Proofs Flashcards
a statement that is either true or false
a proposition whose truth depends on the value of one or more variables
a proposition that is simply accepted as true
a sequence of logical deductions from axioms and previously proved statements that concludes with the proposition in question
an important true proposition
a preliminary proposition useful for proving later propositions
a proposition that follows in just a few logical steps from a theorem
What is a proposition of the form “IF P, THEN Q” called?
“IF P, THEN Q” is the general form of an implication and is often written as “P IMPLIES Q.” Thus, given specific P and Q, “P IMPLIES Q.” is itself a proposition and can be either true or false.
A fundamental inference rule says:
What is this inference rule called?
Modus Ponens
What is the statement above the line of an implication called?
What is the statement below the line of an implication called?
the conclusion or the consequent
Proving a proposition’s contrapositive is as good as (and sometimes easier than) proving the proposition itself. Which of the following is logically equivalent to the contrapositive of “P IMPLIES Q.”
At the end of a proof, it is customary begin a proof with ___ and then to write down either the delimiter _____ or the symbol _____.
A proof should begin with “Proof by …” and end with “QED” or a square symbol
What is Proof by Contradiction
If an assertion implies something false, then the assertion itself must be false.
What is Proof by Cases?
Reasoning by cases breaks a complicated problem into easier subproblems
Based on the video and slides, when might we want to prove by cases?
Proof by cases might be used when:
(1) a complicated proof could be broken into cases
(2) where each case is simpler to prove and
(3) the cases together cover all possibilities
What is the well ordering principle?
Every nonempty set of nonnegative integers has a least element.
What is DeMorgan’s Law
When P and Q are true
NOT(P or Q) is equivalent to NOT(P) and NOT(Q)
How does Proof by Truth table work?
It verifies a proof by confirming you get the same truth value in all possible environments.
“valid” formula (or a tautology)
if and only if it’s true in all environments. No matter what you set the variables to, it’s going to come out to be true.
satisfiable formula
So a formula is satisfiable if and only if it’s true in some environment.
The equivalence of two propositional formulas could be proved by comparing their _____, notably the _____ column.
truth tables, final
A rule is _____ an assignment of truth values that makes all antecedents true the consequent is _____.
sound, valid
Godel’s Completeness Theorem
The good news theorem: you only need to know a few axioms & rules to prove all valid formulas (in theory; in practice, you need to know lot of rules on how to apply theorem)
What is the second meta-theorem regarding Predicate Calculas
(Predicate Calculus) there is no procedure to determine whether a quantified formula is valid (in contrast to propositional formulas).
We have a procedure to fix any problem.
If the range of “p” is the set of procedures and “i” is in the set of issues, pick the quantifiers that complete the statement.
___. p fixes i
All i exists p
informally: a set is a collection of mathematical objects, and the idea is that you treat the collection of objects as one new object.
e. g’s of sets include real numbers, complex numbers, integers, and an empty set
set-theoretic equality
A intersection ( B union C) = (A intersection B) union ll(A union C)
Binary relations
A binary relation is a mathematical object that associates elements of one set called the domain with elements of another set called the codomain.
The range of a relation is:
Equal to or smaller than the codomain
A total injection has _____ arrows out of each element in the domain
greater than or equal to 1
less than or equal to 1
surjective binary relation
There is greater than or equal to 1 arrow in to every element of B
Function (binary relation)
There’s less than or equal to 1 arrow out of every element of A, that’s what function means.
What are the mapping lemmas for the size/relation for finite binary relations the codomains for bijection, surjection, and injection
A bij B IFF |A| = |B|
A surj B IFF |A| >= |B|
A inj B IFF |A| <= |B|
Schroeder-Bernstein theorem
A surj B surj A IMPLIES A bij B
for finite sets A and B, A inj B is the equivalent to:
There exists a total injective relation from A to B
There exists a surjective function from B to A
There exists a bijection from A to some subset of B
|A| <= |B|
A relation R from a set A to a set B is total iff
R^-1(B) = A
R is (>= 1) - out
(see 1.7 Binary relations for more info)
total relation
Total relation means there’s at least one arrow out every domain element.
Another way to say total is to say that if you look at the inverse image of the codomain, it is equal to the domain.
A = R-1 (B)
R is (>=1) - out
surjection (relational mappings)
At least one arrow into every point in the codomain.
In other words, every value in the co domain is mapped to a value within the domain.
In terms of set operations that R is a surjection if and only if the image of the domain is the codomain.
R surj B iff R(A) = B
injections (relational mappings)
an injection is a relation where there is at most one arrow into every element in the codomain.
R is an injection iff R^-1 is
a function
R is a bijection iff R^-1 is
a bijection
R is a surjection iff R^-1 is
R is a function iff R^-1 is
an injection
what is the template for an induction proof
Proof: (by induction on n)
The induction hypothesis, P(n)
Floyd’s Invariant Principle
if you have a property that you begin with, and it doesn’t change making a step, it’s never going to change. And that’s all that Floyd’s invariant principle states.
We use preserved invariance to prove that a property is true in all states. It’s a methodology.