Prosecution, Amendment and Reinstatement Flashcards
When can an applicant amend an application under s19(1)?
Anytime prior to grant provided they do not add matter (and subject to the conditions of R31)
What restrictions does Rule 31(3) place on the general power to amend under s19(1)?
To voluntarily amend, you must wait for the notice of the search report under s17(5) (unless its a PCT(UK) that has received an ISR) - then can keep on amending until the first substantive examination report issues
When can an application be amended if the first report is a s18(4) report?
s18(4) = grant report
Then one voluntary amendment is allowed if done within 2 months as-of-right (typical 18(4) has a 1 month deadline).
When can an application be amended if the first report is a s18(3) report?
(i) if the first report is a s18(3), one voluntary amendment is allowed if it is done within the response period (typically 2-4 months)
(ii) if the first 18(3) issues prior to publication, then can keep on voluntarily amending before replying to the report
What is the deadline to respond to a s18(3) exam report?
It is set by the Comptroller, but is typically 2-4 months.
Near the end of the compliance period, the deadlines will be shortened (and the maximum end date is the compliance date)
When won’t the Rule 31 restrictions apply?
Rule 31 subsections (3) and (4) do not apply where:
- the Comptroller consents to an amendment, or
- where the amendment concerns the actual request for grant
for using these exceptions, the applicant must provide reasons for the amendment
What is reinstatement?
Reinstatement allows an application that has been refused or treated as withdrawn due to missing a deadline set by the Comptroller or the Act to continue in prosecution.
What are the requirements for reinstatement?
The Comptroller will only reinstate an application if:
- Requested by the applicant (FORM)
- According to the rules (evidence of unintentional, within specified period)
- the Comptroller is satisfied that the failure was unintentional
Under s20A(3), when can’t an application be reinstated?
Cannot get reinstatement if:
- an extension is still available (e.g. R108(2))
- the missed deadline relates:
- proceedings before the Comptroller
- late declaration of prority with late filing
- reinstatement itself, or a requested extension under s117B (since application will be dormant)
Who can apply for reinstatement when there are multiple applicants?
Any one of joint applicants can request reinstatement unilaterally with the permission of the Comptroller
If reinstatement is allowed, when must the applicant have remedied the failure by?
Within a period specified by the Comptroller, which will be at least 2 months.
(in practice do this on filing the request)
What is the deadline for requesting reinstatement?
Reinstatement must be requested within 12 months beginning immediately after the date of termination of the application
What happens if evidence isn’t supplied along with a request for reinstatement?
The Comptroller will specify a period of time to provide it
What happens if reinstatement is refused?
If reinstatment is refused:
- The applicant is notified
- There is a 1 month period to request a hearing before the Comptroller
What is the effect of reinstatement on a patent application?
Anything done with or to the patent application between loss and reinstatement is treated as valid
When will acts be treated as infringing for an application that has been reinstated?
If the application is published:
- the act was done during a potential extension period (meaning as-of-right extensions)
- the act is a continuance or repetition of an earlier infringement
When will third party rights arise for an application that has been reinstated?
If the application is published, then between termination and notice of a request for reinstatement, any who:
- begins in good faith to do an act which would otherwise be an infringement; or
- makes in good faith serious and effective preperations to do such an act
they make continue to do those acts even if application is reinstated, but cannot licence others
BUT this right cannot be excercised until after any period to request an extension
Application was refused after the normal compliance period due to not responding to the s18(3) letter and is then reinstated
Both the response deadline AND the compliance period will be extended by reinstatement - in these circumstances the applicant will only have a single opportunity to get the application in order for grant.
What is resuscitation?
Refers to bringing an erroneously withdrawn application back to life via s117 correction of errors.
File form + provide evidence of the error
When will the Comptroller publish a request for resuscitation of an application?
If a request for correction relates to erroneous withdrawal of an application, and;
- the application has been published, and
- withdrawal was published
then the Comptroller will also publish the request for correction.
What is the effect of successful resuscitation?
If an application is resuscitated, then anything done in relation to the application between publication of withdrawal and publication of reinstatement is valid
When can an act carried out between publication of withdrawal and resuscitation be infringing?
