pronunciation rules Flashcards
if a C is followed by A, O, or U
“K” sound eg. CASA
if a C is followed by E or I
“TH” or “S” sound eg. CEREZ
if a G is followed by A, O, or U
“G” sound eg. BIGOTE
if a G is followed by E or I
“H” sound eg. PAGINA
if a G is followed by UE or UI
“G” sound and silent u eg. GUERRERO
if a G is followed by UE or UI with dots above the U
“G” sound + “U” eg. PINGUINO
if the letter is an H
the letter is always silent eg. ZANAHORIA
if the letter is a J
“H” sound eg. JARDIN
if the letter is an LL
“Y” sound eg. LLAMA
if the letter is a ~N
“NY” sound eg. MANANA
if the letter is a QU
“K” sound and a silent u eg. QUESO
if the letter is a V
“B” sound eg. VASO
if the letter is a Z
“TH” or “S” sound eg. ZAPATO
if the letter is an R at the start of a word or a double R
strong rolling “R” sound eg. PERRO or RATON
if the letter is an R in between vowels
soft rolling “R” sound eg. SEGURIDAD