Promotion Board Flashcards
When was the American continental army established?
14 JUNE 1775
What components make up the army?
Active duty, reserve, national guard
What are 7 army values?
Loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, personal courage
What are 5 domains?
Air, land, sea, space, cyberspace
What U.S code governs the Army?
Title 10 USC
What type of forces doesnthe army possess?
Armored, light, heavy, airborne
What does ADP 5-0 cover?
The operations process
What are four parts or the operations process?
Plan, prepare, execute, assess
What is METT- TC?
Mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support, time available, civil consideration
What are TLPs?
Troop Leading Procedures, dynamic process used by small unit team leaders to analyze a mission, develop a plan, and prepare for an operation
What are the 8 Troop Leading Procedures (TLP)s?
- Receive the misison
- Issue the warning order
- Make a tentative plan
- Initiate movement
- Conduct recon
- Complete the plan
- Issue order
- Supervise and refine
What are paragraphs in an OPORD?
Command and signal
What is campaign?
A series of related major operations aimed at achieving overall objectives
Define execution
Puttting a plan into action by applying combat power to accomplish the mission
What does ADP 6-22 cover?
Army Leadership
What is an army leader?
An army leader is anyone who by virtue of assumed role or assigned responsibility inspires and influences people to accomplish organizational goals
What is leadership?
Leadership is the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization
What is Mission Command?
The excercise of authority and direction by the commander using mission orders to enable disciplined initiative within the commanders intent to empower agile and adaptive leaders in the conduct of unified land operations
What is AR 600-20?
Army Command Policy
What are 3 Levels of leadership?
Direct leadership- abiloty to apply competencies at a proficient level
Organizational leadership- apply competencies to increasingly complex situations
Strategic- shape the military through change over extended time
What are 4 special conditions of leadership?
What are 3 leader attributes?
What year was the army’s first leadership doctrine published?
What ADP covers mission command?
ADP 6-0
What is the commanders intent?
The commanders intent is a clear and concise expression of the purpose of the operation and the desired military end state that supports mission command, provides focus to the staff and helps subordinate and supporting commanders act to achieve the commanders desired results without further orders, even when the operation does not unfold as planned
What ADP/ADRP covers training units and developing leaders?
What are 3 training domains the army uses?
Self development
Who is responsible for training unitd and developming leaders?
Where does training begin?
Training begins in the generating force
Why does the army train?
To provide ready forces to combatant commanders worldwide
Why do units train?
To prepare for their mission and adapr their capabilities to any changes in an operational environment
Who are the primary trainers of soldiers, crews and small teams?
Noncommisioned officers
What is TC 3-22.9?
Rifle marksmanship with M16 Rifle or M4 carbine
Describe the M4
M4 is an air cooled, gas operated, magazine fed, hand held, shoukder fired weapon. It can shoot either on semi automatic or automatic
Whats the first thing u do when handling a weapon?
Clear it
Name 5 phases of basic rifle marksmanship?
Preliminary rifle instruction
Downrange feedback
Field fire
Advanced rifle marksmanship
Advanced optics, laser and iron sight
What are 4 fundamentals or marksmanship?
Steady position
Proper aim (sight picture)
Trigger squeeze
During preliminary marksmanship training (PMI), what are the 2 positions taught?
Prone unsupported
Foxhole supported
What are 2 basic elements of sight picture?
Sight alignment
Placing of the aiming point