Pronouns Flashcards
ego, me, mei, mihi, me
I, me, of me, to/for me, by/with/from me
nos, nos, nostrum/nostri, nobis, nobis
we, us, of us/our, to/for us, by/with/from us
tu, te, tui, tibi, te
you, you, of you/your, to/for you, by/with/from you (singular)
vos, vos, vestrum/vestri, vobis, vobis
you, you, of you/your, to/for you, by/with/from you (plural)
is, eum, eius, ei, eo; ea, eam, eius, ei, eo; id, id, eius, ei, eo
he, him, of him/his, to/for him, by/with/from him; it, it, of it/its, to/for it, by/with/from it
ei/ii, eos, eorum, eis/iis, eis/iis; eae, eas, earum, eis/iis, eis/iis; ea, ea, eorum, eis/iis, eis/iis
they, them, of them/their, to/for them, by/with/from them
mecum, tecum, nobiscum, vobiscum
with me, with you (singular), with us, with you (plural)
meus, mi, meum, mei, meo, meo; mea, mea, meam, meae, meae, mea; meum, meum, meum, mei, meo, meo
1st Person Singular Possessive Adjectives: my/mine, O my..!, my, of my, to/for my, by/with/from my
mei, mei, meos, meorum, meis, meis; mrae, meae, mearum, meis, meis; mea, mea, meorum, meis, meis
1st Person Singular Possessive Adjectives (plurals): my/mine etc.
noster, nostra, nostrum etc.
1st Person Plural Possessive Adjectives: our/ours
tuus, tua, tuum etc.
2nd Person Singular Possessive Adjectives: your/yours
vester, vestra, vestrum etc
2nd Person Plural Possessive Adjectives: your/yours (plural)
suus, sua, suum, etc.
3rd Person Singular and Plural Possessive Adjectives: his/her/its/their own (reflexive) etc.
qui, quae, quod - note cuius (Gen. sing) and cui (Dat. sing.) etc.
Relative Pronoun: who, whom, of whom/whose, to/for whom, by/with/from whom, which (Neuter) etc.
is, ea, id
Personal Pronoun: he, she, it, they; Demonstrative Pronoun: that/those
hic, hunc, huis, huic, hoc, hi, hos, horum, his, his; haec, hanc, huius, huic, hac, hae, has, harum, his, his; hoc, hoc, huius, huic, hoc, haec, haec, horum, his, his
Demonstrative Pronoun: this/these; he/she/it/they (here) - for nearby people/things
ille, illa, illud
Demonstrative Pronoun: that/those; he/she/it/they (there) - for people/things some distance away
idem, eundem, eiusdem, eidem, eodem, eidem/iidem, eosdem, eorundem, eisdem/iisdem, eisdem/iisdem; eadem, eandem, eiusdem, eidem, eadem, eaedem, easdem, earundem, eisdem/iisdem, eisdem/iisdem; idem, idem, eiusdem, eidem, eodem, eadem, eadem, eorundem, eisdem/iisdem, eisdem/iisdem
Pronoun: he, she it, they, referring to the same one already mentioned. Adjective: “The same…”
ipse, ipsa, ipsum. Note: Genitive sing. is ipsius
Epmphasizing Pronoun: he (himself), she (herself), it (itself), they (themselves). As an Adjective: himself, herself, itself, themselves.
quis (masc./fem.), quid?
Interrogative Pronoun: Who, which, what, of whom, to/for whom, by/with/from whom? etc.
qui, quae, quod?
Interrogative Adjective: “Which….? What…?”
aliquis, aliqua, aliquid.aliquod
Indefinite Pronoun: somebody, someone, something
quis, quid
Indefinite Pronoun: anyone, anything
quispiam, quaepiam, quidpiam/quodpiam
Indefinite Pronoun: anybody, anything, someone, something, a certain one
quidam, quaedam, quiddam/quoddam
Indefinite Pronoun: some, someone, a certain…, a sort of…
quisque, quaeque, quidque/quodque
Indefinite Pronoun: each one
quivis, quaevis, quidvis/quodvis
Indefinite Pronoun: any
quilibet, quaelibet, quidlibet/quodlibet
Indefinite pronoun: any
quisquam, quisquam, quicquam/quidquam
Indefinite Pronoun: Someone, something - usually in a negative/doubtful sentence
alius, alia, aliud
Adjective: Other (with more than two)
alter, altera, alterum
Adjective: The other (of two)
ecquis/ecqui, ecquae/ecqua, ecqua
Indefinite Pronoun: anyone, anything
uter, utra, utrum
Idefinite Pronoun: which (of two), the one that, one…or the other
uterque, utraque, utrumque
Indefinite Pronoun: each (of two), either, both…
utercumque etc.
Indefinite Pronoun: whichever (of two)
uterlibet etc.
Indefinite Pronoun: whichever (of the two)
utervis etc.
Indefinite pronoun: whichever of two you please