Prolog Flashcards
Fructose, the energy source in sperm, is absent in cases of
obstructive azoospermia
number one genetic cause of premature ovarian failure
Fragile X
how long after bariatric surgery to wait for pregnancy?
12-18 months
Oral contraceptives can reduce the risk of ovarian cancer by approximately __% in BRCA1 mutation carriers
Women with exercise-induced amenorrhea have __ leptin levels than ovulatory females
normal AMH
1.5 - 6ish
Initial evaluation of premature thelarche should include (labs)
blood estradiol and TSH levels and bone age
whole arm exchange between acrocentric chromosomes =
robertsonian translocation
administration of cyclic progesterone for a patient with polycystic ovary syndrome mimics
involution of the corpus luteum
Which is better in pregnancy, bromocriptine or cabergoline?
A thrombophilia panel is indicated when losses occur after __ weeks, when __
10 weeks
when thrombosis can occur in the vasculature of the placenta.
treatment for postpartum thyroiditis
Postpartum thyroiditis almost exclusively affects
thyroid antibody-positive women.
The ovulation induction medication most likely to result in high-order multiple gestation
The most common form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia is deficiency in
genetic inheritance of CAH
autosomal recessive
A small percentage of patients with CAH may be hyper- tensive secondary to mineralocorticoid deficiency. These patients typically have a deficiency in __ enzyme
Patients who fail to achieve puberty, who are hyper- tensive, or who have primary amenorrhea should be evaluated for __ deficiency
cutaneous pigmentations, polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, and multiple endocrine abnormalities
McCune Albright syndrome
child walking with limp, hyperpigmented lesions on skin, low LH and FSH
McCune Albright syndrome
treatment for McCune Albright
aromatase inhibitor
Children with premature adrenarche are more likely to develop adult
Evaluation for premature adrenarche includes (6 labs)
DHEAS, FSH, LH, testosterone, TSH, and morning 17-hydroxyprogesterone
2 benign conditions of the ovary that are unique to pregnancy and lead to hirsutism and virilization
Ovarian luteoma
hyperreactio luteinalis
the presence of multiple theca-lutein cysts bilaterally due to hCG stimulation
Hyperreactio luteinalis
HRT risks in study
increased risk of stroke in estrogen only and E+P
increased risk of stroke, cardiac, breast cancer in E+P
only environmental factor proven to impact SA and and ferility
hot tub use
men heterozygous for CF have congenital absence of
vas deferens
the best chance for conception is on the day of
LH surge
Deficiency in __ secretion is a serious condition associated with Sheehan syndrome
Because adrenal insufficiency can result in a life-threatening adrenal crisis