Prokaryotes Flashcards
Internal membrane-bound organelles
Linear DNA
Lack nucleus
Lack organelles
Circular DNA (monoploid)
Gelatinous, sticky substance surrounding outside of bacterial cells
Composed of polysaccharides, polypeptides, or both
2 Types of Glycocalyx
- Capsule
Firmly attached to cell surface
May prevent bacteria from elimination - Slime Layer
Loosely attached to cell surface
Sticky layer allows attachment to surfaces
Responsible for movement
3 Parts: filament, hook, basal body
Sticky, bristle like rod-like proteinaceous extensions
Used to adhere
Shorter than flagella
Important in biofilms
Tubules composed of pilin
AKA conjugation pili
Longer than fimbriae, shorter than flagella
Mediate transfer of DNA from one cell to another (conjugation)
Bacterial Cell Walls
- provide structure/shape/protection from osmotic forces
- assist come attaching or resisting drugs
- give characteristic shapes
- 2 types composed of peptidoglycan (gram + and gram -)
Strings of sugars attached by peptides
Gram + Cells
- Stain purple
- large peptidoglycan (thick cell wall)
Gram - Cell Wall
Cell Membrane & Outer Membrane Outer Membrane- lipopolysaccharide (LPS) Lipid A = endotoxin Less peptidoglycan (thin cell wall)
Structure of Bacterial Cytoplasmic Membranes
- phospholipid bilayer
- fluid mosaic model (integrated with proteins)
Function of Bacteria Cytoplasmic Membranes
- Energy
- Selectively permeable
- Maintain concentration and electrical gradient
Cytoplasm of Bacteria
Deposits of chemicals, stored nutrients, enclosed proteins
Bacteria Ribosomes
70S (composed of 50S subunit and 30S subunit)
Drugs attack smaller prokaryotic ribosomes (structurally different than eukaryotes- 60S+40S=80S)