PROM Flashcards
What is the incidence of preterm ( > 24w) PROM ?
3% of pregnancies
What is the incidence of preterm PROM among preterm births ?
PROM is associated with 30 - 40 % of preterm births
What are the main causes of neonatal mortality & morbidity associated with PPROM ?
Prematurity / sepsis / cord prolapse / pulmonary hypoplasia
What is the median latency time after P PROM ?
7 days
How is diagnosis of P PROM made ?
1- maternal history
2- sterile speculum examination
3- no AF pooling 👉 consider ILGFBP-1 + PAMG-1
What is the role of US assessment of AF to diagnose P PROM?
The role is unclear
What is required antenatally to identify infection in women with P PROM?
Combination of
clinical assessment ( pulse/ BP / temperature )
+ maternal blood tests ( CRP / WBCs count)
+ FHR on cardiotocography
⚠️ non of these parameters should be used in isolation
What are the symptoms of clinical chorioamnionitis?
1-Lower abdominal pain
2-Abnormal vaginal discharge
5-Reduced fetal movements
Among maternal serum markers for predicting chorioamnionitis, which is the most informative?
CRP sensitivity 68% specificity 77%
⚠️ WBCs count will raise 24h following administration of steroids & return to normal baseline after
3 days
During the management of women with P PROM, should antibiotics be given?
Erythromycin 250 1×4 for 10 days
Can’t tolerate erythromycin 👉penicillin
⚠️ co amoxiclav increases the risk of neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis
What is the role of antenatal Corticosteroids in women with P PROM?
Offer 24 w - 34 weeks
Consider: 34-36 w
Betamethazon 12 mg 2 doses 24h apart
What is the role of MGSO4 for neuroprotection of the baby in women with P PROM?
Offer 24 - 30 w
Consider 30 - 34 w
⚠️4 g IV bolus of MGSO4 over 15 minutes followed by IV infusion 1g/hour until birth or 24 hours whichever is sooner
Should tocolytic agents be used in women with P PROM?
Tocolytic drugs IS NOT RECOMMENDED
⛔ increase the risk of maternal chorioamnionitis without significant benefits to the neonate ( increase the risk of low abgar score + increase the need of ventilation support)
Can women with PPROM be monitored at home?
The optimal method of monitoring has not been determined
👉 decide on individual basis
If at home: assessment 1-2 times a week
When to recommend hospital based care of women with P PROM?
1- P PROM before 26w
2- non cephalic presentation
3- oligohydramnios
* associated with increased risk of complications ( fetal death, cord prolapse, placental abruption)
How to monitor the fetus in women with P PROM?
UD every 2 w
UA Doppler weekly
Is there a role for amnioinfusion in P PROM?
IS NOT RECOMMENDED as part of routine clinical practice
Why is women with P PROM should be offered emotional support?
Post traumatic stress disorder is more common
14 % antenatally
17% postpartum
When is the appropriate time to deliver the baby in women whose pregnancy complicated by P PROM?
24w> 👉 should be offered expectant management until 37w
* if GBS positive 👉 delivery 34w
How should known GBS carrier women be managed in case of P PROM?
IAP should be given once the labour is confirmed or induced irrespective of GBS status
+ planned delivery at 34w
How should unknown GBS status women be managed in case of P PROM?
Bacteriological tests is not recommended
IAP Is recommended once the labour is confirmed or induced
What is the benefit of administering MGSO4 in women with P PROM?
Reduces cerebral palsy & motor dysfunction in the offspring