Protein Function Flashcards
What is quaternary structure?
- Two or more polypeptide chains/subunits
* Subunits divided into functional regions/domains
What makes up haemoglobin?
- Tetramer of four subunits
- Dimer of Two α, Two β protomers
- Protomer: structural unit of protein with quarte nary structure
- Each chain has single globin domain
What is the quaternary structure and function of IgG?
- Four subunits (2 heavy, 2 light chains)
- Bind antigen ligand
- Variable regions at end undergo conformational change
What happens in one subunit experiences conformational change within a protein?
• Conformational change of one subunit has flow on effect through whole complex (e.g. hb and O2 binding)
Are enzymes usually multimeric?
What is special about the structure of pyruvate dehydrogenase?
• Structure allows direct channelling of substrates to active sites
• Made of 3 different enzymes (3 different genes contribute)
o E1 pyruvate dehydrogenase
o E2 dihyrolipoyl transacetylase
o E3 dihyrolipoyl dehydrogenase
What types of structure do insoluble fibrous proteins have? What’s an examples?
• Eg. Collagen, fibrils in connective tissue, amyloid fibrils
What gives collagen strength?
• Collagen strong because repeating trinucleotide forms helical structure, 3 helices wrap around each other
What is the structure of myoglobin?
- 16.7 kDa, 153 AA
- Muscle protein, red, 70% α helix
- 8 α helices (7-23 AA)
- Diving animals, seals
What is the function of myoglobin?
- Store oxygen in muscles
* Release oxygen, muscle contraction and energy
What allows seals to dive for a long time?
slow heart rate, breathing, shunt blood to heart/brain/muscles. Lots of mb, positively charged surface to prevent clumping as mb proteins repel each other
How does O2 interact with Heme?
• O2 binds reversibly to heme group Fe2+ (allow O2 to be released when needed)
What is the heme prosthetic group?
o Planar, porphyrin ring
o Fe binds to histidine residue and O2
What are pO2 and θ and how do they interact?
• θ is fractional saturation for binding sites of P/Mb
o fraction of available sites bound to ligand
o [PL]/([P]+[PL])
• pO2 = partial pressure of oxygen
What is involved in the binding equilibrium?
• Protein ligand interaction ( P + L ↔ PL ), Mb + O2 ↔ MbO2
• NOT related to Ka for acid-base pKa stuff
• P + L ↔ PL
• Rate constants (f forward, b backward)
o Kf
o Kb
• At equilibrium when rate of forward reaction = rate of backward
o Kf [P][L] = Kb [PL]
What is Kd and Ka?
• Association constant for L to P binding is Ka
o Ka = Kf/Kb = [PL]/([P][PL])
o Ka is equilibrium constant for P + L ↔ PL
o Concentration is inverse (conc-1, mM-1 etc)
• Disassociation constant is Kd (inverse of Ka)
o Kd = 1/Ka = [P][L]/[PL]
o Kd is equilibrium constant for release of L from binding site on PL ↔ P + L
o Concentration is normal (conc, mM etc)
What’s the equation for θ?
θ = ([L])/(Kd+[L])
How does Kd relate to LP binding?
- Kd shows strength of L to P binding (large = low affinity, PL wants to revert to P + L)
- θ = 0.5, corresponding [L] = Kd (half the binding sites are occupied)
- Kd is concentration of L required for half of all available sites on protein to be bound to L
Which concentration units are used for Kd and Ka?
d: conc, a: conc ^-1
What is biotin?
- Vitamin, can’t be synthesised
- Needed for reactions with Co2 additions
- Binds avidin (protein in egg whites)
- Kd super small (10-15 M), binding basically irreversible
- Too many raw eggs = biotin deficiency
What is cooperative binding?
o Work together, make it easier
o One O2 binds, makes it easier for the next ones due to the subunit changes
o Four subunits
What happens during the binding of O2 to Hb?
