Prosthetic Splints- Temporary And Permanent Flashcards
The joining of two or more teeth into a rigid unit with fixed or removable device
Rigid or flexible device that maintains a displaced or moveable part in position
Objectives of splinting
🔸Redistribution of forces
🔸Restoration of functional stability
🔸Promote healing
🔸Increase aesthetics, comfort and function
Indications for splinting
🔸Stabilise mobile teeth
🔸Secondary occlusal trauma
🔸Prevent tipping and drifting of teeth
🔸Prevent extrusion of unopposed teeth
Contraindications of splinting
🔸Severe mobility In presence of periodontal inflammation or primary trauma
🔸Insufficient non mobile teeth for stability
🔸Poor oral hygiene
🔸Crowding and malaligned teeth
Principles of splinting
🔸Inclusion of sufficient number of healthy teeth
🔸Coronoplasty may be performed to relive traumatic occlusion
🔸should facilitate plaque control
🔸Aesthetic as possible
🔸Not interfere with occlusion
Classification of splints
🔸Temporary splints
🔸Provisional/ semi permanent
🔸Permanent splints
🔸 Use < 6 months
🔸Stabilise teeth during periodontal treatment
🔸may or may not lead to other splinting types
Temporary splints
🔸Use from months to years
🔸Used to see how teeth will respond to treatment
Provisional/semi- permanent splints
🔸Used indefinitely
🔸Fixed or removable
Permanent splints
Temporary splint types
🔸Extra coronal
Extracoronal splint types
🔸Acrylic bite guards
🔸Cast removable clasp appliance
Temporary Removable extra coronal splints
🔸Wire & acrylic splints
🔸Wire mesh and acrylic splints
🔸Orthodontic bands soldered in series
Temporary extracoronal fixed splints
🔸Wire and acrylic
🔸Wire and amalgam
🔸Wire acrylic and amalgam
Temporary Intra coronal splints
🔸Acrylic splints
🔸Gold band and acrylic splints
Provisional Splints
Removable fixed combination
Permanent splints
Traditional splinting techniques
🔸Titanium trauma splint
🔸Cast metal splint
🔸Composite wire splint
🔸Composite interlocking splint
🔸Band arch wire splint
New splinting technique
Fibre reinforced materials
Advantages of fibre reinforced splinting materials
🔸Easy to use
🔸Aesthetically pleasing
🔸Less incidence of fracture
Splinting procedure for fibre reinforced materials
🔸Fibre strip measured with periodontal probe or dental floss
🔸Cut and saturated with bonding agent
🔸Teeth cleaned with pumice and dried
🔸Wedges placed interdentally
🔸Etch of interproximal and lingual surfaces for 30 secs, followed by wash and dry
🔸Bonding agent applied, light air blow and cure
🔸Composite placed on lingual surfaces but not cured
🔸Strip covered with flowable composite for smooth surface
🔸Strip pressed into uncured composite and cured into place
🔸Finish and evaluate occlusion