Pronominal/Reflexive Verbs Flashcards
to help each other
se comprendre
to understand each other
se connaître
to get acquainted with, know each other
se disputer
to argue
se donner rendez-vous [à]
to make an appointment with each other
s’écrire [à]
to write each other
s’entendre (bien, mal)
to get along (well, badly) with each other
s’envoyer (des mails) [à]
to send (e-mails) to each other
se faire des cadeaux [à]
to give gifts to each other
se parler [à]
to speak to each other
se regarder
to look at each other
se rencontrer
to come across each other
se ressembler [à]
to resemble each other
se retrouver
to meet each other (planned)
se revoir
to see each other again
se serrer la main [à]
to shake hands
se téléphoner [à]
to phone each other
se voir
to see each other
s’en aller
to leave, depart
s’apercevoir de (quelque chose, quelqu’un)
to notice (something, someone)
to be named, called
se décider à + inf
to decide to (do something)
se demander
to wonder; to ask oneself
se dépêcher de +inf
to hurry to (do something)
se disputer avec (quelqu’un)
to argue with (someone)
s’ennuyer de + inf
to get bored (doing something)
s’entendre avec (quelqu’un)
to get alone with (someone)
se fâcher avec (quelqu’un)
to get angry with (someone)
se faire à
to get accustomed to
s’habituer à
to get accustomed to
se marier avec (quelqu’un)
to marry, get married to (someone)
se mettre à + inf
to begin to (do something)
s’occuper de (quelque chose, quelqu’un)
to take care of, busy oneself with (something)
se passer de (quelqu’un, quelque chose)
to manage, do without (something, someone)
se rappeler (quelque chose, quelqu’un)
to remember recall (something, someone)
se rendre compte de/que (quelque chose)
to realize (something)
se souvenir de/que (quelque chose, quelqu’un)
to remember, recall (something, someone)
se tromper de (quelque chose)
to make a mistake (in something)