Prostate Cancer Flashcards
What type of cancer is prostate cancer usually?
What is the lifetime risk of prostate Ca?
What are the risk factors of prostate Ca?
- Age > 50 yrs
- Blacks
- FHx of prostate Ca
What are the symptoms of prostate Ca in early Dx?
Symptoms are normally insidious and rarely cause symptoms until it is advanced (hence controversy for screening)
What are the symptoms of progressed prostate Ca?
- Haematuria (invasion of the bladder superiorly or urethra)
- Obstructive symptoms
- If metastases: bone pain, pathological fractures, spinal cord compression may result from osteoblastic metastases to bone
What are the obstructive LUTS?
WISED: - Weak stream - Intermittent flow - Straining and hesitancy - Emptying incomplete \+ Dribbling
What are the common sites of metastases for prostate Ca?
pelvis, ribs and vertebral bodies
List the Ix that can be performed in prostate Ca for screening, Dx, grading and staging.
Screening by digital rectal examination and prostate-specific antigen
Assessment of abnormalities by US guided transrectal needle biopsy (up to 20 core biopsies)
Grading by histology
Staging by CT and bone scanning
Findings on DRE?
Stony hard indurations or nodules may be found. But often it can appear normal
What is the significance of PSA results?
Any result that is >4ng/mL is indicated for biopsy.
A lower threshold of >3ng/mL is indicated for biopsy in younger males
How do we grade prostate Ca? Explain the score that is used.
Prostate Ca is graded by its histological heterogeneity.
When a sample is obtained through US guided transrectal needle biospy.
The most prevalent pattern and the next most prevalent pattern are each assigned a grade of 1 to 5, and the two grades are added to produce a total score. Most experts consider a score ≤ 6 to be well differentiated, 7 moderately differentiated, and 8 to 10 poorly differentiated. The lower the score, the less aggressive and invasive is the tumor and the better is the prognosis.
How do we stage prostate Ca?
The TNM staging for prostate Ca can be used (assesses primary tumour, regional LN mets and distant mets)
- CT is most commonly used
- Bone scan can assess metastases to bone
- MRI has an emerging role
What are the main DDx for prostate Ca?
- Chronic prostatitis
can rule out both with biopsy
What are the main DDx for elevated level of PSA?
- Prostate Ca
- Prostatitis
- Instrumentation
What is prostate Ca treatment guided by and what are its main goals?
Treatment is guided by PSA level, grade and stage of tumor, patient age, coexisting disorders, and life expectancy. The goal of therapy can be
- Active surveillance
- Local (aimed at cure)
- Systemic (aimed at decreasing or limiting tumor extent)