Pronouns Flashcards
Personal Pronouns
Subject and Object
“I gave him the cake”
I. / Me
You / You
He. / Him
She / Her
They / Them
We. / Us
Personal Pronouns
Subject and Object
“Eu dei-lhe o bolo.” (Dar Past)
I = Eu. / Me = Me or Mi
You = Tu. / You = Te or Ti
You = Você. / You = Lhe or si
You (P) = Vocês / You = Lhes
He = Ele. / Him = Lhe or si
She = Ela. / Her = Lhe or si
They (M) = Eles / Them = Lhes
They (F) = Elas / Them = Lhes
We = Nós. / Us = Nos
Personal Pronoun:
Subject, Object, “With” +
Personal Pronoun:
Subject, Object, “With” +
Eu, me (or mi), comigo
Possessive Pronoun:
Ms, Fs
Mp, Fp
Eu: My
o meu, a minha
os meus, as minhas
With article (o, a, os, as, os):
My, Your, His, Their, Our
Without article:
Mine, Yours, His, Theirs, Ours
You (informal)
Personal Pronoun:
Subject, Object, “With” +
You (informal)
Personal Pronoun:
Subject, Object, “With” +
tu, te (or ti), contigo
You (informal)
Possessive Pronoun:
Ms, Fs
Mp, Fp
Tu: Your
o teu, a tua
os teus, as tuas
With article (o, a, os, as, os):
My, Your, His, Their, Our
Without article:
Mine, Yours, His, Theirs, Ours
You (formal)
Personal Pronoun:
Subject, Object, “With” +
You (formal)
Personal Pronoun:
Subject, Object, “With” +
você, lhe (or si), consigo
You (very form.)
Personal Pronoun:
Subject, Object, “With” +
You (very form.)
Personal Pronoun:
Subject, Object, “With” +
o senhor, lhe (or si), consigo
You (plural)
Personal Pronoun:
Subject, Object, “With” +
You (plural) - Personal Pronoun:
Subject, Object, “With” +
vocês, lhes, con vocês
You (plural)
Possessive Pronoun: Your
Ms, Fs
Mp, Fp
Vocês: Your
o vosso, a vossa
os vossos, as vossas
With article (o, a, os, as, os):
My, Your, His, Their, Our
Without article:
Mine, Yours, His, Theirs, Ours
Personal Pronoun:
Subject, Object, “With” +
Personal Pronoun:
Subject, Object, “With” +
ele, lhe (or si), com ele
Personal Pronoun:
Subject, Object, “With” +
Personal Pronoun:
Subject, Object, “With” +
ela, lhe (or si), com ela
He/She/You formal
Possessive Pronoun:
His or Her
Ms, Fs
Mp, Fp
His, Her, Your
o seu (ele: dele), a sua (ela: dela)
os seus, as suas
With article (o, a, os, as, os): My, Your, His, Their, Our
Without article: Mine, Yours, His, Theirs, Ours
They (M)
Personal Pronoun:
Subject, Object, “With” +
They (M)
Personal Pronoun:
Subject, Object, “With” +
eles, lhes, com eles
They (F)
Personal Pronoun:
Subject, Object, “With” +
They (F)
Personal Pronoun:
Subject, Object, “With” +
elas, lhes, com elas
They(M), They(F)
Possessive Pronoun:
Ms, Fs
Mp, Fp
Eles/Elas: Their
o seu (eles: deles), a sua (elas: delas)
os seus, as suas
With article (o, a, os, as, os): My, Your, His, Their, Our
Without article: Mine, Yours, His, Theirs, Ours
Personal Pronoun:
Subject, Object, “With” +
Personal Pronoun:
Subject, Object, “With” +
nós, nos, connosco
They very formal)
Personal Pronoun:
Subject, Object, “With” +
They very formal)
Personal Pronoun:
Subject, Object, “With” +
os senhores, lhes, convosco
Possessive Pronoun:
