Promotion Board Flashcards
When was the American continental army established?
14 JUNE 1775
What components make up the army?
Active duty, reserve, national guard
What are 7 army values?
Loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, personal courage
What are 5 domains?
Air, land, sea, space, cyberspace
What U.S code governs the Army?
Title 10 USC
What type of forces doesnthe army possess?
Armored, light, heavy, airborne
What does ADP 5-0 cover?
The operations process
What are four parts or the operations process?
Plan, prepare, execute, assess
What is METT- TC?
Mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support, time available, civil consideration
What are TLPs?
Troop Leading Procedures, dynamic process used by small unit team leaders to analyze a mission, develop a plan, and prepare for an operation
What are the 8 Troop Leading Procedures (TLP)s?
- Receive the misison
- Issue the warning order
- Make a tentative plan
- Initiate movement
- Conduct recon
- Complete the plan
- Issue order
- Supervise and refine
What are paragraphs in an OPORD?
Command and signal
What is campaign?
A series of related major operations aimed at achieving overall objectives
Define execution
Puttting a plan into action by applying combat power to accomplish the mission
What does ADP 6-22 cover?
Army Leadership
What is an army leader?
An army leader is anyone who by virtue of assumed role or assigned responsibility inspires and influences people to accomplish organizational goals
What is leadership?
Leadership is the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization
What is Mission Command?
The excercise of authority and direction by the commander using mission orders to enable disciplined initiative within the commanders intent to empower agile and adaptive leaders in the conduct of unified land operations
What is AR 600-20?
Army Command Policy
What are 3 Levels of leadership?
Direct leadership- abiloty to apply competencies at a proficient level
Organizational leadership- apply competencies to increasingly complex situations
Strategic- shape the military through change over extended time
What are 4 special conditions of leadership?
What are 3 leader attributes?
What year was the army’s first leadership doctrine published?
What ADP covers mission command?
ADP 6-0
What is the commanders intent?
The commanders intent is a clear and concise expression of the purpose of the operation and the desired military end state that supports mission command, provides focus to the staff and helps subordinate and supporting commanders act to achieve the commanders desired results without further orders, even when the operation does not unfold as planned
What ADP/ADRP covers training units and developing leaders?
What are 3 training domains the army uses?
Self development
Who is responsible for training unitd and developming leaders?
Where does training begin?
Training begins in the generating force
Why does the army train?
To provide ready forces to combatant commanders worldwide
Why do units train?
To prepare for their mission and adapr their capabilities to any changes in an operational environment
Who are the primary trainers of soldiers, crews and small teams?
Noncommisioned officers
What is TC 3-22.9?
Rifle marksmanship with M16 Rifle or M4 carbine
Describe the M4
M4 is an air cooled, gas operated, magazine fed, hand held, shoukder fired weapon. It can shoot either on semi automatic or automatic
Whats the first thing u do when handling a weapon?
Clear it
Name 5 phases of basic rifle marksmanship?
Preliminary rifle instruction
Downrange feedback
Field fire
Advanced rifle marksmanship
Advanced optics, laser and iron sight
What are 4 fundamentals or marksmanship?
Steady position
Proper aim (sight picture)
Trigger squeeze
During preliminary marksmanship training (PMI), what are the 2 positions taught?
Prone unsupported
Foxhole supported
What are 2 basic elements of sight picture?
Sight alignment
Placing of the aiming point
What does SPORTS stand for?
What is remedial action?
The continuing effort to determine the cause for a stoppage and to clear it
Describe the proper procedure for applying remedial action with the M4
Try to place the weapon on safe
Remove the magazine
Lock the bolt to the rear
Place the weapon on safe, if not already done
Describe the proper procedure for applying immediate action with the m4
slap up on the magazine
Pull back the charging handle completely to the rear
Observe the ejection of the live round or expended cartridge
Release the charging handle
Tap the forward assist to ensure bolt closure
Squeeze the trigger
Is SPORTS immediate or Remedial action?
What is immediate action?
The quick application to fix a stoppage without troubleshooting the cause
How many times should immediate action be applied?
Once. If the rifle still fails to fire, apply remedial action
Name the different categories of malfunctions of the m4
Failure to feed
Chamber to lock
Failure to fire cartridge
Failure to extract
Failure to eject
What are the 7 types of ammunition that can be used with the m4 rifle?
