Prokaryote Gene Structure, Regulation, and Information Transfer Flashcards
What is a gene?
- The basic unit of genetic information
- A polynucleotide sequence that codes for a functional product
What is a reading frame?
- Gene sequence that gives rise to a single protein product
What is a codon?
Discrete 3-nucleotide sequence on an mRNA molecule that codes for a single amino acid
Bacterial DNA structure
- DNA is double stranded and directional
- Coding strand (sense strand) = 5’ – 3’strand
- Template strand (antisense strand) = 3’ – 5’ strand
- DNA Has promoter and leader regions on left of coding region
- DNA Has trailer and terminator regions on right of coding region
- RNA Polymerase recognizes template strand.. DOESN’T bind to coding strand
Bacterial Promoter Region Structure
o Located at start of gene
o Operator site is a sequence recognized by DNA binding proteins specific for that sequence; has no fixed position relative to promoter
o ‘+1’ in promoter region signals transcriptional start
o 5’ end of ‘+1’ is called upstream
o ‘-35’ (no. of nucleotides away from +1) in promoter region is RNA polymerase recognition site
o ‘-10’ (no. of nucleotides away from +1) in promoter region is RNA polymerase binding site. Also called the PRIBNO BOX
o -10 & -35 sequences are called consensus sequences
Bacterial mRNA structure
- Leader region:
o Shine-Dalgarno sequence is a purine rich region to which ribosome binds (in mRNA) - Promoter, leader, trailer and terminator regions aren’t translated (UTR untranslated regions)
o Leader and trailer are transcribed but NOT translated - has Leader and trailer regions, but NOT promoter and terminator regions.
- AUG is start codon for translation
- 3 translation stop Codons: UAA, UGA, UAG
What is a bacterial operon?
A cluster of genes controlled by the same regulatory control (same promoter region)
What is polycistronic mRNA?
- Basically 1 strand of mRNA with many genes on it
- Very common in bacteria
- Separate genes on operon are transcribed as part of a single mRNA transcript (from 1 long mRNA strand)
- Different reading frames translated into different proteins
- Intercistronic spacer regions separate the individual coding segments
In what direction does RNA polymerase read the template DNA strand during transcription?
3’-5’ direction
What types of RNA are produced by transcription?
- mRNA carries transcript for protein synthesis
- tRNA carries amino acids during protein synthesis
- rRNA mols are components of ribosomes
What are the 2 types of bacterial mRNA transcripts?
- Monocistronic/monogenic (single gene transcribed)
- Polycistronic/polygenic (multiple genes transcribed)
RNA Polymerase enzyme structure
- 2 alpha, 2 beta, 2 omega subunits = core enzyme (cannot bind DNA tightly or specifically)
- Holoenzmye = when core enzyme binds to sigma factor
- Sigma factor: recognizes and binds to promoter region
- Alpha factor: chain initiation and interaction with regulatory proteins
- Beta Factor: chain initiation and elongation
- Beta+ factor: DNA binding
Prokaryote transcription initiation
- Binding of the sigma factor of RNA Polymerase
- Promoter is recognition/binding site for RNA polymerase. It functions to orient polymerase for initiation
- RNA Pol only binds at -10 site if it is associated with a -35 sequence with the right distance between them
- RNA Pol cannot bind directly to sequence, has to bind via sigma factor
What is the effect of promoters on the efficiency of transcription?
- Strong promoters tend to have unaltered consensus sequences
- Weak promoters have substitutions within this region
Prokaryote Transcription Elongation
- RNA Pol holoenzyme unwinds DNA to form transcription bubble (Open Promoter Complex)
- RNA Pol Transcription Bubble moves in 3’-5’ direction causing sigma factor to dissociate from core enzyme
- No primer required, within bubble a temp RNA:DNA hybrid is formed
- Temp DNA strand is used to make complimentary mRNA
- Ribonucleotides added via phosphodiester bonds at 3’ end of RNA
- Transcription bubble moves @ 50 nucleotides/s
Prokaryote Transcription Termination
- Hairpin loop followed by A-U rich sequence in the trailer and terminator region marks termination
- 2 methods of termination
- Rho-independent termination (intrinsic terminators):
- Hairpin loop structure stalls RNA polymerase
- Weak A-U bonds are not able to hold RNA:DNA hybrid and RNA Pol falls off (mRNA forced out of Pol complex)
- Rho-dependant termination (extrinsic terminators):
- Requires the aid of the rho factor
- RNA Pol stalls at hairpin loop
- rho factor binds to rut site (a cis sequence, i.e. doesn’t produce protein) on the mRNA and moves to stalled RNA Pol and separates it from DNA:RNA hybrid
- Often multiple hairpin loops are needed to stop termination
What is Rho-independent Termination?
- Method of Prokaryotic termination
- Hairpin loop structure stalls RNA polymerase
- Weak A-U bonds are not able to hold RNA:DNA hybrid and RNA Pol falls off (mRNA forced out of Pol complex)
What is Rho-dependant Termination?