• Hb binds O2 in lungs (pO2 13kPa) and releases O2 in tissue (pO2 4kPa)
• Low affinity Hb = T state (tense)
• High affinity Hb = R state (relaxed)
• More O2 binds, go from T to R state
• First O2 binds globin subunit weakly, T state made unstable, T to R transition made easier
o Shift in subunit pairs
o His residues of B subunits rotate towards centre, no longer involved in ion pairs
• More O2 binds, more Hb molecule in R state, more cooperative ligand binding
• Fourth O2 binds Hb in R state
What are the T and R states of Hb?
- Low affinity Hb = T state (tense)
* High affinity Hb = R state (relaxed)
How does H+ influence O2 binding to Hb? Why is this good for the body?
- Lower pH, decreased Hb affinity for O2 (H+ stabilise Hb in T state)
- Allows O2 to be offloaded from Hb in tissues (pH is lower because metabolism products)
What is the mechanism for the effect of H+ on O2 and Hb binding?
- Protons/H+ might bind N-termini of α subunits, His residue of β subunit
- Stabilises T state, θ vs. pO2 curve shifts right
- Small pH change = massive affinity change
How does Co2 influence O2 and Hb binding? What is the Bohr Effect?
- More Co2 in tissues (catabolism) favours O2 release
- CO2 binds more strongly to amino terminal NH2 globin (NOT heme) in T structure than R structure
- Binding stabilises T structure, lowers affinity for Hb of O2
- Globin-NH2 + CO2 ↔ Globin-NH-COO- + H+
• Decreased affinity of Hb for O2 at lower pH and increased CO2 = Bohr Effect
How does 2,3, BPG influence O2 and Hb binding?
- BPG from intermediate in glycolysis (in RBCs, more at high altitude)
- Interacts with Hb, site far from O2 binding site, has effect on O2 binding
- Binds Hb, decreases affinity for O2 (like H+ and CO2)
- HbBPG + O2 ↔ HbO2 + BPG
- Hb single binding site for BPG in centre (larger in T state)
- BPG occupies cavity, stabilises T state
How does altitude impact oxygen delivery?
- High altitude, decreased pO2 in lungs, decreased O2 delivery. Increased BPG restores O2 delivery to tissue (more BPG binding and decreasing Hb affinity for O2)
- No BPG: O2 binds and holds on. Essential for transfer.
What is special about foetal Hb?
- γ not β subunits
* lower affinity for BPG than maternal Hb, higher affinity for O2
What is the hill plot?
Ka = [PLn]/([P][L]n) [PLn] = Ka[P][L]n θ = 〖[L]〗^n/(Kd+〖[L]〗^n ) log (θ/1- θ) = nlog[L] - logKd log(θ/1- θ) vs log[L] = Hill plot Slope should be n (number of binding sites) Slope < number of binding sites Slope measure interaction between binding sites (degree of cooperatively) = nH
What are the features of Hb’s nH?
Theoretical upper limit for nH is n (n = 4 for Hb)
Plot deviates from straight line at high/low concentration of ligand
Low [O2] means can only bind low affinity site
High [O2] means most sites in high affinity state
What does nH > 1 mean?
nH > 1: positive cooperativity. Bind one site, increase binding at other sites
What does nH = 1 mean?
nH = 1: not cooperative binding, sites are independent
What does nH < 1 mean?
nH < 1: negative cooperativity. Bind one site, decrease binding at other sites
How come carbon monoxide is more dangerous than anaemia?
- Anaemic people can survive with half function Hb, but if 50% bound by CO death
- CO binds strongly, HbCO accumulates
- CO increases affinity of remaining Hb subunits for O2
- Hb molecule binds 2 CO molecules, bind O2 in lungs, cannot release in tissues
What happens in sickle cell anaemia?
- Mutant β gene, allele for S Hb, both parents
* Deoxygenated S Hb forms polymers which aggregate to insoluble tubular fibres
What is the chemical reasoning behind sickle cell anaemia?
• Glu replaced with Val
o Hb S less negative charges than normal Hb (Glu +1, Val neutral)
o Lose Glu from each β chain
o Different solubility, aggregate I sticky patch
What are the consequences of having Hb s?
o Less RBCs o Abnormal RBCs o Painful, life threatening o Fragile RBCs, rupture, less O2 in blood o Block capillaries