Ball M193
Trace M196
Dummy M199
Blank M200
Ball M855
Tracer M856
Short range training ammo M862
Max effective range for point target of M4
500 meters
Max effective range for an area target
Max range of an M4
3600 meters
Max loadout of ammunition for M4
210 rounds (30 rounds 7 mags)
What FM covers PRT?
FM 7-22
What does PRT stand for?
Physical readiness training
What are the critical/ fundamental components of physical conditioning?
What are the three training phases of PRT?
What principles does PRT follow?
How long is the preparatory phase?
2 weeks
What are the 3 phases of physical conditioning?
What are the 5 components of physical fitness?
Cardio Respiratory Endurance
Muscular Strength
Muscular Endurance
Body Composition
What training circular covers First Aid?
TC 4-02.1
What is TCCC?
Tactical combat casualty care
What are the 3 phases of TCCC?
Care under fire
Tactical field care
Tactical evacuation care
What 3 things make up the circulatory system
Blood vessels
What four points can you feel your pulse?
Inner thigh
Inside of ankle
What is AVPU?
A= Alert
V= response to voice
P= response to pain
U= unresponsive
What are methods to check for a response to pain?
Rub breast bone with knuckles
squeeze first or second toenail
pinch nose or earlobe
How do you identify and control bleeding?
Head to toe blood sweep of the body
re-assessing tourniquets
What are two methods to open the airway?
Head tilt
chin lift
What are the three methods to control bleeding while in combat?
Direct pressure
Pressure dressing
What is a tourniquet
To control hemorrhaging extremities
What is DA PAM 600-25
NCO Professional Development Guide
What does ATRRS stand for?
Army Training Requirements and Resources System
Who will identify soldiers and make reservations for course attendance in ATRRS?
HRC (human command resources)
Who maintains the OML for soldiers that have been selected for promotion to SSG?
The Commander, HRC will maintain worldwide OML for AA Soldiers recommended for or promoted to staff sergeant
What soldiers selected for NCOES attendance do?
Selectees must meet the course prerequisites and standards outlined in ATRRS course catalog
If a soldier fails the APFT/ACFT are they allowed a retest?
yes, they are allowed one retest
What will happen if a soldier fails the second APFT/ACFT?
Marginally achieved course standards and failed to meet APFT/ACFT standards will be placed on the DA Form 1059
What happens if a soldier fails to meet body fat standards?
They are allowed one re-screening no earlier than 7 days after the first failure
Can soldiers on permanent profiles attend NCOES
Yes, a profile with “2” only needs the profile, however a profile with a 3 or 4 must have their results of their military medical review board as part of the course application
What are some reasons soldiers may be removed from NCOES
Personal conduct is such a continuance in the course is not appropriate
Negative attitude
Academic deficiency
Illness or injury
Compassionate reasons
Students enrolled as a military member retiring or leaving the military and not continuing in a federal civilian capacity
Where will all individual and collective training in units be documented?
What is AR 600-20
Army Command Policy
What is a commander
A Commander is commissioned or warrant officer who, by virtue of grade and assignment, exercises primary command authority
Who is the only civilian that can exercise command?
The President of the united states
How does AR600-20 define duty
Obedient and disciplined performance
What is chain of command
Chain of command is the order of commanders from superior to subordinate through which orders are transmitted
What is the purpose of an open door policy?
To allow members of the command to present facts, concerns, and problems of a personal or professional nature or other issues
Where can you find regulation on EO
AR 600-20 ch 6
Where can you find regulation on SHARP
AR 600-20 ch 7-8
What is AR 670-1
Army uniforms wear and apperance
What chapter is grooming
chapter 3 ar670-1
Who determines if a hairstyle is deemed appropriate?
Army Leaders
How can leaders judge if a hairstyle if appropriate
BY the appearance of headgear when worn
Who is authorized a beard
Personnel who have religious accommodation or medical profile
How long is the beard allowed to be
AR 670-1 PARA 3-2 A 2 B Cant exceed 1/4 of an inch
hat exercises can be used for correcrive action
squat bender
prone row
push up
v up
leg tuck and twist
supine bicycle
8 count push up