Prose And Its Major Forms. Flashcards
Great prose work and their authors, essays and periodical journals. Biographies and autobiography
- Which is believed to be the earliest long prose work in English?
Marloy’s Morte de Arthur.
- The legend of “King arthur and his Knights of the round table”
Was first related in prose by
Malory (ma-lo-rey) in his Morte de Arthur.- 1485
- What is the central theme Layamon’s Brute ?
King Arthur and his Knights of the round table.
- Wyclif’s bible is a translation of
Latin text.
- In which year did John wyclif render the Bible into English ?
- Which is the earliest version of bible ?
William Tyndale’s “English New Testament”
- Who is the author of Novum Organum ?
Francis bacon
- Francis bacon classified his time under four idols in one of his essays ?
Name it
Novum Organum - written in Latin. New organon- or the direction concerning the interpretation of nature. The four idols ★Idol of Tribe ★Idol of Cave ★Idol of Marketplace ★Idol of Theater
- Who was the author of “the New Atlantis”
An incomplete utopian novel Francis Bacon
- Who wrote “Religio Medici” ?
And what does it mean ?
Sir Thomas Browne wrote “Religion of doc” - Religio Medici.
- Which work of Thomas Browne was a spiritual testament and early psychological self- portrait ?
Religio Medici
- Who was the author of “Areopagitica” ?
John Milton
- What is the central theme of Milton’s “Areopagitica” ?
To defend people’s freedom of speech
(He wrote it to protest against censorship. He wrote it for the liberty of unlicenced printing to the parliment of England).
- Milton’s title Areopagitica derived from the Greek word
‘Aeropagus’ who or what was ‘aeropagus’
A Greek hill where a tribunal for liberty of speech was held.
- Who was the author of “Hydrotaphia”
Thomas Browne.- the medicane guy
- What is the central theme of
“Hydrotaphia” ? written by
Different methods how the bodies were disposed of. by sir thomas browne
(Urn burial as the first part Of two part work that concludes with the garden of Cyrus.).
- Who wrote “Essay on human understanding”
John Locke - Essay on human understanding
- “Describes mind at birth as a blank slate, filled later through experience”
‘Essay on human understanding’ this was quoted by John Locke
- Chaucer dedidcated his prose piece “Treatise on the Astrolabe” to
His son, Lewis.
- Chaucer’s “Treastise of Astrolobe” opens with lines
“Lyte lowys my sone”
- Name the works written my Thomas Carlyle ?
Sartor Resartus
last day pamplets
Heroes and hero-worship.
(He was a historian, teacher , essayist, philosopher, satirical writer).- Thomas Carlyle.
- Who was known as “Father of liberalism” ?
Thomas Carlyle.
- What is the literal meaning of Sartor Resartus ? One of Carlyle great treatises prose.
Philosophy of clothes.
Humours essay a learned treatise on philosophy, symbolism, and influence of clothes
- Which member of Parliment had their diary written in a code language ?
Samuel Pepy’s Dairy. - 1660.
- Smauel Pepy’s Dairy was deciphered in which year
- Who was the author of Mr Badman ?
John Bunyan.
- What work of Bunyan was presented to the world with familiar dialogue between Ms Wiseman and Mr Attention ?
Mr Badman.
- What work of Bunyan’s was considered as companion to pilgrims progress ?
Mr. Badman
- Who called 18th Century
“A Age of Prose and reason”
Mathew Arnold - “18c age of prose and reason”
- Who was the author of
“The decline and fall of the Roman Empire” ?
Edmund Gibbon.
- Name the title of Ruskin of last collection of essays ?
Unto his last.
Was on essay and book on economics
- Which work of Ruskin received a received a violent critical remark according to himself ?
Unto his last.
- “Enquiry Concerning Political Justice” was written by whom ?
William Godwin - Enquiry concerning political Justice.
- Name the work novel written by James Joyce
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
- Who’s the Author of
“Sesame and Lilies” ?
Ruskin - Sesame and Lilies.
