Protein Structure Flashcards


A protein molecule = () of aas linked by an () bond (also named () bond)
Condensation reaction between () of one aa and () of another : () is lost to form an () bond called ()
Resulting structure is ()
() is composed of 4 amino acid and () peptide bonds
() of the peptide has free electrons that are not involved in () and can potentially participate in ()


polymer, amide, peptide.
amino, carboxyl, water molecule, amide, peptide.
dipeptide, tetrapeptide, 3, nitrogen, bonding, hydrogen bonding.

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There is a certain sense of () for peptide bond
Resulting peptide has a free () + ()
First always to () and second always to the ()
Nitrogen of peptide bond has free electrons that are not available all the time, meaning that they are not () (amide is a () bond) and will not contribute to () on the protein (not () )
Peptide bond has a () bond character we know from organic that alkenes have a planar shape where all substituent on C=C, in this case C=N lie within the same plane.
In addition a double bond may assume a () or () .
Peptide bond is () that is the () is () oriented with the () (always)


direction, amino terminus and carboxyl terminus, first to the left and second to the right.
deprotonated, neutral, charge, ionizable.
double, cis or trans.
trans peri planar, NH, oppositely, carbonyl

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example of aa that favors cis isomer: ()
Cis: 2R groups are close to each other creating (), () the structure.


proline, steric hindrance, destabilizing

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Restricted rotation between the () and the () of the peptide bond
Rotation is permissible around certain angles like () angle () , and () . These rotations will allow the R groups to rotate in space about a () maximizing the favorable interaction between the () in the protein molecule.
Their importance identified by () who studied () + the best () of synthetic () while () polypeptide chains about the permissible angles psi and phi
This allowed him to describe the () possible favorable structures that aa in polypeptide may assume.


carbonyl and NH
phi, between c alpha and NH and psi between c alpha and c=o.
specific angle, different R groups, ramachandran, shape, conformation, polypeptides, rotating, sterically.

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Change in () (polarity, ionic strength, proton concentration) influences the () and () of protein which results from () of certain interaction or () new interactions that can include () or () forces.
First: () -bonding (() containing aa or amide).
() interactions (() /() bridges occurring between () and () aa).
() interactions (() () R groups).
() interaction or bond other than the peptide bond we have () () that result from () of () residues. (This involves the conversion of the () (-() ) groups in () to () (() ) bonds, typically through the () of electrons. This process is not covalent but rather involves the formation of covalent disulfide bonds, which are a type of covalent bond formed between sulfur atoms.)


environment, conformation, function, changing, creating, non covalent, covalent
H-bonding, OH
ionic, electrostatic, salt, acidic, basic
hydrophobic, water insoluble,
covalent, disulfide bridges oxidation cysteine, thiol SH to disulfide S-S loss

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Physical protein property : () , possible location (presence of () ) for instance mitochondrial proteins have () and () rich sequences that will be recognized by mitochondrial machineries directing protein into mitochondria.
Knowledge of sequence of active sites helps in elucidating () and ()
Identifying the sequence helps in relating sequence to ()
A simple alteration in one aa out of the entire protein may change the () (normal () vs sickle () ). But does this mean that protein sequence is absolutely invariant or constant? NO
Proteins are () so we may have aa variations with little or no effect on function. When we say that, it means that they can exist in multiple structural forms or conformational states, often with distinct functions or properties.
Note that we may have same protein with many alternatively () translated in different organs. example: Many () of () are translated in different organs, these have different sequences and primary structures but carry on the same function (() )
One can identify () proteins for instance if you have isolated it and identified its sequence, comparing it to other well () proteins with known function, a plausible function for this protein may be proposed.
Comparing primary structure is commonly used to predict () in structure and function between proteins.
2 sequences are () if they are highly alignable, (if they share a high degree of structural and sequence similarity, making them align well with each other in a meaningful way), usually evolving from the same gene. In addition the sequence may allow us to deduce () relationship between organisms. Comparing different species homologous proteins which are evolutionary related, perform the same function in different species.
For example the primary structure of () , an electron () in () , was determined in () diff species. In all of them, invariant () aa sequence was detected indicating that these are important for biological activity.
Current protein data base:


