Prostate pathology Flashcards
Macroscopic appearance of prostate cancer
- 70% arise in PZ
- Cream-grey mass
- Gritty and firm
- Extra prostatic extension may be seen
What is the Gleason grade based on?
Histological pattern on H+E stain
Grades based on major and minor criteria
1. morphological glandular architecture
2. absence of basal cells
3. nuclear atypia and pleomorphism
How is the Gleason score derived?
Biopsy sample:
Sum of the most prevalent pattern (primary) and any amount of the worst pattern seen (Secondary)
RP specimen:
Sum of primary (most common) and secondary (second most common)
- any higher grade minor pattern (i.e. 3rd most common) >5% should be made the 2nd score in reporting
When is a tertiary pattern reported for Gleason score
Only with an RP specimen
If a minor pattern constitutes <5%, it should be mentioned as a tertiary pattern
What is the IHC profile of prostate cancer?
p63 -
Cytokeratin 5/6 -
(^ above staining for basal cells)
What are the histological subtypes of prostate cancer?
- Acinar Adenocarcinoma (>90-95%)
- Ductal adenocarcinoma (~5%)
- Prostatic urothelial carcinoma
- small cell Neuro-endocrine carcinoma
- large cell near endocrine carcinoma
- Adeno-squamous carcinoma
- Basal cell carcinoma
Micro Features of Grade 3 acinar adenocarcinoma
- Variable sized discrete/ separate glands
- Frequently small glands but with regular contours and uniform round lumens
- Focus is not circumscribed, cancer glands infiltrate in between benign gland
Micro features of Grade 4 acinar adenocarcinoma
- Fused glands
- Cribriform glands with regular or smooth contours are now classified pattern 4
- Ill-defined, poorly formed glands with slit-like lumen
- Glands with intraluminal glomerulation
Micro features of grade 5 acinar adenocarcinoma
- Solid nest of tumours with no/ occasional glandular space
- Tumour cells infiltrating in small nests, cords, or individual cell
- Solid nests with comedonecrosis
What is intra-ductal prostate carcinoma associated with?
- high grade and high volume carcinoma (median GS 8 and T3 stage)
- increased risk of EPE, SVI and Pelvic lymph node mets
- independent indicator of early biochemical relapse and metastatic failure rate after RT
What are the major microscopic criteria for diagnosis of prostatic adenocarcinoma?
Architectural: infiltrative small glands OR cribriform glands too large or irregular to be high grade PIN
Single cell layer (absence of basal cells)
Nuclear atypic: nuclear and nucleolar enlargement
What words are used to describe the micro appearance of glands in grade 4 Gleason adenoCa
poorly formed,
Describe the micro appearance of grade 5 adenocarcinoma
sheets of tumour,
individual cells, cords, linear arrays and solid nests
What IHC panel can be used to differentiate prostate adenoCA vs urothelial carcinoma?
All positive in prostate:
PAP (prostatic acid phosphatase)
All positive in urothelial:
What IHC can be used to differentiate prostate adenoca vs bladder adenoca?
Positive for prostate:
Positive for bladder:
- Villin
- thrombomodulin
- CDX2