Protein malfunction in reproductive disorders Flashcards
Describe the hypothalamus-Pituitary-Gonad axis
(3 main steps)
- Hypo- produces and releases GnRH
- Pit gland- anterior lobe releases FSH and LH in response to GnRH
- FSH and LH then act on the gonads to produce sex hormones and regulate reproductive processes such as the menstrual cycle in females and sperm production in males.
How is the H-P-G axis regulated?
The HPG axis operates through a feedback loop. For example, in females, estrogen levels can feedback to the hypothalamus and pituitary to regulate the release of GnRH, FSH, and LH, ensuring proper reproductive function.
Why is the H-P-G axis important?
This axis is crucial for the development and maintenance of reproductive functions, including puberty, menstrual cycles, and fertility.
GnRH action of gonadotropes: give description on the action in low and high frequecy pulses of GnRH?
Low-Frequency Pulses: These pulses are more effective in stimulating the secretion of FSH, which is important for the development of ovarian follicles in females and sperm production in males.
High-Frequency Pulses: These pulses are more effective in stimulating the secretion of LH, which is crucial for ovulation in females and testosterone production in males
What hormone is expressed at ovulation?
What is Polycystic Ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
- Enlarged ovaries
- high number of follicles
- endocrine but can still be inherited
Why are patients who are affected by PCOS infertile?
Under-developed follicles that cannot ovulate accumulate in the ovaries. this can contribute to infertility
What hormonal cause lead to PCOS?
reduced follicle maturation is probably due to low levels of FSH, high levels of androgens and high inhibin.
What treatment is used for PCOS?
it induces the pituitary gland to produce more FSH, which in turn stimulates maturity and release of the eggs.
What is Kallman syndrome? What gene is responsible?
Consists of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
Gene responsible= X-linked for of the syndrome is due to KAL1 which encodes for a protein Ansomnia which plays a key role in the migration of GnRH neurons.
What causes the anosmia in males? What do females present?
Hypogonadism secondary to deficiency of hypothalamic GnRH.
Females= trasmitting females have partial or complete anosmia.
What hormonal impacts do patients with Kallman syndrome have?
Imparied secretion of FSH and LH
What treatment is used for Kallman syndrome
Chorionic gonadotropin can correct cryptorchidism and establish fertility in adult males.
What causes autosomal Kallman syndrome (KAL2)?
Mutation in FGFR1
What is McCune Albright Syndrome? causes/symptoms etc.
Cause by mosaicism for activating mutations in the GNAS1
Symptom: Precocious puberty- menstatration can occur int he first months of life.
What mutation causes delayed puberty?
GPR54 gene mutated.
GPR54 deficient mice had isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in males and delayed vaginall opening in females and absence of follicular maturation in females.
What is Kisspeptin? talk about female and male impacts and effect on FSH LH & sex steroids.
Kiss1-null mice fail to undergo sexual maturation
Females do not progress through estrous cycle, do not produce mature Graffian follicles
Males have small testes and spermatogenesis arrested mainly at the early haploid spermatoid stage.
Both sexes have low circulating gonadotropin (FSH & LH) and sex steroids