Prosthetics & Orthotics Flashcards
What is a single axis foot?
- articulated foot w/ lower shank
- motion-controlled with rubber bumpers
What is a Solid Ankle Cushion Heel (SACH) foot?
- non articulated
- energy absorbing heel
- limits plantarflexion
- small amount of frontal and transverse plane movement
- assist in hyperext of knee (stability)
What are the pressure TOLERANT areas for a transtibial amputee?
- Patellar Tendon
- Medial Tibial Plateau
- Tibial and Fibular shafts
- Distal End (rarely, may be sensitive)
What positions should you avoid to prevent contractures in transTIBIAL amputees?
- Prolonged hip flex and ER –> schedule regular time in prone lying
- Knee flex –> use extension board under knee when in wheelchair
What is a Craig-Scot KAFO?
stand with post lean of trunk
*patients with paraplegia
What are the types of post-op dressings?
- Elastic wraps: soft, flexible, wrap distal to proximal (trouble with edema control
- Stump Shrinkers: flexible, soft, inexpensive
- Semirigid dressings: Unna paste - applied in OR
- Rigid dressing: Good for young patients - applied in OR
What is a halo vest for?
cervical spinal cord injuries
What is a Solid Ankle Flexible Endoskeleton (SAFE) foot?
- non articulated, flexible
- more non sagittal plane movements
What is a Syme’s amputation?
surgical removal of the foot at the ankle joint with removal of the maleoli
In a transtibial amputee, what is a Patella Tendon-Bearing (PTB) socket?
Total contact sock that bears weight on the patella tendon
What is a Taylor Brace?
TLSO that limits trunk flex and ext through 3 point desing
What is a Flex-Foot?
- carbon fiber leaf spring shank (not a foot)
What is a reciprocating gait orthosis (RGO)?
Derivative of HKAFO incorporating cable system
- allows stepping
What is a Les Franc amputation?
Disarticulation at the distal to the tarsals
What is a dysarticulation amputation?
surgical removal at the level of the joint
(ex: knee disartic = removal of lower limb at knee joint
What is a Chopart’s amputation?
Disarticulation at the midtarsal (prox to tarsals) joint
What is a Milwaukee Orthosis?
realignment of scoliosis
What positions should you avoid to prevent contractures in transFEMORAL amputees?
- hip flex, add, ER –> schedule regular time in prone lying
What are the pressure SENSITIVE areas for a transfemoral amputee?
- Distolateral end of femur
- Pubic Symphysis
- Perineal area
What is an Exoskeleton shank?
wood, plastic or laminate color for cosmetic look
What are the pressure SENSITIVE areas for a transtibial amputee?
- Ant Tibia
- Ant Tibial Crest
- Fibular Head and Neck
- Fibular Nerve
What are the pressure TOLERANT areas for a transfemoral amputee?
- Ischial tub
- Gluteals
- Lateral sides of residual limb
- Distal end (rarely, may be sensitive)
What is the most commonly prescribed foot?
Solid ankle cushion heel (SACH)
What is an Endoskeleton shank?
central metal shank covered by soft foam and external stocking
What is the appropriate dressing for IMMEDIATE post-op?
Rigid Dressing
- early limited weight bearing
- limited edema, pain
- enhanced wound healing
- ealier fit of permanent prosthesis
- *contraindicated for older patients
What is a parapodium?
Standing frame
- pts can sit when necessary
- primarily used in pediatric populations