Property Flashcards
What are the distinguishing characteristics of a joint tenancy? (3)
Right of survivorship: when one JT dies, her share goes automatically to surviving JT
Alienability: transferable during holder’s life
Not desendible or devisable
How is a joint tenancy created in Florida?
Must take T-TIP
(1) with IDENTICAL equal interests
(2) with rights to possess the whole
In FL - taking at the same time by same title is not required
“To A and his heirs”
Fee simple absolute
“To A & his heirs for so long as” “until” “while” “during”
Fee simple determinable
To A & his heirs, but if …. or “upon condition that”
Fee simple subject to condition subsequent
To A & his heirs for so long as… and if B
Fee simple subject to an executory interest
To A for life
Life estate
To A for the life of B
Life estate
To A for life, then to B
Life estate
Fee simple absolute
-potentially infinite duration
-freely transferable, devisable, descendible through will/intestacy
-no future interest
Fee simple determinable
-lasts as long as condition is met then automatically to grantor
-freely transferable, devisable, descendible
-future interest is possibility of reverter
Fee simple subject to condition subsequent
-lasts until happening of named event AND reentry by grantor
-future interest is right of entry
Fee simple subject to an executory interest
-lasts as long as condition is met, then goes to third party
-shifting executory interest
Life estate
-measured by the life of someone
-future interest is reversion if held by O
-futre interest is remainder if held by TP
The life tenant must not…
Commit waste
Doctrine of equitable conversion
Once K for the sale of land is signed, equity regards the buyer as the owner of the real property. The seller retains legal title and the rights to the proceeds of the sale, which is considered personal property. The K conveys equitable title to buyer. Seller is entitled to possession until closing.
Risk of Loss - equitable conversion
The buyer bears the risk of loss for any damages to the property that occur between contract and closing.
Two promises in every land sale K
-S will provide marketable title
-S will not make false statements of material fact
Marketable title
Title reasonably free from doubt and the threat of litigation. Common defects that render title unmarketable are:
-defects in record chain of title (AP)
-encumbrances (mortgages, liens, easements, restrictive covenants)
-zoning violations
When must title be marketable?
at day of closing. S has up until that time to clear up whatever defect makes title unmarketable. if installment land K, S need not provide marketable title until B has made his last payment
Remedy if title not marketable
B must notify S that title is umarketable and give S reasonable time to cure defects. If S fails to cure, B’s remedies include rescission, damages, specific performance with abatement, and quiet title suit.
If closing occurs, the K & deed merge, and S’s liability on implied K covenant ends.
What happens to the implied warranty of marketable title at closing?
It is no longer a valid c/a. At closing, the K & deed merge, and S’s liability on the implied K covenant ends.
Liability for failure to disclose
(1) S knew or should’ve known of defect
(2) B is unlikely to discover defect and
(3) defect must be serious enough that B probably would’ve reconsidered the purchase
When is there in implied warranty of habitability in a land K?
ONLY when it concerns the sale of a new home by the builder of the home
When K includes liquidated damages and option to recover actual damages
In Florida, when a contract includes both a liquidated damages clause and an option to recover actual damages, the liquidated
damages clause is unenforceable because it is considered a penalty.
General warranty deed
warrants against all defects in title, including those attributable to grantor’s predecessors