Proteomics Flashcards
Define The Proteome
Profiling of the entire set of proteins within a system/cell at a given time and defined
How many amino acids have the potential to make a protein?
20 potential amino acids that can be
combine together to create a protein
Explain how a Quadrupole works?
A quadrupole is a type of ion trap that consists of four parallel metal rods arranged in the shape of a square.
By applying different voltages to the rods, an electric field is created that can trap and manipulate the ions.
The quadrupole can be tuned to allow only ions of a specific mass-to-charge ratio to pass through while others are trapped or deflected.
Commonly used in mass spectrometry to separate and analyze different ions based on their mass-to-charge ratio.
Explain how a A triple quadrupole (QT) functions?
A triple quadrupole (QT) is a type of mass spectrometer that utilizes three quadrupoles in sequence to perform a specific type of analysis known as multiple-reaction monitoring (MRM).
1.The first quadrupole acts as a mass filter, selecting ions of a specific mass-to-charge ratio for further analysis.
- The second quadrupole, also called the collision quadrupole, is used to perform collision-induced dissociation (CID) on the selected ions, breaking them down into smaller fragments.
- The third quadrupole, known as the detection quadrupole, is used to analyze the fragment ions generated in the second quadrupole.
Explain how a Quadrupole Time of flight (TOF) functions?
A quadrupole time-of-flight (QTOF) mass spectrometer is a type of mass spectrometer that combines the capabilities of a quadrupole mass filter and a time-of-flight (TOF) detector.
A QTOF instrument uses a quadrupole mass filter to selectively pass ions of a specific mass-to-charge ratio and then uses a TOF detector to measure the mass of the ions based on the time it takes them to travel a fixed distance.
- Ions are first generated and accelerated into the quadrupole mass filter, where they are focused and separated according to their mass-to-charge ratio.
2.The ions then pass through a collision cell where they may undergo collision-induced dissociation (CID) to produce fragment ions.
3.The fragment ions are then accelerated into the TOF detector where they are detected based on the time it takes them to travel a fixed distance.
Explain how Time-of-flight spectrometry is measured.
Time-of-flight (TOF) is a measurement technique used to determine the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of ions in a mass spectrometer. In a TOF mass spectrometer, ions are first generated and accelerated into a flight tube. The ions are then allowed to travel a fixed distance through the flight tube before they are detected by a detector at the end of the tube. The time it takes for the ions to travel the fixed distance is measured, and this time is used to calculate the mass-to-charge ratio of the ions.
Describe an Orbritrap?
The Orbitrap is a type of mass spectrometer that utilizes ion trapping.
Ions are first generated and then introduced into the instrument. The ions are then trapped and oscillate in an electric field within the Orbitrap analyzer. The oscillating motion of the ions generates a current, which is measured and used to determine the mass-to-charge ratio of the ions.
Explain the role of mass resolution within mass spectrometry?
the ability to resolved closely related adjunct mass peak. The bigger the number the higher the
mass resolution?
High mass resolution can also be useful in applications where the sample contains isomers, which are molecules with the same chemical formula but different structural arrangements.
High mass resolution means that the peaks are well separated and it is easy to distinguish between them, while low mass resolution means that the peaks are closer together and it is difficult to distinguish between them.
What are the units for mass spectometry and what does this represent?
In mass spectrometry, m/z (mass-to-charge ratio) is a measure of the mass of a molecule or ion relative to the number of charges it carries.
When a sample is introduced into a mass spectrometer, it is first ionized, which means that electrons are removed from the molecules or atoms in the sample. The resulting ions have a positive charge, and the m/z value is calculated by dividing the mass of the ion by the number of charges it carries.
Define Scan Speed?
How fast can the mass analyzer scan the entire range of the mass spectrum
The higher the number, the faster it can scan = Good (Speed range 0.5scan/sec-1 to 30 scan/sec-1 )
Explain MS acquisition modes, MMR, PRM, DDA and DIA.
1.MRM (Multiple Reaction Monitoring): MRM is a targeted acquisition mode that is used to detect and quantitate specific compounds in a sample. Uses two mass spectrometer scans, one to select a specific precursor ion, and a second to detect the corresponding product ions after fragmentation.
2.PRM (Parallel Reaction Monitoring): similar to MRM but it allows to monitor multiple transitions. Useful in cases where multiple target compounds are present in a sample and need to be quantified simultaneously.
3.DDA (Data-Dependent Acquisition): selects and analyzes a series of precursor ions from a sample based on their relative abundance. The most intense ions are selected and fragmented, and the resulting product ions are analyzed.
4.DIA (Data-Independent Acquisition): DIA does not rely on the relative abundance instead splitting chamber and indistrciminatley fragmenting of precursor ions, thus it allows for detection of low-abundance precursors.
Explain the role of s Matrix assist laser desorption ionization (MALDI) and its drawbacks?
MALDI is a soft ionization method used in mass spectrometry to analyze large biomolecules such as proteins.