Physical protein property : polarity hydrophobicity, solubility, possible location (presence of targeting sequencing) for instance mitochondrial proteins have lysine and arginine rich sequences that will be recognized by mitochondrial machineries directing protein into mitochondria.
Knowledge of sequence of active sites helps in elucidating mechanism and mode of action.
Identifying the sequence helps in relating sequence to pathology.
A simple alteration in one aa out of the entire protein may change the function (normal hemoglobin vs sickle hemoglobin). But does this mean that protein sequence is absolutely invariant or constant? NO
Proteins are polymorphic so we may have aa variations with little or no effect on function. When we say proteins are polymorphic, it means that they can exist in multiple structural forms or conformational states, often with distinct functions or properties.
Note that we may have same protein with many alternatively spliced transcripts translated in different organs. Many isozymes of lactate dehydrogenase are translated in different organs, these have different sequences and primary structures but carry on the same function (conserved active site)
One can identify new proteins for instance if you have isolated a new protein and identified its sequence, comparing it to other well defined proteins with known function, a plausible function for this protein may be proposed.
Comparing primary structure is commonly used to predict similarity in structure and function between proteins.
2 sequences are homologous if they are highly alignable, (if they share a high degree of structural and sequence similarity, making them align well with each other in a meaningful way), usually evolving from the same gene. In addition the sequence may allow us to deduce evolutionary relationship between organisms. Comparing different species homologous proteins which are evolutionary related, perform the same function in different species.
For example the primary structure of cytochrome c, an electron carrier in the electron transport chain, was determined in 60 diff species. In all of them, invariant 27 aa sequence was detected indicating that these are important for biological activity.
Current protein data base:
EMBL : European Molecular Biology Laboratory Data Library
PIR : Protein Identification Resource sequences Data Base

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One can deduce the protein sequence from the () sequence however, you must keep in mind that very often there are some () occurring, the information of which mat not be deduced from the gene sequence.
So one has to combine both () and () ways to determine the protein sequence.
Moreover the location of () is not possible predictable form gene sequence. One has to refer thus to both()


One can deduce the protein sequence from the gene sequence however, you must keep in mind that very often there are some posttranslational modification occurring, the information of which mat not be deduced from the gene sequence.
So one has to combine both genetic and classical ways to determine the protein sequence.
Moreover the location of disulfide bridges is not possible predictable form gene sequence. One has to refer thus to both classical enzymatic and chemical ways and molecular.

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  • In the secondary structure of proteins, regular structural () are characterized by () interactions between neighboring () that result in repetitive and predictable patterns, such as a() or () , contributing to the overall () -dimensional structure of the protein.
  • Secondary structure refers to regular () of the protein.
    The local () of polypeptide into () structures or () that result from () between the peptide bonds.
    Combinations of phi and psi angles that result in () structures between () atoms are not allowed.

repeats, short-range, amino acids, alpha helix, beta pleated sheets, 3.
folding, folding, periodic, repeats, H-bonding, sterically hindered, non-bonded

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Alpha helices () secondary structure and are present in both () and () (variable %)
For example both globular proteins () and () are mainly composed of a() (80%) however () (proteolytic enzyme) is completely devoid of ()
Moreover some () proteins have high content of alpha helix such as () and () .
Here we are dealing with short range () H-bonding interactions between peptide bond () and () (first () second () ).
() structure made of () residues to ()
This will cause the backbone of the polypeptide to () , around imaginary () , by an () amount forming a () . Assuming () case shape.
Each alpha helix has approximate () residues per turn, with H-bonded peptide bonds directed () to the imaginary axis while the R groups of the side chain are () to the outside surface avoiding () or interference.
Extensive tightly packed H-bonding in the inner core () the alpha helix.
Some alpha helixes have both () and () sides (() )


Alpha helices most common secondary structure and are present in both globular and fibrous (variable %)
For example both globular proteins myoglobin and hemoglobin are mainly composed of alpha helix (80%) however chymotrypsin (proteolytic enzyme) is completely devoid of alpha helix.
Moreover some fibrous proteins have high content of alpha helix such as myosin and fibrinogen.
Here we are dealing with short range intramolecular H-bonding interactions between peptide bond n and n+4 (first C=O second N-H ).
spiral structure made of 12 residues to >40
This will cause the backbone of the polypeptide to twist , around imaginary axis , by an equal amount forming a coil . Assuming spiral stair case shape.
Each alpha helix has approximate 3.6 residues per turn, with H-bonded peptide bonds directed parallel to the imaginary axis while the R groups of the side chain are perpendicular to the outside surface avoiding hindrance or interference.
Extensive tightly packed H-bonding in the inner core stabilizes the alpha helix.
Some alpha helixes have both hydrophobic and hydrophilic sides (amphipathic )

