Prospectus Flashcards
When is a prospectus required?
1) Required for all public offers for securities in the UK
2) Admission of the transferable securities on a regulated market in the UK
What are the exemptions for a prospectus?
1) Small issues (<8m EUR within UK over 12 months)
2) Qualified investors or to <150 investors per EU state
3) Bonus or scrip issues
When is a prospectus required for admission or AIM or NEX?
Required if it is a public offer (>8m EUR or >150 non-qualified investors)
Admission document is required instead
What are the roles in preparation of a prospectus?
Sponsor coordinates, directors are responsible
How much time needed for UKLA to grant approval before circulation of prospectus?
10 business days
What are the 3 parts to a prospectus?
- Registration doc
- Securities doc
- Summary doc
What are the main sourcebooks used by the UKLA for equity capital markets?
- Listing Rules
- Disclosure and transparency rules
- Prospectus Rules
What is the role of FCA in ECM? (4)
- Maintain official list whose securities are traded
- Approve prospectus
- Admit companies to official list
- Regulate listed companies
What are the six listing principles on the Listing Rules?
- Directors understand responsibilities and obligations
- Establish adequate procedures, systems and controls
- Act with integrity
- Communicate information to avoid false markets
- Shareholders treated equally
- Open and cooperative with FCA
What is a regulated market?
Multilateral system operated and managed by a market operator which brings together to facilitate multiple third party buying and selling interests in financial instruments
What is an MTF?
Brings together multiple parties that are interested in buying or selling financial instruments, can be operated by investment firm or market operator
What are the admission criteria for High Growth Segment market? (4)
1) Produce a prospectus approved by an EEA
2) Appointment of a key advisor, retained for admission and notifiable transactions
3) Historic revenue growth of 20% CAGR over three years
4) Min free float of 10% with value of >£30m
What is the Specialist Fund Segment (SFS)?
Designed for closed-ended listed funds aimed at institutional and high net worth investors
What are listing requirements for Official List? (9)
1) Public company
2) Freely transferable and fully paid
3) 3 years trading record (premium only)
4) Market capitalisation: £700,000 equity / £200,000 debt
5) 25% to public
6) Appointment of sponsor (premium only)
7) Prospectus approved
8) Pre-emption rights (premium only)
9) Continuing obligations
How many years record for insider lists?
5 years