Ms, Fs
Mp, Fp
Nós: Our
o nosso, a nossa
os nossos, as nossas
With article (o, a, os, as): My, Your, His, Their, Our
Without article: Mine, Yours, His, Theirs, Ours
Pronouns: Indefinite InVariable
- People: Someone, No one
- Things: Everything, Nothing
- People & Things: Each
Pronomes Indefinidos InVariáveis
- Pessoas: Alguém, Ninguém
- Coisas: Tudo, Nada
- Pessoas & Coisas: Cada
Indefinite Variable
Ms, Fs,
Mp, Fp
Indefinidos Variáveis
nenhum, nunhuma
nenhuns, nenhumas
Indefinite Variable
Ms, Fs
Mp, Fp
Indefinidos Variáveis
algum, alguma
alguns, algumas
Indefinite Variable
A Lot:
Ms, Fs
Mp, Fp
Indefinidos Variáveis
A Lot:
muito, muita
muitos, muitas
Indefinite Variable
A Little:
Ms, Fs
Mp, Fp
Indefinidos Variáveis
A Little:
pouco, pouca
poucos, poucas
Indefinite Variable
Ms, Fs
Mp, Fp
Indefinidos Variáveis
todo, toda
todos, todas
Indefinite Variable
Ms, Fs
Mp, Fp
Indefinidos Variáveis
outro, outra
outros, outras
Pronouns: Demonstrative Variable
- This (is here)
- That (is there)
- That (is over there)
This or That - NOT followed by noun
Pronomes Demonstrativos Variáveis
- Isto (está aqui)
- Isso (está aí)
- Aquilo (está ali)
Note: Isto, Isso, Aquilo NOT followed by noun
Demonstrative Variable:
Followed by Noun
- This pen (here): Ms, Fs, Mp, Fp
- That pen (there): Ms, Fs, Mp, Fp
- That pen (over there): Ms, Fs, Mp, Fp
This or That - Followed by noun
Demonstrativos Variáveis
- This (aqui):
Este, Esta,
Estes, Estas - caneta(s) - That (aí):
Esse, Essa,
Esses, Essas - caneta(s) - That (ali):
Aquele, Aquela,
Aqueles, Aquelas - caneta(s)
Note: Este, Esse, Aquele all followed by nouns
Pronouns Interrogative
- What?
- Where?
- When?
- Why?
- How much?
- How many?
- Which? Ms, Fs, Mp, Fp
- Whose? Ms, Fs, Mp, Fp
Pronomes Interrogativos
What: O que? (o que é que? - no inversion required)
Where: Onde?
When: Quando?
Why: Porquê?
How much: Quanto?
How many: Quantos?
o Qual, a Qual,
os Quais, as Quais
(~preceded by preposition)
o Cujo, a Cuja,
os Cujos, as Cujas
(or de quem)
Pronouns: Relative
Refer to things, people, or places that appear before in the sentence
- People or Things
- People
- Places
Pronouns: Relative
Refer to things, people, or places that appear before in the sentence
- Pessoas ou Coisas: Que
- Pessoas: Quem (always with a preposition: com quem, a quem)
- Lugares: Onde
“A casa que comprámos é muito bonita.”
Direct and Indirect Compliment
Direct and Indirect Compliment
Direct Indirect
Me Me
Te Te
O/A Lhe
Nos Nos
Vos Vos
Os/As Lhes
Reflexive Pronoun Position
Reflexive Pronoun Position
After: Verb is in the past participle
(ado, ido, ido)
“Nos temo-vos enviado muitas notícias.”
Before: Word obliges the inversion
já, ainda, só, não, nunca, que, também, etc.
Pronoun Contraction
Pronoun Contraction
Contract Either the direct, or indirect, OR Both:
1) Contract the indirect compliment, then
2) Direct compliment
“A vendedora entregou o chapeu ao client.”
“A vendedora entregou lhe ao client.”
“A vendedora entregou lho.”