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Destabilizing factors of alpha helix:
We have to consider the () core versus the () surface.
Inner core: () between peptide bonds.
Outer core is stabilized / destabilized by() interactions or the () with the () .
If a polypeptide has many Glu residues for example, it thus has a net () charge, so they will be () force that will destabilize the () surface.
On the other hand having () (positively charged) and () (negatively charged) () are favorable provided they do not force or push the H bond in the inner core, below the permissible () (the distance at which the () force is maximal and () force is minimal). Hence it is important to maintain the balance between outer and inner force s in protein conformation.
In addition the presence of adjacent, () groups (2 examples () ) () alpha helical structure. The most disruptive of alpha helical structure is the aa () .
The N is () amine so when it forms a peptide bond there is no () to get involved in () ; disrupting the net work in the () core. So in proteins where there is proline you would expect a () to occur.
Does this mean that proteins with proline residue cannot form helixes? The best answer is () an () protein, () component of () tissue, bone () .. Etc. it has distinctive aa composite: () , () and (). It folds as a () distorted alpha helices.


Destabilizing factors of alpha helix:
We have to consider the inner core versus the outer surface.
Inner core: H-bonding between peptide bonds.
Outer core is stabilized / destabilized by R-R interactions or the R-group with the environment .
If a polypeptide has many Glu residues for example, it thus has a net negative charge, so they will be repulsive force that will destabilize the outer surface.
On the other hand having lysine (positively charged) and glutamate (negatively charged) electrostatic forces are favorable provided they do not force or push the H bond in the inner core, below the permissible Vander Vals radii (the distance at which the attractive force is maximal and repulsive force is minimal). Hence it is important to maintain the balance between outer and inner force s in protein conformation.
In addition the presence of adjacent, bulky groups (2 examples (phe and trp) alpha helical structure. The most disruptive of alpha helical structure is the aa proline .
The N is secondary amine so when it forms a peptide bond there is no free H to get involved in H-bonding ; disrupting the net work in the inner core. So in proteins where there is proline you would expect a bend to occur.
Does this mean that proteins with proline residue cannot form helixes? The best answer is collagen an extracellular protein, insoluble component of connective tissue, bone cartilage .. Etc. it has distinctive aa composite: proline , hydroxy proline and glycine. It folds as a triple distorted alpha helices.

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Beta pleated sheet structures are characterized by a more extended structure characteristic of polypeptides with repetitive sequences and aa small side chain + () shape.
It involves interactions between peptides bonds involving both mainly () and possibly () molecular H-bonding.
Unlike the alpha helix between n and n+4 here we are dealing with longer stretch of aa (() residues folded / stacked in layers where then the peptide bonds interact via H-bond.
There are 2 types of beta pleated sheets in which the polypeptides run () to each other and () .
Parallel beta sheets has H-bonding that are distorted so they are less () than antiparallel, whereas in the antiparallel the H-bonds are () , better filling of space and more () . Typical example of antiparallel beta pleated sheets is () .
it is made up of () repeats : () . Because of its small size () is characteristic of beta sheets folded proteins because it can fit easily between the ().
Another type is () which are common in () proteins. Located at () of the protein composed of () affecting a change in direction of the polypeptide. They often contain () and () .
() usually occurs at position and () linked together by () forming a () .


Beta pleated sheet structures are characterized by a more extended structure characteristic of polypeptides with repetitive sequences and aa small side chain + zigzag shape.
It involves interactions between peptides bonds involving both mainly inter and possibly intra molecular H-bonding.
Unlike the alpha helix between n and n+4 here we are dealing with longer stretch of aa (10-15 residues folded / stacked in layers where then the peptide bonds interact via H-bond.
There are 2 types of beta pleated sheets in which the polypeptides run parallel to each other and antiparallel.
Parallel beta sheets has H-bonding that are distorted so they are less stable than antiparallel, whereas in the antiparallel the H-bonds are collinear , better filling of space and more stable . Typical example of antiparallel beta pleated sheets is silk protein .
it is made up of 6 repeats : gly-ser-gly-ala-gly-ala. Because of its small size gly is characteristic of beta sheets folded proteins because it can fit easily between the layers.
Another type is beta turns which are common in globular proteins. Located at surface of the protein composed of 4 amino acids affecting a change in direction of the polypeptide. They often contain glycine and proline .
glycine usually occurs at position and 4 linked together by H-bonding forming a loop .

