Property of Persons in Custody 09-06 Flashcards


Police Officer. When property belonging to a person in custody is held for safety reasons or seized to prevent escape or injury shall


count money and itemize other property on camera
 complete a TPS 400, ensuring to include the eReport number
 place the property in a property bag
 if cash is being held
‒ complete a TPS 406, ensuring to include the eReport number
‒ place cash in a separate property bag, and place in the initial property bag
 place item of religious significance in a separate property bag, in compliance with Procedure 01–02 – Appendix D
 place personal gender-affirming prosthetic (including breast forms, chest binders, gaffs, packers, prosthetic penises
and wigs) from a trans or gender-diverse person in a separate property bag, in compliance with Procedure 01-02
Appendix C.
 Consider placing gender-affirming prosthetic device/items in non see-through bag.
 place assistive device in a separate property bag, where practicable
 place cannabis in a separate property bag and seal the bag, in the presence of the Officer in Charge or designated
supervisory officer on camera in the booking hall
 It is not necessary to weigh legally possessed cannabis prior to placing in a property bag
 place all prescribed medication in a separate property bag and make the appropriate entries in the Arrest
Booking/Cell Management screen for each type of medication, ensuring to include the eReport number
 refrigerate prescribed medication, when required

 for health and safety reasons, unsealed food items that can reasonably be expected to spoil shall not be bagged
or transported
 submit
‒ large items
‒ any legally possessed edged weapons, including pocket knives and box cutters
‒ alcohol
‒ liquids and glass containers (other than prescribed medications) to Property & Video Evidence
Management Unit (PVEMU) in compliance with item 4
 In order to maximize the safety of prisoners held in police custody and the Service
members assigned to their care, members of Court Services will not transport edged
 Transporting alcohol liquids, and glass containers may pose an unnecessary risk to
members of Court Services due to potential breakage and/or damage to prisoner property.
Members of Court Services will not transport alcohol in any form.
 complete the applicable sections of the property bags
 if the property is turned over to another member obtain their signature in the memorandum book
 submit the completed property bags to the Officer in Charge or designated supervisory officer
 record the property bag numbers in
‒ the original eReport
‒ the memorandum book

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Police Officer - When returnable property is removed from a person in custody and will not accompany the person shall


make arrangements to have the property released to a relative/agent as soon as possible
 where the returnable property is not released to a relative/agent
‒ complete the applicable Property Report, TPS 405 and where applicable make the appropriate entries in the
Arrest Booking/Cell Management screen with respect to medication
‒ serve a copy of the TPS 405 and TPS 407 on the prisoner
‒ submit the property and completed reports to the Officer in Charge or designated supervisory officer prior to
the completion of the tour of duty
‒ deposit the property through the Divisional Locker Management System (DLMS) with the applicable Property
Report, TPS 407 and TPS 405 for pickup by PVEMU in compliance with Procedure 09–01
‒ secure liquids, glass containers and alcohol in a separate cardboard box affixed with a police seal, and
complete a separate TPS 400 and TPS 401 for these items
‒ when submitting cash in conjunction with any other type of property
‒ record the cash on a separate TPS 405
‒ complete a TPS 406, ensuring to include the eReport number
‒ place it in a separate property bag and complete the information section on the front of the new bag
‒ add supplementary information to the original eReport
‒ for legal amounts of cannabis (or equivalents) submitted to PVEMU, also complete a TPS 404 and a separate
TPS 405

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