Property Taxation Flashcards
Sales to Related Parties
Can’t take a loss on a sale of property to a related party
(Does NOT Include In-Laws who may be out-laws one day). Your loss rolls forward to the buyer, he adds it to his basis if he sells it for more than the original owners basis. For Example:
Stock w. a basis of $20,000 sold to your brother
He purchased it for $16,000
You get 0 Loss. His basis is $16,000 PLUS your disallowed loss of $4,000 = $20,000
If he sells it for $21,000 he has a $1,000 gain.
Sales to Related Parties (In Between Rule nets Zero)
Sam Sells Above——-Use David’s basis for Gain
David Jr’s Original Basis ______30,000______
Sam Sells Between ---ZERO GAIN OR LOSS
Sam’s Lower Purch Price _____20,000_______
Sam Sells Below 20K-Use Sam's Price(Basis) for Loss
Gain on Sale of Personal Residence
A Gain is not taxed if the taxpayer can “HIDE IT”
(H) Home Owner Exclusion ($250,000/$500,000 S/MJ)
( I ) Involuntary Conversion (as long as all is reinvested)
(D) Divorce Property Settlement not taxable
(E) Exchange of Like-Kind-Business/Investment Prop.
( I ) Installment Sale (Recognize as cash is received)
(T ) Treasury & Cap Stock Trans’s (FOR A CORPORATION - Sale,Repurch,Reissue) Indiv is taxed!
Non-Deductible Losses (WRaP up these losses-throw away)
WRaP (a=buy a vowel to make it work as a word)
W) Wash Sales(Repurchase 30/30 before or after
(R ) Related Party Transactions
(P ) Personal Loss
Individual Net Capital Gain/Loss Rules
Long-term - MORE than 1 year (Tax rate 20% maximum)
Short-term - ONE year or LESS (Treated as ord. income)
Unrecaptured Sec 1250 gain 25%
Grandma gives kid her car she paid $10,000 for:
Kid Sells Above-------Use Grandma's basis (assumes donor's holding period)
Grandmas Original Basis ______10,000 _______
Kid Sells Between ---ZERO GAIN OR LOSS
FMV at date of Gift __6,000__
Kid Sells Below -----Use FMV as basis (New holding period starting at date of gift)
Section 1231 Property
Business Used Mach & Equipment, Land & Bldgs
Real property definition is
Land and everything permanently attached to it
Netting Procedures for Short-Term Capital Gains & Losses
Short-term Capital Losses (including carryovers) are Netted in this Order:
1) Short-term Capital Gains
2) Long-term Capital Losses from collectibles (28%)
3) Long-term Capital Gains from Unrecaptured Sec 1250 gains (25%)
4) Long-term Capital Gains taxed @ lower rates(15-20%)
Netting Procedures for Long-Term Capital Gains&Losses
Long-term Capital Losses (Including Carryovers) are Netted in this Order:
1) Net against long-term Capital Gains in the order of Highest Tax Rate first
Capital Assets Are:
Capital assets include property (real and personal) held by the taxpayer for investment, such as:
- Personal automobile of the taxpayer
- Furniture and fixtures in the home of the taxpayer
- Stocks and securities of all types (except those held by dealers)
- Personal property of a taxpayer not used in a trade or business
- Real property not used in a trade or business
- Interest in a partnership
- Goodwill of a corporation
- Copyrights, literary, musical, or artistic compositions purchased
- Other assets held for investment
Realized vs. Recognized
Recognized = Amt you are taxed on Realized = What you gained
These are not always the same.
In a Like-Kind-Exchange
You recognize (get taxed on) the LESSER of:
Gain realized OR the amount of boot received
Note: Realized loss is never recognized in like-kind exchanges.
In a Like-Kind-Exchange Gain Realized Formula
FMV of Asset Received
+ Any Boot Received
- Less Basis of Property Traded
=Gain Realized
In a Like-Kind-Exchange Gain New Basis Formula
Adjusted Basis of Property Given up
+ Gain Recognized
- Boot Received
= Basis of New Property
Inherited property is always considered Long Term or Short Term?
Long Term (no matter when the decedent purchased it)
Personal Property What it is & how are gains treated?
Personal Property is all property NOT classified as real property.
Gains from sales of personal property are Sec 1245 prop and are ordinary.
Code Sec 1245 Property Gains are computed as follows:
Ordinary income is recognized on the gain to the extent of the accumulated depreciation. Any gain in excess of the original cost is capital gain.
MACRS 5 Year Property 200%
Light Trucks
Office Equipment (typewriters, copiers, duplicating eq)
MACRS 7 Year Property 200%
Office furniture & fixtures
MACRS - 27.5 Years Straight Line
Residential Rental Property (House, Apt, Duplex)
MACRS - 39 Years Straight Line
Nonresidential Real Property (Office bldgs., Warehouses)