- What does Lilies symbolise in Ruskin’s Sesame and Lilies book ?
Purity and innocence of women.
- What is the central theme of
Ruskin’s Sesame and Lilies ?
Wealth and wishdom contained in the books.
- Who is the author of Two cheers for Democracy ?
E.M Froster - Two cheers for Democracy
- Name the title of Thomas de Quincey (autobiography)
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater.
- Smoerset Maugham initially planned on calling of one his novel as
“Beauty from ashes”
What is the name of the novel
On Human Bondage by Somerset Maugham
Claimed as novel but highly autobiographical in nature
- Name the Mathew Arnold’s series of periodical essays deals
With Ethics
Culture and Anarchy deals with Ethics.
- Name the Arnold’s work which basic theme is theology ?
Literature and Dogma basic theme is theology.
- The Battle of books was a short satire written by ?
Johnathan Swift - the battle of books.
- The Battle of the books
Deals with ?
A comparative study of modern and ancient poets.
(It depicts a literal battle between books in kings library, as ideas and authors struggle for Supermacy. Both ancient and modern. )
- Name the book that catalogues the significant features of every county in England ?
The Worthies of England.
46.” Worthies of England” was written by
Thomas Fuller- worthies of england
the walking library
- Name the historian and churchman who was known as walking library ?
Thomas Fuller
- Who was the author of “Imaginary Conversation” ?
Savage _________
Savage Landor
- Who defines the Essay as
“A loose Sally of the mind” ?
Meaning each and every word is a concept.
Samuel Johnson /Dr.Johnson.
- Father of The Essay
Montaigne - most significant philosopher of French Renaissance.
- Francis Bacon’s Essays are modelled on Essais of : _______
- Ben Johnson pusblished his f
Collection of essays under h
The title called
Discoveries. (the wood of things and thought).
- Thomas Dekker drew some character- sketches under the title ____________
Bellman of London.
- What work of Thomas Dekker brings light to scams, crimes and villains that are practiced in the kingdom ?
Bellman of London.
- “A place sheweth the man and it sheweth some To the better and some to the worse” in which essay of Bacon does these lines occur ?
Of Great place.
- Bacon says men of great place or at good authoritative place are servant of three things what are they ?
- State
- Fame
- Business
- “A mixture of falsehood is like alloy in coins of gold and silver, which may make the medal work the better, but it embaseth it.
Which essay of Bacon does it occur ?
Of Truth
- Who brought out the journal called “The Tatler” ?
Robert Steele - the tatler
British literary and society journal began by Robert Steele.
- Who wrote number of political pamphlets and short write-ups.
What were they called ?
Tracts (Doctrine and discipline of divorce)
- Name the periodical brought out by Daniel Defoe ?
The Review - Daniel Defoe.
- Who jointly brought out “the Spectator” journal and co-founded the magazine together
Joseph Addison.
} = Spectator
Robert Steele
- Name the Journal brought out by Dr Johnson
The Idler (Dr.Johnson) - a series of 103 essays Out of it 12 them were written by Dr Johnson.
- Name culturally important essay and article from spectator written by Joseph Addison ?
Coverlet papers - Joseph Addison
- Elia is the pen name assumed by
Charles Lamb
- “I shall endeavor to enlighten morality with wit, and to temper wit with morality” who said this
Joseph Addison.
- Who essays and imaginary letters were published under the little “The Citizens of the world” ?
Oliver Goldsmith - citizens of the world.
- Alpha of the plough written by
A.G Gardiner - alpha of the plough.
- Essays of Elia was written by
Charles Lamb
- Name the author whose essays and articles were published under the title “Friendship’s Garden”
Mathew Arnold - Friendships Garden
- “I for One”
“Midnights on the desert”
“Thoughts in wilderness” were essays written by
His novel - Good companions was a national success.
J.B Priestley.
71.whose essays published under the title “Alpha of the Plough” ?
A.G Gardiner.
