Complete this sentence:
Waves transfer ________ and _________ but do not transfer ________.
Waves transfer ENERGY and INFORMATION but do not transfer MATTER.
What are the two types of waves?
- Transverse
- Longitudinal
What is a transverse wave?
A wave for which the oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer
What is a longitudinal wave?
A wave for which the oscillations are parallel to the direction of energy transfer
Give two examples of transverse waves.
- Electromagnetic waves
- Seismic s-waves
Give two examples of longitudinal waves.
- Sound waves
- Seismic p-waves
What are the two parts of a longitudinal wave called?
Compressions and rarefactions
What are the two parts of a transverse wave called?
Peaks and troughs
What is a wave’s amplitude?
The maximum displacement of a point on a wave from its undisturbed position.
What is wavelength?
- The distance from a point on a wave to the same position on the adjacent wave
- Most commonly peak to peak or trough to trough
What is the frequency of a wave?
The number of wages that pass a given point each second.
What is the unit used for frequency?
Hertz, Hz
What is meant by a frequency of 200Hz?
200 waves pass a given point each second
What is wave speed?
The speed at which energy is train through a medium
What does a wave transfer?