*How do you distinguish between the genome and the proteome?
Genome- set of genes present in a cell or organism
Proteome- set of proteins that are expressed and modified by cell. Proteome is NOT Constant unlike genome as it VARIES based on biochemical conditions.
*What properties of proteins allow them to be purified from a crude cell extraction?
differences in chemical properties such as solubility, size, charge and specific binding affinity.
*What is SDS and how does it work? How does it participate in gel electrophoresis?
SDS- Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate- detergent that denatures proteins (cause protein to unfold, become linear). Sodium aids in gel electrophoresis since it is negatively charged and will bind to + charge on protein, make all charges on protein negative.
*Describe the principle of Isoelectric focusing?
process of separating proteins based on their amount of acidic and basic amino acids.
process- place a mixture of proteins in gel with proton gradient, apply electric field, and watch proteins migrate until at isoelectric point (pH at 0 net charge)
*How can an antibody be used to specifically purify a protein?
Antibody- protein made in response to presence of foreign agent called antigen. Antibodies are able to recognize a particular structural feature of antigen called epitope.
*Describe the distinction between a polyclonal antibody and a monoclonal antibody
monoclonal antibody- a cell makes antibody that recognizes ONE specific epitope on antigen.
Polyclonal antibody- DIFFERENT cells produce antibodies to an antigen with MULTIPLE epitopes.
*Describe the steps in a western blot analysis.
Western blotting (immunoblotting)-
- proteins separated in SDS-PAGE gel,
- transfer proteins to polymer sheet (blotting)
- primary antibody bind to protein of interest
- wash, Stain with Fluorescent antibody; this secondary antibody(linked to enzyme for color) now bound to primary antibody
- excite secondary antibody through light,
- locate protein band detected by fluorescent emission of antibody.
*What is required to occur before purifying proteins?
An assay or test that determines if the protein of interest is present.
*Describe how protein purifications are monitored. What is relationship between specific activity and purification?
Monitored by determining specific activity of protein being purified. Specific activity- measure level of enzyme activity based on protein concentration. specific activity should increase along with each step of purification.
*Explain the process of SDS-PAGE. What does it help distinguish about proteins?
Sodium Dodecyl sulfate Polyacramide Gel Electrophoresis- process of separating proteins bases on size. SDS will denature protein and make all charges on protein negative. Then a current will be run through gel and proteins will migrate to positive electrode on gel. Identify that small molecules move faster towards gel; larger molecules move slower.
Describe how Affinity Chromatography works?
some proteins have a high affinity for a specific chemical or chemical group. Beads that have specific chemical group attached made. Protein mixtures will run through a column where only proteins that have an affinity for certain chemical group will be retained. The bound protein can then be released by passing a solution that is loaded with specific chemical that protein was attached to.
How can proteins that are separated by SDS-PAGE be visualized (describe technique) ?
The Polyacramide gel can be stained with dyes like Coomassie blue that will present a series of band of different pigment levels (protein stain blue on clear surface).
How can proteins be separated by gel electrophoresis? What info does SDS PAGE provide about proteins?
charged proteins are able to migrate in a gel with an applied electric field.
SDS PAGE- gives accurate determination of mass; SDS denatures proteins (1 SDS bind 2 aa) and protein will have same charge to mass ratio, only leaving them to migrate in gel based on mass only.
In gel electrophoresis which molecules are the fastest to migrate down gel?
Smaller molecules will migrate faster. (Larger molecules are slow).
What occurs in 2D Gel Electrophoresis?
proteins are separated in one direction by isoelectric focusing (protein migrate until reach pI), and then gel attached to SDS PAGE gel at 90 degree angle from isoelectric focusing separation (horizontally)