Project Specs Flashcards
Hilton Annex
Developer Name & Company
Farukh Aslam and Binny Aslam;
Hotel Texas Annex, LLC
Hilton Annex
Minimum Private Investment
$33 million
Hilton Annex
Project Use
Corporate/Furnished Apartments;
Renovation of currently vacant hotel annex
Hilton Annex
815 Commerce St.
Hilton Annex
Min. Number of Rental Units
125 units
Hilton Annex
Affordability Requirement
80% Market, 20% Affordable for 15 years
Hilton Annex
SF Retail
6,000 sf
Hilton Annex
Value ROW/Streetscape Improvements
Min. $1.5 million
Hilton Annex
Value Exterior Envelop and Historic Restoration Improvements
Min. $1.5 million
Hilton Annex
Value Environmental Abatement
Min. $1 million
Hilton Annex
Value Environmental Abatement
Min. $1 million
Hilton Annex
Minimum FTEs Required
10 FTEs
Hilton Annex
MWBE Requirements
25% MWBE Goal
Hilton Annex
Incentive Type
TIF 380
Hilton Annex
Incentive Amount
Hilton Annex
Incentive Payout
6 annual payments after completion;
Year 1: $1,833,333
Year 2-6: $586,667
Hilton Annex
Private-to-Public Ratio
9.2 (NPV)
Hilton Annex
Date Approved by Board
Sinclair Building
Developer Name & Company
Farukh Aslam and Binny Aslam;
Sinclair Holdings, LLC
Sinclair Building
Minimum Private Investment
$32 million
Sinclair Building
Project Use
4-star Autograph Hotel
Sinclair Building
512 Main St.
Sinclair Building
Min. Number of Keys
160 keys
Sinclair Building
Value ROW/Streetscape Improvements
Min. $1.5 million
Sinclair Building
Value Exterior Envelop and Historic Restoration Improvements
Min. $1.5 million
Sinclair Building
Value Environmental Remediation and Code Compliance
Min. $500,000
Sinclair Building
Minimum FTEs Required
100 FTEs
Sinclair Building
MWBE Requirements
25% MWBE Goal
Sinclair Building
Completion Deadline
Sinclair Building
Incentive Type
TIF 380
Sinclair Building
Incentive Amount
Sinclair Building
Incentive Payout
6 annual payments after completion;
Year 1: $864,865
Year 2-6: $518,919
Sinclair Building
Private-to-Public Ratio
12.5 (NPV)
Sinclair Building
Date Approved by Board
515 Houston St.
Developer Name & Company
Farukh Aslam and Binny Aslam;
Fossil Creek Land Partners, LLC
515 Houston St.
Minimum Private Investment - Phase 1
$3 million
515 Houston St.
Minimum Private Investment - Phase 2
$0 (spa delivery commitments only)
515 Houston St.
Minimum Private Investment - Phase 3
$17 million
515 Houston St.
Project Use
Mixed-Use retail, office, spa, hotel banquet, hotel service, and data center
515 Houston St.
515 Houston St. (Sanger Bros. Bldg., Color Tile Bldg.)
515 Houston St.
Min. SF Meeting or Banquet Space (Phase 1)
8,000 sf
515 Houston St.
Min. SF Spa (Phase 2)
8,000 sf
515 Houston St.
Min. SF Office (Phase 3)
18,000 sf
515 Houston St.
Min. SF Data Center (Phase 3)
16,000 sf
515 Houston St.
Min. SF Hotel Service (Phase 3)
8,000 sf
515 Houston St.
Value Façade and Streetscape Improvements (Phase 1)
$3 million
515 Houston St.
Value ROW and Streetscape Improvements (Phase 3)
515 Houston St.
Value Exterior Envelop and Historic Restoration Improvements (Phase 3)
$2 million
515 Houston St.
Minimum FTEs Required
25 FTEs
515 Houston St.
MWBE Requirements
25% MWBE Goal
515 Houston St.
Completion Deadline - Phase 1
515 Houston St.
Completion Deadline - Phase 2
515 Houston St.
Completion Deadline - Phase 3
(failure to complete does not lead to default on Phases 1 and 2)
515 Houston St.
Incentive Type
TIF 380
515 Houston St.
Total Incentive Amount
515 Houston St.
Phase 1 Incentive Amount
515 Houston St.
Phase 3 Incentive Amount
515 Houston St.
Incentive Payout
Phase 1 - At Completion;
Phase 3 - 6 annual payments after completion
515 Houston St.
Private-to-Public Ratio
10.7 (NPV)
515 Houston St.
Date Approved by TIF Board
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
Developer Name & Company
Paris Rutherford and Rhys Heinsch; Catalyst Urban Development in partnership with Lennar
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
Minimum Private Investment - Phase
$38 million
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
Project Use
Multi-family and Retail
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
Two blocks bound by Lancaster, Lamar, Texas and Cherry
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
Min. Rental Units
254 units
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
Affordability Requirement
80% Market, 20% Affordable for 15 years
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
SF Retail
6,000 sf
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
Total Number of Garage Parking Spaces
601 spaces
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
Previous Number of City Parking Spaces
135 spaces
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
Number of City Parking Spaces to be Leased to City and Term of Lease
185 spaces; 90 yr. lease
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
Total Number of Residential Parking Spaces
331 spaces
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
Total Number of Parking Spaces for Neighboring Office
85 spaces
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
Value Demo and Abatement Improvements
Min. $750,000
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
Value Infrastructure Improvements
Min. $1,825,852
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
Total TIF Affordable Housing Reimbursement
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
Payout of TIF Affordable Housing Reimbursement
$1,000,000 at completion; $75,000 annually for 15 years
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
Completion Deadline
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
Incentive Type
TIF 380
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
Total Incentive Amount
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
Incentive Payout
Total upon completion except affordable housing annual reimbursement
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
Private-to-Public Ratio
9.0 (NPV)
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
Date Approved by TIF Board
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
Est. Land Value for Conveyance by City
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
Terms of Conveyance of City Land
City to convey at appraised value in exchange for 99 year lease for 185 garage parking spaces
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
Average Contruction Cost Per Parking Space (garage)
$15,000 per space
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
Total Value of New City Garage Parking Spaces
$2.77 million
Catalyst - Lancaster Phase 1
New Property Taxes Generated by Project
$700,000 NPV over 10 years ($1.1 million gross)