- Author of Essays and article
“Friendship’s Garden”
Friendships Garden- Mathew Arnold
- Author of essays and article
Titled “Hours in a Library”
(Hint : you get Lazy and Sleepy in there )
Hours in a library- Leslie Stephen
- Whose articles and essays are published under the title”Strangers and Brothers”
(Hint: C you in P- erson S-oon)
Stranger and brothers - C.P Snow.
- Whose essay have been published under the title
“The Crown of Wild Olive”
(Hint: Wild Olives , JOIN the RUSK)
“The Crown of Wild Olive” - John Ruskin.
- Author of essays under title “Men, Woman and Books”
Hint :LETS go HUNT
“Men, Woman and Books” - Leigh Hunt.
- Who has Published his essays under the title “The Round Table”
(Hint: the round table With Hazelnut)
The Round Table - William Hazlitt.
- Whose Essays appeared under the title “Imaginary Portraits” ?
(Hints : Imaginary Portraits With. Hills and Pater).
“Imaginary Portraits” - W.H Pater
- Authors essays appeared under the tittle “Characters of virtues and Vices”
(Hint: Played at Joseph Hall)
Characters of Virtues and Vices- Joseph hall.
- Who was Editor of “Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine”
Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine is JOY Of WeekenD
Editor of
Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine- John WilsoN
- Who was Editor of Literary Review “Quarterly Review”
“Quarterly Review” of Will of God.
Editor of Literary Review
“Quarterly Review” - William GiffOrD
- Author of essays and article titled “Conscience of the Rich”
(Conscience of the Rich, C You in .Person. SooN )
Essay and article
“Conscience of the Rich” - C.P Snow.)
- Who wrote Volume of “Characters of Shakespeare’s play “
“Characters of Shakespeare’s play “
William Hazlitt
- Earliest Notable writer of Biographies in English?
John Aburey - earliest notable writer of Biographies in English
- Volume of Biographies titled
“Brief Lives “ were written by
“Brief Lives”- by John Aubrey.
- The lives of John Donne, George Herbert, and Richard Hooker was written in one volume by as biographer ?
(Jon Donne, George Herbert , and Richard Hooker Izzz Waxing)
John donne, George Herbert And Richard Hooker Biographies were written by Izaak Walton.
- How poets lives were written by Dr Johnson in his “Lives of English Poet” ?
Dr Johnson - “Lives of English Poet” ? - 52 poets.
- When was Dr. Johnson’s”Lives of English Poets” published ?
Dr. Johnson’s”Lives of English Poets” - 1779.
- Author who number if Biographies under the title “Eminent Victorian’s”
(“Eminent Victorian’s” of Lying Strawberry”
Eminent Victorian’s - Lytton Strachey.
- Name the author who wrote biography under the tittle “Stricken deer” ?
(Hint Stricken Deers Da-ying Cent).
Stricken Deer - David Cecil.
- “Stricken deer” was the life ?
“Stricken deer” was the life of Cowper
- Who is the author of “Biographies literaria” ?
- Who wrote biography of Dr.Johnson ?
James Boswell
94 biography of Napoleon written by
Walter Scott
95 Author of One Hundred Great lives ?
Leonardo da Vinci
- Who has written his own autobiography under the title “Third world” ?
David Daiches
- “The autobiography of a super-tramp”
W.H Davies
- Osbert Sitwell’s autobiography was called
Left hand, right hand.
- The prelude is the political autobiography of
- Sir Walter Scott biography was written by
John Lockhart
- Biography of Byron was written by
Thomas Moore
- Editor of Edinburgh Review ?
Francis Geffrey
- Editor of Quarterly Review ?
William Gifford.
- Author of latter-day pamphlets ?
Thomas Carlyle
- Who is the author of “the English comic Character” ?
William Hazlitt
- Who is the author of the spirit of the age ?
William Hazlitt
- Who is the author of bellman of London ?( Essays and character sketches)
Thomas Dekker
- Essays and characters of a prisoner and prisoners ?
Geffray Mynshull
- Weekly journal “the adventurer”
Dr. Johnson
- “Grace abandoning “ is a autobiography of
John Bunyan’s