Suppose that an airplane normally flying at 80 km/h encounters wind at a right angle to its forward motion—a crosswind. Will the airplane fly faster or slower than 80 km/h?
A crosswind would increase the speed of the
airplane and blow it off course by a predictable amount.
What is the resultant of two perpendicular vectors?
the diagonal of a rectangle constructed with the two vectors as sides.
The process of determining the components of a vector is called
Resolution (not important maybe)
Two vectors at right angles that add up to a given vector are known as
components of the
given vector (2)
is any object that moves through the air or
space, acted on only by gravity (and air resistance, if any).
What is the velocity if you roll a ball along a horizontal surface?
constant because no component of
gravitational force acts horizontally. (2)
What happens to two balls released simultaneously–one ball drops freely while the other one is projected horizontally.
First answer: The ball’s horizontal component of motion remains constant.
Second answer: Both balls fall the same vertical distance in the same time. Because the vertical distance fallen has nothing to do
with the horizontal component of motion.
The path traced by a projectile accelerating in the vertical direction while moving at constant horizontal velocity is a
At the instant a horizontally pointed cannon is fired, a cannonball held at the cannon’s side is released and drops to the ground. Which cannonball strikes the ground first, the one fired from the cannon or the one dropped?
Both cannonballs fall the same vertical distance with the same acceleration g and therefore strike the ground at the
same time.
Describe the downward motion of a
horizontally launched projectile.
The downward motion of a horizontally launched projectile is the same as that of free fall.
What do you call the projectile’s path
For the component vectors of the cannonball’s motion,
the horizontal component is always the same and only
the vertical component changes.
reminder lang
The angle at which the projectile is launched
affects the distance that it travels.
Projectiles that are launched at the same speed but at different angles reach what?
Different heights (altitude) above the ground, They also travel different horizontal distances,
Maximum range is attained when
the ball is batted at an angle of
nearly 45°.
reminder lang 45 is the maximum rangre
Without air resistance, the speed lost while the cannonball is going up equals
the speed gained while it is coming down.
(The time to go up equals the time to come down)
A projectile is launched at an angle into the air. Neglecting air resistance, what is its vertical acceleration?
Its vertical acceleration is g because the force of gravity is downward.
A projectile is launched at an angle into the air. Its horizontal acceleration?
Its horizontal acceleration is zero because no horizontal force acts on it.
At what point in its path does a projectile have minimum speed?
The minimum speed of a projectile occurs at the top of its path. If it is launched vertically, its speed at the top is zero.
If it is projected at an angle, the vertical component of velocity is still zero at the top
leaving only the horizontal component.
Describe how far below an imaginary straight-line path a projectile falls.
The vertical distance a projectile falls below an imaginary straight-line path increases continually with time and is equal to 5t² meters.