Progressive Era Flashcards
Female teacher that was one of the leading muckrakers of the progressive era.
Ida Tarbell
Reform movement that responded to the problems created by industrial capitalism, urbanization and political corruption by promoting reforms that dealt with those issues
Beliefs & Values of Progressivism
Muckraker and author of the novel, The Jungle
Upton Sinclair
“Fighting Bob”, member of the U.S. House of Representatives
Robert LaFollette
Law that gave the federal government the ability to set maximum rates for transportation costs. This enabled western farmers and other small businesses to ship their goods to eastern markets at a reasonable price.
Hepburn Act
Law that made it illegal to establish trusts that interfered with free trade.
Sherman Antitrust Act
Law that strengthened the Sherman Antitrust Act and made it easier for the federal government to break up trusts. Presidents broke up harmful trusts.
Clayton Antitrust Act
A railroad company that was broken up by the Supreme Court (1904) for having an unfair advantage in the railroad industry.
Northern Securities Company
Law that established cleanliness requirements for the meat packing industry.
Meat Inspection Act
Law that put an end to untruthful labeling and the sale of contaminated food and drugs.
Pure Food and Drug Act
Planned management of natural resources, involving the protection of some wilderness areas and the development of others for the common good.
Law that was passed under Roosevelt to allow the federal government to determine where and how water would be distributed.
Newlands Reclamation Act
When citizens, by collecting the required amount of signatures on the petition, create new laws or constitutional amendments to place on the ballot for voters to adopt or reject.
An attempt to remove an existing piece of legislation be “referring” it to the people for a vote.
Enable all political party members, instead of political machines, to choose the people who would represent their party in a general election.
Direct Primary System