Pronouns + को Flashcards
मैं + को
मुझको / मुझे
to me
हम + को
हमको / हमें
to us
तू + को
तुझको / तुझे
to you
तुम + को
तुमको / तुम्हें
to you
(casual / informal)
आप + को
to you
(formal / polite)
यह + को
इसको / इसे
to him / her / it
(close to speaker)
ये + को
इनको / इन्हें
to them
to him / her (respectful)
(close to speaker)
वह + को
उसको / उसे
to him / her / it
(far from speaker)
वे + को
उनको / उन्हें
to them
to him / her (respectful)
(far from speaker)
कौन (sg.) + को
किसको / किसे
to whom?
कौन (pl.) + को
किनको / किन्हें
to who all?
to whom? (respectful)
कोई + को
किसी को
to someone
मुझको / मुझे
to me
हमको / हमें
to us
तुझको / तुझे
to you
तुमको / तुम्हें
to you
(casual / informal)
to you
(formal / polite)
इसको / इसे
to him / her / it
(close to speaker)
इनको / इन्हें
to them
to him / her (respectful)
(close to speaker)
उसको / उसे
to him / her / it
(far from speaker)
उनको / उन्हें
to them
to him / her (respectful)
(far from speaker)
किसको / किसे
to whom?
किनको / किन्हें
to who all?
to whom? (respectful)
किसी को
to anyone