- Requires the aid of the rho factor
- RNA Pol stalls at hairpin loop
- rho factor binds to rut site (a cis sequence, i.e. doesn’t produce protein) on the mRNA and moves to stalled RNA Pol and separates it from DNA:RNA hybrid
What is code degeneracy?
- Up to 6 different codons can code for a single amino acid
- Referred to as ‘Wobble’
- Result of Loose base pairing
- Because the 3rd base less important than first 2 bases
How many sense codons are there?
61 codons that specific amino acids
How many Stop codons are there?
What is the importance of Open Reading Frames (ORFs)?
Even a single change in a reading frame can create a totally new message
i.e. code a totally new product
What is protein synthesis?
What is its direction of synthesis?
What is a polyribosome?
- The synthesis of polypeptides directed by a sequence of nucleotides in mRNA
- N terminal -> C terminal
- Complex of mRNA with several ribosomes
Structure of the prokaryote ribosome
- 70S ribosome
- 30S subunit = 16S rRNA + 21 polypeptide chains
- 50S subunit = 5S rRNA + 23S rRNA (peptide transferase) + 34 polypeptide chains
- 3 distinct binding sites (A,P,E)
What are the 3 binding sites of the 70S ribosome?
- A (Acceptor) site: attachment site for incoming aminoacyl-tRNA
- P (Peptidyl) site: Occupied by tRNA carrying growing peptide chain
- E (Exit) site: Transiently occupied by deacetylated tRNA
What are aminoacyl-tRNA’s?
Complex of tRNA bonded to an amino acid via an ester bond on the 3’ end of tRNA
What is aminoacylation?
The ATP-dependant attachment of a specific amino acid onto the 3’ end of a tRNA, catalysed by Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases.
Prokaryotic Translation Initiation
Summary: Binding of mRNA and initiator aminoacyl-tRNA to ribosomal small subunit, followed by binding of large subunit
- Coding region of open reading frame:
o Start codon 5’-AUG-3’
codes for N-formylmethionine (f-Met-tRNA(i)(Met)) – a modified amino acid used for initiating protein synthesis.
o Met-tRNA(m)(Met) used internally to code form Methionine
o N-terminal Met often removed post-translationally - 30S ribosome complex formation:
o 30S initiation complex = Initiation factor proteins (IF’s), GTP, N-formyl-Met-tRNA(i)(fMet), mRNA, 16S RNA of 30S subunit
o Shine-Dalgarno sequence complementary to 16S RNA sequence – allows proper alignment of ribosome on mRNA with respect to start codon.
o f-Met-tRNAifMet gets bound at P site via IF’s to the AUG codon - 70S ribosome formation:
o Initiation factors released, leads to 50S binding to 30S complex
o The A site now poised to accept incoming aminoacyl-tRNA
Prokaryotic Translation Elongation
Summary: Movement of ribosome along mRNA and synthesis of all peptide bonds – with tRNAs bound to acceptor (A) and peptidyl (P) sites
- 3 principle simultaneous steps:
1. Codon directed binding of incoming aminoacyl-tRNA at A-site
- Peptide bond formation: transfer of peptidyl chain from tRNA in P-site to N-terminus of tRNA in A-site
i. Done by 23S rRNA (Peptidyl transferase) - Old tRNA moves to E-site and is released when a new aminoacyl-tRNA binds to A-site. New tRNA (now carrying the peptide chain) moves into P-site.
Prokaryotic Translation Termination
- Coding region on mRNA ends with stop codon followed by trailer sequence
- Stop codons not read by any tRNAs
- Release factors (proteins) recognize stop codon at A site
- Presence of release factors with a stop codon at A-site allows cleavage of tRNA carrier from peptide chain.
What is Translational Coupling in Polycistronic mRNA?
- Polycistronic mRNA has multiple operons, each with their own leader regions and Shine-Dalgarno’s
o This means that theoretically multiple ribosomes could bind to the mRNA and form multiple proteins simultaneously - However in translational coupling each gene requires the preceding gene to be translated first
- Initiation codon and Shine-Dalgarno regions get ‘hidden’ in a hairpin loop, so the Ribosome cannot bind to it – translation cannot happen
o Ribosome can only bind to linear structure - As the ribosome moves along mRNA towards next gene, hairpin loop unfolds so that AUG codon is available for translation to occur (By a different ribosome).
What are the advantages of translational coupling of polycistronic mRNA?
Allows for:
- Spatial and temporal expression of genes (proteins are only made when they are required at a particular time and for a particular process)
- Different amounts of proteins to be translated from the same polycistronic operon
What is Horizontal Gene Transfer?
Transfer of genes between the total genome, super genome, and meta genome by Mobile Genetic Elements
What is the Total Genome?
Bacterial genome + Mobile Genetic Elements
What is the Supergenome?
Total number of genes available to a bacterial community via MGEs within the same environment
What is the Metagenome?
Collection of Supergenomes within wider environment
What is a plasmid?
DNA molecule that exists separately from chromosome and contains an origin of replication – it can replicate independently
- However, it does need the machinery of the cell. And replicates when bacteria replicates (not whenever it wants to)