Progress Monitoring Part #3 SPE 602 Stracione Flashcards
The extent to which a test measures the skills it sets out to measure and the extent to which inferences and actions made on the basis of test scores are appropriate and accurate.
The federal law that provides federal funding for poor children in return for improvements in their academic progress. It requires states to establish learning standards, create annual assessments to measure student progress in reading and math in grades 3-8 and once in high school. It also requires states to report results disaggregated by subcategories.
No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)
An individual who may be familiar with school curriculum and requirements at various grade levels: may or may not have a background in learning disabilities; may conduct academic evaluations.
educational consultant/diagnostician
Test scores that equate a score to a particular grade level. Example: if a child scores at the average of all fifth graders tested, the child would receive a grade equivalent score of 5.0. Use with caution.
grade equivalents
The purpose is to ascertain, prior to instruction, each student’s strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, and skills. Establishing these permits the instructor to remediate students and adjust the curriculum to meet each pupil’s unique needs. (Examples are: DRA’s; Running Records).
diagnostic assessment
The middle score in a distribution or set of ranked scores; the point (score) that divides a group into two equal parts; the 50th percentile. Half the scores are below and half are above it.
A consistent set of procedures for designing, administering, and scoring an assessment. The purpose is to ensure that all individuals are assessed under the same conditions and are not influenced by different conditions.
Procedure to resolve disputes between parents and schools; administrative hearing before an impartial hearing officer or administrative law judge.
Due process hearing
In Section 504 and ADA, this is defined as impairment that substantially affects one or more major life activities; an individual who has a record of having such impairment, or is regarded as having such an impairment.
An analysis of challenging behaviors designed to determine what human or environment factors are causing the behavior to occur and continue, and can be used to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of behavior intervention plans.
functional behavioral assessment
A group or series of tests or subtests administered; the most common of these are achievement tests that include subtests in different areas
Stated, desirable outcomes of education
An ordered tabulation of individual scores (or groups of scores) showing the number of persons who obtained each score or placed within each range of scores
frequency distribution
Not to be confused with percentile, this is the number of items correct divided by the total number of items and then multiplied by 100
The boundaries, or limits, within which the true populations mean lies. Ninety-five percent of this indicates that we are 95% certain that the span contains the mean
confidence interval
Special education and related services provided to children under the age of 5
early intervention
Norm-referenced test that compares child’s performance with the performance of a large group of similar children (usually children who are the same age
standardized test
A specific number of correct responses or baseline that must be answered before proceeding to the next item
basal level
The consistency with which a test measures the area being tested; describes the extent to which a test is dependable, stable, and consistent when administered to the same individuals on different occasions
Tests that measure proficiency in subject areas like math and English. Some states require that students pass these tests before graduating
competency tests
Fundamental knowledge that all students are required to learn in school
core curriculum
Process by which an individual receives instruction and practice in skills that are weak or nonexistent in an effort to develop/strengthen these skills