If the act is a continuation or repetition then it will still be an infringement
When will actions carried out between publication of withdrawal and resuscitation give rise to third party rights?
If between the notice of withdrawal and the date of notice of resuscitation a person:
- began in good faith an otherwise infringing act; or
- made in good faith serious and effective preperations to do such an act
then they may continue to do the act (but cannot licence this right - they can however authorise business partners or tranfer the right as part of a business).
What limitations do s76(1) and s76(1A) place on adding matter?
Section 76(1)
An application which is made in respect of a prior patent/application and discloses additional matter extending beyond that previously disclosed may be filed under s8(3), 12 or 37(4)
BUT it won’t grant until amended to exclude the additional subject matter.
Section 76(1A)
A description filed under s15(10)(b) that adds matter beyond a reference (i.e. priority) filed under s15(1)(c) to a prior application, then the application will not proceed unless it is amended to exclude the additional matter.
What limitations do s76(2) and s76(3) place on adding matter?
s76(2) - no amendment of an application is allowed if it results in disclosing matter beyond that disclosed in the application as filed.
s76(3) - no amemdment of a patent is allowed (under s27(1), s73 or s75) if it discloses additional matter or extends the scope of protection.
What are the conditions to amend a patent post-grant under s27?
Subject to s76 (no added matter/claim broadening), the Comptroller may allow amendments of a patent on request, UNLESS any proceedings are pending that may affect validity (use correspdonding s75 if in infringement/revocation proceedings)
When do post-grant amendments under s27(3) take effect?
They are retroactive to the date of grant
Can requests for amendment of a patent under s27 be opposed? On what grounds?
Section 27(5) - yes, by a third party.
Applications to amend will be published in the OJ.
Acceptable grounds of opposition include:
- Amendment adds matter under s76
- Amendments would (still) leave the patent invalid
NB non-unity is not a grounds for opposing amendment.
NB use s75 during revocation/infringement proceedings
How are amendments under s27 (and s75) requested?
Proprietor must:
- request amendment in writing;
- identify the proposed amendment; and
- give the reason for the amendment
best practice is to provide marked-up versions of the text - which the Comptroller can require.
What additional requirements for post-grant amendment might need to be met for an EP(GB)?
If the EP(GB) was originally published in another language, need to provide a translation of the original and amended portions of the text.
The Comptroller can require a full translation to be filed if he sees fit.
Can granted EPs be centrally amended?
Yes - this may be more cost effective where new prior art comes to light post-grant
When can third party observations be filed?
Between publication of the application and the published grant date (not administrative grant), any person may write to the Comptroller questioning the application’s patentability (but no TPOs are allowed for entitlement questions - use s8).
NB filing TPOs will not make you a party to proceedings, but any outcome will be public
TPOs are filed within the last 3 months of the compliance period
If TPOs are filed in the last 3 months of the R30 period and result in a s18(3) exam report, then the applicant is a total of 3 months in which to put the application in order for grant (i.e. will extend the R30 period).
TPOs filed after s18(4) is issued (or after compliance period ends but before s18(4) isssues)
TPOs issued after the s18(4) will not be sent to the examiner and will not result in a new s18(3) - however grant will be delayed by 2 months to allow the applicant to make voluntary amendments (applicant can waive this).
Similarly, TPOs filed after the end of the compliance period, but before the s18(4) issues will not be considered (they may be considered if the compliance period is extended).
What happens re grant and publication after the s18(4) communication is issued?
s24(1) - notice of grant is given in the OJ as soon as possible.
s24(2)-(3) - a grant certificate, the ‘B’ spec and the inventor and applicant details are sent as soon as practicable after notice.
The date of notice in the OJ is when the monopoly rights actually begin, and is also the day from which post-grant procedures can begin.
The date provided by the s18(4) communication is the ‘administrative’ grant date - at which point the pre-grant procedures end.
There is a limbo period between administrative grant and actual grant in which voluntary amendments are not permitted and divisionals cannot be filed
Can granted patents be opposed on the grounds of unity?
Nope - see s26