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It is mainly alpha helical structure when the hair is exposed to () and () it changes, H-bonds in keratin are disrupted assuming a new secondary structure parallel beta pleated sheets.
The fact that the H- bonds in parallel beta pleated sheets are distorted, makes them () . Thus when the hair () it goes back to the native structure.


It is mainly alpha helical structure when the hair is exposed to moist and heat it changes, H-bonds in keratin are disrupted assuming a new secondary structure parallel beta pleated sheets.
The fact that the H- bonds in parallel beta pleated sheets are distorted, makes them unstable. Thus when the hair dries it goes back to the native structure.

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A transition between secondary and tertiary structure is called: ()
Combination of various secondary structures generates () ; for instance several alpha helices or beta pleated sheet –alpha helix –beta pleated sheets .
SSS are usually associated with a particular functional property such as binding of () () or ().
Examples include() and () found in () factors, mediating the binding of proteins to (). Therefore, these structural motifs help proteins attach to and interact with specific DNA sequences.
Combination of motifs generates a () forming for example a () like structure where you have beta pleated sheets surrounded by (). () are part of polypeptide that can independently fold leading to a () structure.


A transition between secondary and tertiary structure is called: super secondary structure
Combination of various secondary structures generates motifs ; for instance several alpha helices or beta pleated sheet –alpha helix –beta pleated sheets .
SSS are usually associated with a particular functional property such as binding of NAD ATP or small ion molecules
Examples include leucine zippers and zinc fingers found in transcription factors, mediating the binding of proteins to DNA. Therefore, these structural motifs help proteins attach to and interact with specific DNA sequences.
Combination of motifs generates a domain for example a barrel like structure where you have beta pleated sheets surrounded by alpha helices. domains are part of polypeptide that can independently fold leading to a tertiary structure.

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Tertiary structures:
() or folding that produces a 3-d rigid structure in space.
() folding where different segments of the folded polypeptide, which are apart from each other in primary structure, are folded here in close proximity.
The final tertiary structure is an assembly of folded domain(s). So groups distant from each other come close to each other.
Hence as protein folds forming motifs, then several motifs into domains these domains will fold together involving side group interactions leading to a tertiary structure (3 dimensional structure in space).
A tertiary structure of a protein may be composed of () domain or () domains (collectively called tertiary structure).
Each domain has a characteristic () with () interior and () exterior.
() proteins composed of different domains can perform different tasks.


Tertiary structures:
supercoiling or folding that produces a 3-d rigid structure in space.
distant folding where different segments of the folded polypeptide, which are apart from each other in primary structure, are folded here in close proximity.
The final tertiary structure is an assembly of folded domain(s). So groups distant from each other come close to each other.
Hence as protein folds forming motifs, then several motifs into domains these domains will fold together involving side group interactions leading to a tertiary structure (3 dimensional structure in space).
A tertiary structure of a protein may be composed of single domain or several domains (collectively called tertiary structure).
Each domain has a characteristic geometry with hydrophobic interior and hydrophilic exterior.
multifunctional proteins composed of different domains can perform different tasks.

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examples of tertiary structures:

HK: () is a () () () that catalyzes the () of () into () The enzyme has a () binding site at a cleft between () () . When it binds, the () () () move to close over the substrate trapping it for () to occur.
LDH: or () catalyzes () () of () into (). Each subunits is made of () domains one that () and the other that binds the substrate (() .
The FAS or () is composed of() domains . Domains() catalyze () while domain () catalyzes () reaction.


examples of tertiary structures:

HK: hexokinase is a single polypeptide enzyme that catalyzes the phosphorylation of glucose into glucose-6-phosphate. The enzyme has a glucose binding site at a cleft between surrounding domains . When it binds, the 2 surrounding domains move to close over the substrate trapping it for phosphorylation to occur.
LDH: or lactate dehydrogenase catalyzes reversible reduction of pyruvate into lactate. Each subunits is made of 2 domains one that NAD and the other that binds the substrate pyruvate .
The FAS or Fatty acid synthase is composed of 3 (I,II,III) domains . Domains I and II catalyze 6 enzymatic reactions while domain III catalyzes one reaction.

