IV/IO for a BGL less than 60 mg/dl
H’s and T’s and their appropriate treatments
Narcan 1mg- 2mg IV/IO
Shock Trauma
Orotracheal intubation
Administer Ketamine 2mg/kg IV/IO
Administer Midazolam in
2-5 mg increments IV/IO to maintain sedation, may repeat once in 10 minutes
Greater than 64 years old, administer in 2 mg increments
Midazolam contraindication
Intolerance to benzodiazepines
Precaution: May cause hypotension
Head Trauma
Orotracheal intubation
Administer Etomidate 0.5 mg/kg IV/IO over 30 seconds
Peak effect: 1 minute, do not try to intubate for one minute
Duration: 3-5 minutes
Etomidate Contraindications
Known sensitivity
Cardiac/Trauma arrest
Precaution: Pregnancy