Proper Waste Disposal Flashcards
Water-tight receptacle which receives the discharge of a plumbing system
Designed to accomplish the partial removal and digestion of suspended solid matter in sewage through a period of detention
Septic tank
System serving 25 persons or more
Public sewerage system
Structure not connected to a sewerage system
Used for the reception,disposition and storage of feces or other excreta from the human body
Privy(latrine,pit latrine etc.)
Toilets flushed with water and connected with a public sewer
Type 3
Toilets flushed with water and connected with a septic tank
Type 2
Built with a pit or with a septic tank
Requires water throughout the year
Level II-pour-flush toilet
Has a tank and a bowl
Mechanism involves a flush valve that when plunged will cause water in the tank to flow into bowl
The water flowing into the bowl also cleans the bowl
Level III-flush toilet
Sanitary pit privy, Antipolo type or Ventilated Improved Pit(VIP) latrine
Used in rural areas
Simplest excreta disposal system
Level I-pit latrine
All discarded household,commercial and industrial wastes,as well street sweepings,construction debris and agricultural waste
Solid waste
Biodegradable (nabubulok)
Decompose if buried or processed to make compost or organic fertilizers
Can be returned to factories to be reprocessed
Neither recycled nor made into compost
Disposed of in dumpsites
Non-recyclable and non-compost able
Urine only,with or without flushing water
Yellow water
Feces only
Brown water
Combination of feces and urine,with or without flushing water
Black water