The sample is mixed with a small molecule called a “matrix” and applied to a metal plate. The matrix is typically a weak acid or a compound that absorbs at the wavelength of the laser. A laser beam is then directed at the sample, and the energy from the laser causes the matrix to desorb and ionize the sample molecules. The resulting ions are then analyzed by a mass spectrometer.
+ Useful for intact proteins
- Multiple charges states due to large proteins so hard to derive the original mass.
- not suitable for small ionised molecules
Explain the diffrence between MS1 and MS2?
MS1, also known as “precursor ion scanning” is used to determine the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) and the relative abundance of each precursor ion are determined.
MS2, also known as “product ion scanning” selects a specific precursor ion, and it fragment the precursor ion using collision-induced dissociation (CID) or other fragmentation methods. The resulting product ions are then analyzed to provide additional information about the structure of the precursor ion.
MS2 is useful for isobaric compounds
where they have exact same chemical
formula but different chemical
What are the current limitations of MS based proteomics?
-Detection limit as it can be difficult to detect low-abundance proteins or post-translational modifications.
-Sample complexity: MS-based proteomics can be limited by the complexity of the sample, as it can be difficult to identify and quantitate all of the proteins present in a complex mixture.
-Data analysis: MS-based proteomics can be limited by the complexity of data analysis, as it can be difficult to accurately identify and quantitate proteins using the large amount of data generated by MS-based experiments.
What preparation does MS1 & 2 samples require?
Conventional proteomics required the samples to be trypsinized and turn
into peptide mixture and analysed using both MS1 and MS2 level for chemical ID.
Explain how Protein estimation works?
Multiple methods available for the estimation of protein.
- Bradford assay
- Lowry method.
- Bicinchoninic acid assay.
- Fluorescent based assay.
Essentially A calibration is created using a set of known concentration standards (such as BSA) and a minimum of 6 measurements are taken.
This will in turn will generate a equation of the line (Y = Ax+B)
Concentration and the response recorded, using the equation is it then
back calculate to estimate the protein content (solve for x)
Explain why protein estimation is crusial for the trypsinization step?
trypsinization is a stichometrical reaction meaning we need a very specific ratio to fragment proteins correctly.
How would you solve for X within a calibration curve for protein estimation using (Y = Ax+B). Additinally the sample was in 10ul solution and underwent a 50 fold dilution?
- Subtract B (Y = Ax+B) = (Y-B = Ax)
- Divide by A (Y-B = Ax) = (Y-B)/A=x
- Divide by solution volume %10 = xuL = units
- Multiply Dilution x50
Explain Gel base method for protein fractionation
SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) is a gel-based method for protein fractionation. It is based on the principle that proteins will migrate through a gel matrix under an applied electric field.
In SDS-PAGE, proteins are first denatured by the addition of a detergent, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), which coats the proteins and gives them a uniform negative charge. This allows for proteins to be separated based on their size, rather than charge. The proteins are then applied to a polyacrylamide gel, which acts as the matrix through which the proteins will migrate under an applied electric field
Explain the usefuleness of gel electrophoresis (DiGE) ?
In-gel electrophoresis (DiGE) allows for detection of
changes in protein modification
(band profile and expression).
while changes in any type of modification can potentially be detected, there is still the need to identify the nature of that modification, usually by MS-based approaches.
Describe the steps of Shot gun (Bottom up) proteomic analysis and the aim?
(1) Extraction of protein content from the biological samples
(2)Subsequent determination of approximate protein (Bradford
(3) Fractionation (SDS gels) and trypsin digestion
(4) Clean up step and lyophilization
5) Chemical analysis (DIA or DDA)
(6) Database matching and peak table generations
(7) Data analysis and interpretation
Explain Trypsin digestion
The process of trypsin digestion begins with the addition of trypsin to the protein sample. Trypsin is a serine protease, which means it cleaves peptide bonds by hydrolyzing the peptide bond adjacent to the carboxyl group of the lysine and arginine residues, generating peptides of varying lengths.
pH of 8.3, which is the optimal pH for trypsin activity. The reaction is carried out at 37°C for several hours
These cuts are predictable allowing standardisation. Lastly Tripsin is inactivated using Urea and washed using
List all the stages of protein analysis
1.Protein collection/ estimation techniques
2. Gel electrophoresis
3. tripsinisation + urea + wash to end reaction
4. Ionisation source - Electrospray ionization
Convert liquid samples to
gas phase ions
5 mass analyzer MS1
6. fragmentation
7. MS2 fragment analysing to tell structural component
8. Database matching (Mascot, Global proteome machine (GPM)
* Peakatable (Common proteins detected, ID, relative abundance)
* Quality of data, reproducibility, QCs
Describe the function and mechanisms of Liquid chromatography system?
Main purpose is separate the complex protein mixture into simpler ordered system
Through chromatographic separation using :
Analytical LC proteomic column and solvent gradient profile to separate complex mixture in both time and space.