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tertiary type of bonds:
Non covalent interaction include:
H-bonding (() containing aa ()(2 examples) or () containing side chain such as () of () 2 examples)
Ionic / electrostatic interactions: salt bridges: acid aa with basic aa, or association of () (polar or nonpolar) ionizable aa with environment); hydrophobic interaction (() and/or () (R-R) () 2 examples .. Etc)
Covalent bond: characteristic of tertiary structure is formation of disulfide bridges from the oxidation of 2 cys residues (S-S). The side chain of cys has SH residue that is oxidized consolidating the folded structure by a covalent bond. However keep in mind that not aal cys residues need to be involved in disulfide bridges.
To reduce back the disulfide this requires a () agent, such as (), or () all these reduces S-S at the expense of themselves getting (). This is ().
Treating however disulfide bridges with() agent like () or () like () will irreversibly break the S-S bond into () and ()respectively. Neither alcohol or detergents break the S-S bridges.


tertiary type of bonds:
Non covalent interaction include:
H-bonding (OH containing aa ser and thre or carbonyl containing side chain such as amide of gln and asn 2 examples)
Ionic / electrostatic interactions: salt bridges: acid aa with basic aa, or association of polar ionizable aa with environment); hydrophobic interaction (aliphatic and/or aromatic (R-R) ala-val/phe-trp .. Etc)
Covalent bond: characteristic of tertiary structure is formation of disulfide bridges from the oxidation of 2 cys residues (S-S). The side chain of cys has SH residue that is oxidized consolidating the folded structure by a covalent bond. However keep in mind that not aal cys residues need to be involved in disulfide bridges.
To reduce back the disulfide this requires a reducing agent, such as mercaptoethanol, or GSH glutathione all these reduces S-S at the expense of themselves getting oxidized. This is reversible.
Treating however disulfide bridges with strong oxidizing agent like performic acid or alkylating agent like iodoacetate will irreversibly break the S-S bond into sulfonic SO3- and acetylated intermediate (S-acetyl) respectively. Neither alcohol or detergents break the S-S bridges.


In general proteins made of single functional polypeptide like () stop at the tertiary structure.
The aggregation of identical or different monomeric subunits is quaternary structure like ()  it would be () .
FAS is made of single polypeptide with 3 domains collectively forming tertiary structure of one subunit. However FAS is inactive so it () with another subunit to form an active quaternary structure FAS complex. Since they are identical we call it ()
Contrary is hetero like () which () () () into () .
It is made up of 2 main subunits with each composed of multimeric subunits: () made of () subunit () and () is made of() subunits and () is another example composed of () . Each globin chain is associated with a () group, which contains an () atom that binds to oxygen.
Type of bonds: non-covalent H-bonding, electrostatic and hydrophobic and rarely covalent S-S bonds.


In general proteins made of single functional polypeptide like myoglobin stop at the tertiary structure.
The aggregation of identical or different monomeric subunits is quaternary structure like hemoglobin –> it would be multimeric .
FAS is made of single polypeptide with 3 domains collectively forming tertiary structure of one subunit. However FAS is inactive so it dimerizes with another subunit to form an active quaternary structure FAS complex. Since they are identical we call it HOMO dimer
Contrary is hetero like F1F0ATPase which catalyzes ADP phosphorylation into ATP.
It is made up of 2 main subunits with each composed of multimeric subunits: F0 made of 13 subnit c and F1 made 3 alpha 3 beta gamma subunits and hemoglobin is another example composed of alpha 2 beta 2 subunits. Each globin chain is associated with a heme group, which contains an iron atom that binds to oxygen.
Type of bonds: non-covalent H-bonding, electrostatic and hydrophobic and rarely covalent S-S bonds.


How does multimeric protein structure favor function of protein? Best example is providing a prototype of structure – function relation is hemoglobin (HB).
Hb is tetrameric protein composed of 2 alpha and 2 beta subunits that are associated by extensive H-bonding, hydrophobic-hydrophobic interactions and salt bridges. Each subunit is made of a () () and () ()
Each subunit is capable of binding to one O2 molecule. The binding of first oxygen facilitates the binding of other O2s = () . () specifically: where the binding of an oxygen makes it easier for the other to bind.
The binding of first O2 is difficult and requires high () (more favored in the () ) so the protein has to undergo significant () involving () of the subunits and the overall quaternary structure.
This allows the molecule to exists in an () that favors binding of ligand and () that does not bind to the ligand, in addition we need specific () that will allow the protein to shift between ()

When Hb binds O2: R state its function will be to transport and deliver or release O2. () will favor the deoxygenation of HbO2 allowing it to release () and carry back instead protons and CO2. we call protons and CO2 () or () .
When oxygen binds to the () of one hb subunit (T conformation) it will cause a motion in one of the helices (secondary structure) triggering further motion in the other helices (SSS) of this subunit.

