Pronouns Flashcards
I (me)
我 - ngo5
你 - nei5
He/ She / It
佢 - keoi5
我哋 - ngo5 dei6
You (plural)
你哋 - nei5 dei6
佢哋 - keoi5 dei6
She is beautiful
佢好靚 - keoi5 hou2 leng3
We are very happy
我哋好開心 - ngo5 dei6 hou2 hoi1 sam1
Can you call us?
你可唔可以打電話俾我哋?- nei5 ho2 m4 ho2 ji5 daa2 din6 waa2 bei2 ngo5 dei6 ?
Tell him to call me
叫佢打電話俾我 - giu3 keoi5 daa2 din6 waa2 bei2 ngo5
我嘅 - ngo5 ge3
你嘅 - nei5 ge3
Our dream is to visit Spain
ngo5 dei6 ge3 mung6 soeng2 hai6 heoi3 sai1 baan1 ngaa4
Give your phone number to me
bei2 nei5 go3 din6 waa2 hou6 maa5 ngo5
I can give you my email address
ngo5 ho2 ji5 bei2 ngo5 go3 din6 jau4 dei6 zi2 nei5
Their country is beautiful
keoi5 dei6 go3 gwok3 gaa1 hou2 leng3
The book is mine
bun2 syu1 hai6 ngo5 ge3
That pair of shoes are hers
go2 deoi3 haai4 hai6 keoi5 ge3
Is this pen yours?
ni1 zi1 bat1 hai6 m4 hai6 nei5 gaa3 (ge3 aa3)?