Progressive era Flashcards
When you get a job because of your ability/Skill
Merit System
An exam to see if your good at your job
Civil Service Comission
Collis Huntigton
- owned Pacific Railroad
- wanted to kill a railroad bill
- did it by giving lots of money to congress
Giving jobs to followers is…
Patranage/Spoils System
Sherman Anti Trust Law
Stopped business’ from trying to limit or destroy other competition
Political Boss
Powerful politician who gives money to the poor and bribes the poor to vote for them
Boss Tweed
•stole over $100 million from city
Biggest political Cartoonist of ProgressiveEra
Thomas Nast
People who wanted to clean up America
•normally Journalist
•exposed places to the public eye
- showed how bad workers were treated
- how gross meat was
- started a movement
Upton Sinclair’s: The Jungle
Ida Riis
•wrote many articles about Standard Oil
Wanted to “move america forward”/make it a better place
•wanted gov. To act for the good of the people(public Interest)
•never one specific party
•cared about Education
•relied on Religion and Science
Wisconsin Plan
- started by Robert La Follette
- introduced Progressive Reforms
- lowered rail road rates, helped costumers and Ownera
When a party chooses there candidate for election
The right for a voter to put a bill in front of legislature
Must sign Petition