Protist Flashcards
Lineage Excavata
Unicellular or colonial 1or multiple flagella,autotrophic,heterotrophic,single nucleus ,usually reproduction by fission, lack cell walls or mitochondria
Eukaryotic,single uni cellular organisms,some are colonial,photosynthetic,paraphyletic Clade
Heterotrophic euglenoids
Unicellular heterotrophic , 1-3 flagella,single nucleus,reproduction by fission,no spores example paranema
Freshwater ,flagella, found in ponds and streams propelled by single flagellum
Phylum parabasaluda
Symbiotic parasitic single nucleus mostly asexual reproduction typically 4-5 flagella not free living
Phylum diplomonadadida
Some free living many live in animals symbionts or parasites, 2 nuclei,asexual reproduction ,typically 8 flagella giardiasis lamblia (intestinal parasites)
Phylum kinetoplastids
Some free living,many live in animals as symbionts or parasites ,2 nuclei asexual reproduction,usually 8 flagella..example trypanosomes gambiense, t brucei, t Cruzi
Lineage Alveolata
Locomotory organs can be flagella on cilia, autotrophic,heterotrophic,parasitic
Phylum apicomplexa
All parasitic,posses apical complex,specialized structure used to penetrate their host ,no locomotor you organelles example GREGARINA parasites found in gut of many insects ,plasmodium vivax (malaria)
Phylum ciliata
Cilia (can be modified) 2types of nuclei, reproduce sexually (conjugation) ,asexually (fission) cilia used for locomotion or feeding macro/micro nucleus
Example paramecium , exploited, stentor
Phylum dinoflagellata
Mostly unicellular,autotrophic, free living, chlorophyll A and C, and carotenoids, food reserve is starch, when cell walls are present usually made of cellulose, usually 2 lateral flagella ,red ties, bioluminescent
Lineage Amoebozoa
Feed or creep around surfaces using lobe like extensions of their cells called pseudopodia
Phylum Rhizopoda
Pseudopodia, occasionally flagellated, single nucleus ,reproduction by fission,no spores,heterotrophic
Lobose amoeba
Common protist on the bottom of ponds all rhizopodia have pseudopodia at some point in their life cycle …pseudopodia,ectoplasm,endoplasm,food vacuole(controlling body of cell)
Slime Molds
Resemble fungi, all slime molds have flagella at some point in their life cycle, move about by amoebid movement, inhabit cool,moist places, primarily forest