This changes the overall tertiary structure leading to disruption of () between the subunits. This in turn will shift the quaternary structure into R conformation that favors and facilitates oxygen binding (positive cooperativity). When the ligand that facilitates binding at other subunits is the same we refer to it as () effector for example ()
If the ligand is different from the effector we call it () effector for example () favoring () of hemoglobin or release of the oxygen into tissues.

Note that peripheral tissues have low () but high () because of the () activity allowing oxygen to be released from blood carrying oxygenated Hb.

TO READ: Can a substrate (ligand) binds an enzyme with negative cooperativity?
negative cooperativity can occur in enzyme-substrate binding. In negative cooperativity, the binding of one substrate molecule to an enzyme decreases the affinity of the enzyme for additional substrate molecules. This means that as more substrate molecules bind to the enzyme, it becomes progressively more challenging for additional substrates to attach. This type of cooperativity is often observed in enzymes with multiple active sites, such as allosteric enzymes. It allows for precise control of enzymatic activity in response to changes in substrate concentration, helping to regulate metabolic pathways and maintain cellular homeostasis


How does multimeric protein structure favor function of protein? Best example is providing a prototype of structure – function relation is hemoglobin (HB).
Hb is tetrameric protein composed of 2 alpha and 2 beta subunits that are associated by extensive H-bonding, hydrophobic-hydrophobic interactions and salt bridges. Each subunit is made of a apoprotein alpha or beta and heme (porphyrin or prosthetic group)
Each subunit is capable of binding to one O2 molecule. The binding of first oxygen facilitates the binding of other O2s = (cooperative manner) . positive cooperativity specifically: where the binding of an oxygen makes it easier for the other to bind.
The binding of first O2 is difficult and requires high oxygen tension (more favored in the lungs ) so the protein has to undergo significant conformation changes involving secondary and tertiary structures of the subunits and the overall quaternary structure.
This allows the molecule to exists in an R conformation that favors binding of ligand and T conformation that does not bind to the ligand, in addition we need specific effectors or modulators that will allow the protein to shift between R and T states.

When Hb binds O2: R state its function will be to transport and deliver or release O2. CO2 AND H+ will favor the deoxygenation of HbO2 allowing it to releaseO2 and carry back instead protons and CO2. we call protons and CO2 effectors or modulators.
When oxygen binds to the heme of one hb subunit (T conformation) it will cause a motion in one of the helices (secondary structure) triggering further motion in the other helices (SSS) of this subunit.

This changes the overall tertiary structure leading to disruption of salt bridges between the subunits. This in turn will shift the quaternary structure into R conformation that favors and facilitates oxygen binding (positive cooperativity). When the ligand that facilitates binding at other subunits is the same we refer to it as homotropic effector for example oxygen
If the ligand is different from the effector we call it heterotropic effector for example H+ and CO2 favoring deoxygenation of hemoglobin or release of the oxygen into tissues.

Note that peripheral tissues have low oxygen but high protons and CO2 because of the metabolic activity allowing oxygen to be released from blood carrying oxygenated Hb.


A mutation in the protein () (extracellular alpha helical) causes () syndrome with abnormalities affecting () and (), () like (). The patients are characterized by () and ().


A mutation in the protein fibrillin (extracellular alpha helical) causes marafan syndrome with abnormalities affecting cardiovascular systems aorta and valvular diseases, defective ligaments eyes like dislocated lenses. the patients are characterized by long fingers and extremities.


Vitamin c deficiency causes improper assembly of () () (). Since it is a major component of connective tissues constituting () of total proteins in mammals with diverse forms and functions, deficiency in vitamin C leads to () characterized mainly in () gums (() teeth) and fragility of() .

In addition it affects () enzyme that is required in () () and () components of collagen required for () -chain-H bonding of the collagen triple helix.

Decreased activity (vit c deficiency or hydroxylase mutation) will impair collagen triple helix structure causing significant stretch ability to () .


Vitamin c deficiency causes improper assembly of collagen triple helix. Since it is a major component of connective tissues constituting 225-35% of total proteins in mammals with diverse forms and functions, deficiency in vitamin C leads to scurvy characterized mainly in bleeding gums (loose teeth) and fragility of blood vessels.

In addition it affects prolyl hydroxylase enzyme that is required in hydroxylating proline and lysing components of collagen required for inter -chain-H bonding of the collagen triple helix.

Decreased activity (vit c deficiency or hydroxylase mutation) will impair collagen triple helix structure causing significant stretch ability to skin .