Progressive Era Flashcards
Who wrote How the Other Half Lives
Jacob Riss
Who wrote Wealth Against Common Wealth
Henry Demarest Lloyd
Who Wrote the Treason of the Senate
David G Phillips
Who Wrote The Financer
Theodore Dreiser
Who wrote The Jungle
Upton Sinclair
Who wrote Progress and Poverty
Henry George
Who wrote Theory of the Leisure Class
Thorstein Veblen
Who wrote Following the Color Line
Ray Stannard Baker
Who wrote Lynch Law in Georgia
Ida B Wells
McClures/Cosmopolitan/Collier’s/Everybody’s are all
Muckraking Publications
Who wrote Foods and Their Adulteration
Harvey Washington Wiley
Who wrote the Frenzid Finance
Thomas W Lawson
Who wrote the Bitter Cry of children
John Spargo
Who wrote Shame of the Cities
Lincoln Steffens
Who wrote History of Standard Oil
Ida Tarbell