=Protection/DP Flashcards
Article IV - Privileges and Immunities Clause
Prohibits discrimination by a state against a non-resident.
Only provides protection vs. fundamental rights or civil liberties such as important economic interest like livelihood.
Generally only applies when discrimination is protectionist in nature.
Does Article IV - Privileges and Immunities protect corporations and aliens?
What doctrines protect aliens?
Equal Protections
Due Process of 14th Amendment
Dormant Commerce Clause
Outcome if State regulation discriminates against interstate commerce on its face?
Invalid unless:
1) Furthers important non-economic activity and state interest and no reasonable alternative exists.
2) State is a market participant
3)Involves government action regarding performance of a traditional government function
What is the principal of the dormant commerce clause?
If congress has not enacted laws regarding a subject, a state or local government may regulate local aspects of interstate commerce.
The state cant discriminate or unduly burden interstate commerce - otherwise its a violation of the commerce clause
What is another name for the dormant commerce clause?
The negative commerce clause
True or False: A state can prefer its own citizens if it is a market participant
How can a state win a challenge to a claim of a violation of the DCC?
The state must prove that:
(i) regulations furthers an important non-economic interest
(ii) no reasonable non-discriminatory alternative is available.
What is the analysis if the state/local law does not discriminate?
Commerce Clause: If burden on interstate commerce and such burden outweighs the state interest = invalid
No claim under Article IV P & I because no discrimination.
Who generally regulates foreign corporations?
Who generally regulates aliens?
Is there a market exception to commerce clause?
Is there a market exception to P&I of Article IV
What is the result of a state law burdens ICC but is not discriminatory on its face?
Unless the state’s interest in regulation outweighs the burden on interstate commerce.
What is the analysis if state and local action discriminate vs. out of state entities?
Commerce Clause analysis and PI of Article IV analysis
Can a corporation or alien be a plaintiff under a commerce clause challenge?
Can a corporation or alien be a plaintiff under a privilege and immunities challenge?
What is the 14th Amendment Priv OR Immunities Clause?
A state may not deny their citizens privileges or immunities of natural citizenship
-voting, interstate travel, petition to congress
What is the affect if state regulation affects activity addressed by federal legislation?
The regulation is invalid if:
1) Federal law preempts the field; or
2) state law conflicts with federal law
Valid if the federal law authorizes it and there is no conflict with another law.
What is the result if a law
1) Not affect activity regulation by federal law
2) not discriminate against interstate commerce
3) Not burden interstate commerce
Valid state regulation
How can a state law or regulation survives challenges under Article IV Privlege and Immunity?
State must show that non-resident either caused or is part of the issue; and
no less restrictive means are available to solve the problem.
What level of scrutiny is given to General discrimination?
What level of scrutiny is given to legitimacy discrimination?
Is an all male draft considered valid or invalid law?
Are rape laws considered to be valid or invalid gender based laws?
Are gender-based death benefits valid or invalid?
Are gener-based peremptory strikes valid or invalid?
Is alimony only for women valid or invalid?
Gender based discrimination drinking age - valid or invalid?
What are the suspect classes?
Race/National Origin/Religion/Alienage
State discrimination against aliens.
If congress does it not strict scrutiny
What is the scrutiny standard if congress discriminates against alien?
Likely - rational basis - usually upheld if reasonable.
What is the scrutiny standard if a state discriminates against alien?
Strict Scrutiny
What is the scrutiny standard for affirmative action?
Strict Scrutiny: Ok to remedy past discrimination
- Must be narrowly tailored
- States can remove affirmative action
Can race be considered for drawing district lines?
Yes but it cannot be the predominant factor
Is racial imbalance enough for a law to be struck down?
No - there must be discriminatory intent.
What type of power does congress have over aliens and corporations?
Plenary Power
What is the standard if the law against an alien discriminates against their participation in state law?
Rational basis test - applies to work as a police office, h.s./m.s./elementary school teacher/ probation officer
What is the standard for discriminating against undocumented individuals?
Rational basis