Property Flashcards
An easement appurtenant always passes with the land except when?
New servient tenement is a BFP AND had no notice of the easement.
An easement in gross is only transferable when?
It is a commercial easement in gross.
What are the 4 ways an easement is created? PING
What is the main difference between Adverse Possession and Easement by Prescription?
The ‘Actual Use’ element. Easements don’t need to be exclusive of owner, Adverse Possession does need to be exclusive of owner.
What is the only way to create a negative easement?
By grant
What are the things a negative easement can prevent a landowner from doing, otherwise it becomes a restrictive covenant?
blocking/moving air, artificial water flow, earth support, the sun, and sometimes scenic views.
What are the 8 ways an easement is terminated? ENDCRAMP
Estoppel, necessity, destruction, condemnation, release, abandonment, merger, prescription.
What is a Profit in servitudes?
Easement in gross for taking something from the other’s land.
What are the remedies for restrictive covenants and equitable servitudes?
Restrictive covenants = money (law) or money and injunction
Equitable servitude = injunction only (equity)
Are easements attached to the land or the people?
The land
Are covenants attached to the land or the people?
The people
What are the common elements for a burden and benefit of a covenant to transfer?
intent to transfer
touch and concern the land
Is notice required for a restrictive covenant’s burden to transfer? Benefit?
Burden…needs notice
Benefit…no notice needed.
What kind of privity is required for a restrictive covenant’s burden to transfer? Benefit?
Burden…horizontal and vertical
Benefit…vertical only
To create an equitable servitude, is privity needed? Notice?
A writing is always required to create an equitable servitudes, except when?
Common scheme of development implies the equitable servitude.
What is the only difference between the burden of a covenant running with the land and the creation of an equitable servitude?
Equitable servitude doesn’t need privity.
What all is required for a burden of a covenant to run with the land? WITHN
Writing, Intent, Touch and concern land, Horizontal and vertical privity, notice.