Prokaryotes: Classification (BE #3) Flashcards
Who introduces binomial nomenclature?
What is binomial nomenclature?
Each species is designated by 2 names.
Defne “species” using the eukaryotic definition.
Species is groups of actually or potentially interbreeding natural populaitons that are reproductively isolated from other groups.
Why do bacterial species no fit the traditional definition of species?
Bacteria are able to exchange/share genetic information through conjugation, so are not reproductively isolated.
How are bacterial species defined?
Term “species” is used more as a category of convenience (they are grouped based on similarities).
Name a bacterial genus.
Name a bacterial species.
Streptococcus pyogenes
Differentiate between artificial & natural systems of classification.
Artificial - the Linnaean scheme; grouped based on basis of visible similarities
Natural - grouped based on evolutionary relatedness (phylogenetic)
List the 3 domains proposed by Woese. ID which are prokaryotic & which are eukaryotic.
- Eukarya (E)
- Bacteria (P)
- Archaea (P)
How are archaebacteria different from the true bacteria?
- Different cell membrane structure
- Cell wall present, but not composed of peptidoglycan
- live only in extreme conditions
- Ex. are: halophiles (salt), thermoacidophiles (heat)
What are the 6 Kingdoms now widely accepted by many biologists & the Domain to which they belong?
- Domain Bacteria: Kingdom Bacteria
- Domain Archaea: Kingdom Archaea
- Domain Eukarya:
- Kingdom Protista
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Plantae
- Kingdom Animalia
What manual do we follow for the classification of bacteria?
Does it follow an artificial or natural system of classification?
Bergey’s Manual
What does “0157:H7” indicate when if follows the species name Escherichia coli?
Indicates the strain of bacterial species.
List some of the major methods used to identify bacteria?
- morphological characteristics (shape, arrangement, presence of spores, flagella, capsules)
- staining
- biochemical tests (does it ferment the milk sugar lactose?)
Name 3 G(+) bacilli
- Bacillis subtilis
- Bacillis anthracis
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Name 3 G(+) cocci
- Streptococcus pyogenes
- Streptococcus pnuemoniae
- Staplylococcus aureus
Name 3 G(-) bacilli
- Escherichia coli
- Proteus mirabilis
- Enterobacter cloacae
What phylum includes the G(-) bacteria
Phylum proteobacteria
What phylum includes the G(+) bacteria?
Phylum firmicutes
Name 3 species of endospore forming bacilli (rods).
- Clostridium tetani - tetanus
- Clostridium perfringens - gas gangrene & food poisoning
- Bacillus antracis - anthrax
What is a unique characteristic of the Mycoplasmas?
no rigid cell wall
Name a species of spirochete & the disease it causes.
Treponema pallidum - syphillis
What 2 groups of bacteria were once though to be viruses due to their small size & the fact they are obligate intracellular paracites?
- Rickettsias (Phylum Proteobacteria)
- Chlamydia