(C18 reverse chromatography is exclusively used)
Nanoflow system low internal diameter and low flow rate increases peak resolution and improves measurement
Describe the function and mechanisms of Mass analyzer or mass spectrometer (MS) system?
Detects, measures and quantity the peptides abundances in the form of m/z ratio and record the spectral
response as function of total ion current (TIC) against retention time (RT).
Explain Electrospray ionization (ESI)?
Electrospray ionization (ESI) is a method used to generate gas-phase ions from liquid samples. It involves the application of a high voltage to a liquid solution, which causes the liquid to form a spray of small droplets. These droplets are then vaporized and ionized, resulting in the formation of gas-phase ions.
How are fragments identified within mass spectrometry?
An idealised in silico mass spec is devised and matched to database of knowns. A sample is then run and compared and matched up with relevant ones.
Explain the difference between top-down and bottom-up proteomics with examples?
digest and separate into multiple peptides and build the protein structure e.g Shotgun proteomics.
Top down
MALDI analysis of the whole protein with a high resolution mass spectrometer
What are the benefits of top-down proteomics?
Intact protein analysis
Identification of protein isoforms
De novo sequencing- no reference sequence available
While lowering the chance of false positive
100% protein sequence coverage is possible
Characterization of proteolytic processing events and post translational modification (PMT)
What are the negatives of top-down proteomics?
Lower sensitivity and throughput
High sample purity is required (expensive)
Insoluble proteins and big protein are not amenable to analysis
Expensive instrumentation.
Complex data and information rich (chemical and biochemical understanding of system)
Sample prep
Operator skill
What are the benifits of Bottom up proteomics
More complex mixture can be analysed (thousands
of proteins can be measured)
Higher throughtput (100 samples per week is possible)
Greater level of chemical/biological information can be obtained (Hi/low molecular weight, acidic/basic)
Global coverage and characterization of biological system
MS2 level information, ID and database matching
Greater level of biological information and interpretation (more information)
Greater analytical flexibility and control
What are the negatives of Bottom up proteomics
Chemical identification
High rate of false positive (identification on low number of peptide is not reliable)
Proteins without tryptic peptides within the right mass window are missed
PTM and isoform information are often less without correct analytical strategy
Sample prep
Complex system, maintenance, calibrations, system performance assessment.
Chemical identification
High rate of false positive (identification on low number of peptide is not reliable)
Proteins without tryptic peptides within the right mass window are missed
PTM and isoform information are often less without correct analytical strategy
Sample prep
Complex system, maintenance, calibrations, system performance assessment.
Explain Post-translational modification (PTM)
PTM are a set of chemical modifications that plays a important role in the proteins functions. They regulate activity,
localization and interactions with other proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and cofactors. The proteome is dynamic and
changes in response to stimuli, PTM occurs are specific amino acid side chains or peptide linkage which in turn mediate
enzyme activity.
PTM events include:
* Glycosylation
* Ubiquitination
* S-nitrosylation
* Methylation
* Acetylation
* Lipidation
* Hyroxylation
Understanding PMT offer insights and greater understanding into the cellular functions and etiological mechanisms lesion
location mechanism, neurotransmitters mechanism, inflammatory cytokines mechanism) ultimately allowing new
therapeutic targets and treatments in heart disease, cancer, neurodegenerative disease and diabetes
What Factors need to be considered while designing a proteomic experiment or Design Of Experiments (DOE)?
Instrument sensitivity - is the instrument variation small enough in comparison to what you are trying to record?
Have you chosen the best / most recent possible extraction method/ mass spec technique for the specific biological samples in question?
Have you run blanks to account for instrument variation?
Account for sampling errors e.g tripsinisation
What are Quality control (QCs) and wh are they important?
Often it is a pool of the all the samples involved in the study and there is the most reproducible data points within the experiment
It is used to assess for instrumental drift/analytical reproducibility over the course of the profiling experiment.
It is imbedded into the experiment at regular intervals (i.e. everyone 10 or 15 injections), typical 10% of the
all the samples involved are QCs to demonstrate system stability over the course of chemical analysis
Explain Digestion QCs?
It is standard practice to include Bovine serum albumin (BSA) when trypsinization samples for proteomic analysis.
The BSA has a known response and it is well characterised, therefore if the samples has low protein abundance, the digestion QCs can be to identified likely source of error it is important to be able to monitored and evaluate
the efficiency of Trypinzation.
Monitors efficiency of the person doing the experiment.
Explain stable isotope labelling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) ?
Stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) is a method for quantifying changes in protein levels in a cell culture over time.
The technique involves growing cells in media that contains a labeled form of a specific amino acid, such as heavy isotopes of lysine or arginine. As the cells divide and proteins are synthesized, the labeled amino acids are incorporated into the newly synthesized proteins.
By comparing the levels of labeled proteins in the cell culture at different time points, it is possible to determine which proteins are being synthesized or degraded at a faster rate.