What is a chest tube?
drain that is inserted between ribs into the plueal cavity, rids pleural cavity of blood, fluid, or air
Why would a doctor insert a chest tube?
after a lung collapse/trauma/lung surgery, to restore negative pressure in lungs for re-expansion
Could a chest tube have suction? could also not have suction
Hemothorax vs Pneumothorax
Hemothorax: blood accumulating in pleural cavity
Pnuemothorax: air accumulation in pleural cavity
spontaneous pneumothorax vs tension pneumothorax
spontaneous: idiopathically occurs more in tall, thin young men
pneumothorax: pressure build-up in pleural space, mediastinum opposite side of chest
pleural effusion
abnormal accumulation of fluid around lung; due to cancer, pneumonia, C.H.F.
What is a thoracotomy?
Open chest surgery
What is a simple face mask and it’s requirements?
It’s a short-term or emergency mask that delivers 35-50% of oxygen and requires a minimal flow rate of 6-12 liters/minute to prevent the rebreathing of exhaled air…can cause claustrophobia
Venturi mask vs partial rebreather mask
Venturi: provides specific amt of O2 (24-50%) using room air for most accurate delivery of concentration
Partial Rebreather: mask with bag (needs to be inflated), bag shouldn’t totally deflate, 60-90% of O2; PT rebreathes 1/3 of exhaled
Face tent mask vs aerosol mask
Tent: O2 concentration varies, for facial traumas/burns, pro: humidification, con: no control over O2 concentration, flow rate: 8-12 L/min; flow meter: set to specific liter
Aerosol: for PTs who need high humidity, post-extubation, or thick secretions; can be used w/ RA for neb
What the procedure for controlled coughing/ Huff cough (CPT)
Controlled coughing: Pt sits upright, leans forward slightly, takes 2 slow deep breaths, inhales: nose/exhales: mouth, 2/3 deep coughs
Huff: slight breath in, make “ha” sound with mouth open, repeat 3x
Define the Nasal Cannula’s function and pros/cons
Used at 1-6 L/min, provides 24-44% O2; flow meter: sets Ls/min concentrations, for chronic air flow, pros: safe, simple, tolerated more, can eat/talk; cons: dries out nose on 4 or more Ls, skin breakdown
What is an Endotracheal Tube (aka ETT)?
Breathing tube that goes in the throat to the trachea for the PT who can’t breathe independently (I.e. during thoracotomy)
Characteristics of an ETT
Maintains patent airway, used with vent, 10-14 PRN, 20-30 cm H2O is normal range
What is a tracheostomy?
Surgical incisions into trachea to establish an airway; temporary or permanent