programming vocab Flashcards
2D array
A static data structure that holds data both horizontally and vertically. The structure is fixed and each element has the same data type.
2D list
A dynamic data structure that holds data both horizontally and vertically. The structure can change during program execution and the data types of the elements can be different.
A series of instructions that end when the problem is solved.
Adding to an existing data structure.
The values held in the brackets of a subroutine call. These are passed into a subroutine via the parameters.
Arithmetic expression
An expression that results in a numeric value.
A fixed (static) data structure that holds items of the same data type under one name.
Acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It is used to represent characters with a numerical value.
An assembler translates assembly language into machine code.
Assembly language
A language that replaces machine code with mnemonics and operands to make them easier to read / write.
Assigning a value to a variable.
Properties or characteristics of an entity. E.g. player name, player score
Acronym used to show the order of operations in an arithmetic expression. Brackets, Indices, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction. Add and subtract are interchangeable and should be read from left to right.
Boolean data type
A value that is either True or False.
Boolean expression
An expression that evaluates as True or False. Also known as a logical expression.
Boolean operator
An operator used in a Boolean expression. For example AND, OR and NOT. Also known as logical operators.
Boundary data
Data that should be accepted by a program. It tests the data right at the boundary of a range.
Caesar cipher
Named after Julius Caesar. A caesar cipher is one of the oldest and simplest forms of encryption that involves shifting letters of the alphabet by a defined amount to create an encrypted message.
A single character of string.
Comparison operators
An operator that is used to compare one operand to another. For example, < >.
A compiler creates an executable file for a program by translating a high level language to machine readable code.
When two or more strings are joined together.
Used to control the flow of execution in a program. A condition contains a logical expression.
A constant is a value that cannot be changed during the execution of a program.
Control flow
The order in which instructions are executed in a program.
Acronym for comma-separated values. It is a plaintext data file where each value is separated by a single comma.
Custom built function
A function that you have created yourself and imported into other programs that you have created.
Data file
A file that can be accessed and modified by a program.
Data pairing
In a dictionary, a data pairing is when a key (the attribute identifier) is paired with the data.
Data structure
Used to store data in an organised and accessible way.
Data validation
A check performed on data input to ensure that it can be accepted by the program without causing an error.
A structured and organised method for storing data. A database holds multiple records.
Decision symbol
Used on a flowchart to represent a condition.
Declaring a variable as a specific data type.
Breaking down a problem into smaller sub-problems to make the more manageable.
A data structure that involves creating data pairings that can be located using a key.
A character in a string or an item in a sequence.
An entity is a single object, place, person or thing. E.g. player
Erroneous data
Data that should not be accepted by the program or it will cause an error.
Error messages
Used for finding errors in your program. They pinpoint lines of code that contain errors and provide details about them.
Carrying out the instructions for a computer program.
Carrying out the instructions for a computer program.
An expression is a collection of operands and operators that can be evaluated.
Also known as an attribute. It is the properties or characteristics of an entity.
Final testing
Testing a program at the end of its creation.
A visual representation of an algorithm or program.
For loop
An iterative statement that will repeat for the length of a given sequence.
A subroutine that returns a value.
Function call
A statement used to execute a function.
Global variable
A global variable can be accessed and modified from anywhere in the program.
Acronym for Graphical User Interface. It is an event driven program that allows the user to interact with it in a variety of ways. For example, buttons and icons.
A third party library that can be imported into Python to create a GUI.
High level language
A human readable language written in formal, structured English.
Integrated development environment. This is a place to write programs that provides support with debugging and diagnostics.
The keyword that enables a module to be brought into our programs.
The location of items or elements in a list, array or string.
Assigning an initial value to a variable to let the compiler know that a memory location is required.
A function that prompts the user for input.
A value that is a whole number.
Integer division
In integer division there can be remainders because the resulting value will be a whole number. For example 7 ÷ 3 will calculate as 2.
A term used with subroutines to describe how it will interact with the program. It refers to the subroutine identifier, parameters, order of parameters and the return values.
An interpreter translates and executes code line by line. It translates the code into machine readable code.
Repetition of code blocks. For example, a while loop.
Iterative testing
Testing a program during its creation.
Join method
The join method takes a list and joins each value in that list into one string.
In a dictionary data structure, a key is used to identify each attribute held in the dictionary.
LED matrix
A group of LEDs placed in a grid structure.
In Python, the library contains built-in modules that provide access to system functionality such as file i/o.
A dynamic data structure that holds items under one name. The items can be of varying data types.
Logic error
The program will run, but won’t do what the programmer expected. These are tricky to spot as they are not picked up by the IDE.
Logical expression
An expression that evaluates as either True or False.
Logical operator
An operator used in a logical expression. For example AND, OR and NOT.
Low level language
This can be quickly executed by a computer. It is written in either machine code or assembly.
Machine code
A program written using 1s and 0s. A computer can execute this directly.
Meaningful identifiers
Naming a variable or data structure using a sensible name that can be easily recognised and remembered.
A function that belongs to an object.
A code to help us remember something.
MOD / Modulo
Calculates the remainder of a division. For example 7 MOD 3 will calculate as 1.
In Python, a module is a file containing Python definitions and statements. The functionality of these definitions and statements is then available to be made use of.
Naming convention
A unified standard for naming things in a chosen programming language.
Naming conventions
Following the guidance in the programming language documentation about naming structures.
Nested selection
A selection block placed within another selection block.
Normal data
Data that should be accepted by a program. This is data that you would expect a user to enter.
A piece of data that can be changed
A symbol or function that performs an operation. For example +.
Used in a subroutine to allow values to be passed into them.
A single element of an image on a computer screen.
A subroutine that executes a block of code when called. It does not return a value.
Pseudo-random number
This type of random number is generated using mathematical algorithms which are computer-generated and therefore highly predictable.
Informal steps for an algorithm using structured English.
A programmer that uses Python as their desired programming language.
Real / Float
A decimal number.
Real division
In real division there are no remainders because the resulting value can be a decimal number. For example 7 ÷ 3 will be calculated as 2.3333333333333335.
A collection of attributes for a single entity.
Return value
A value that is returned by a function.
A program is robust when it does not produce any errors during execution.
The scope of a variable is the section of the program where the variable can be accessed and modified.
Controlling the flow of execution in programs using if statements.
Sense HAT
Hardware that attaches to the top of a Raspberry Pi computer and allows you to write programs that collect data from sensors. The Sense HAT also has an LED matrix for displaying output.
Sense HAT emulator
A digital representation of the physical Sense HAT device.
A tool that collects data.
The sequence of a program is performed from top to bottom, executing each line in turn.
Split method
The split method takes a string and splits it when it finds a defined character. The result will be held as a list.
A document where data can be arranged in rows and columns. A spreadsheet can be used to sort and perform calculations on data.
A value that is text. This can include numbers but they will be read as text.
String handling
Performing operations on string.
Structure chart
A top-down diagram used to design the structure of the subroutines required for completing a program.
Structured programming
A programming paradigm where sequence, selection, iteration and subroutines are used to control the flow of execution. Each block of code in a structured program has a single entry point and a single exit point.
A sequence of instructions to perform a specific task with an identifiable name.
Part of a string.
Success criteria
A list of key elements required in a programming solution based on the scenario or user requirements.
In programming, the language specific code that you write in has its own syntax. The syntax is unique to that programming language.
The formal method used to structure code in a given programming language.
Syntax error
An error where the code has been structured incorrectly and the syntax rules haven’t been followed.
Tabular format
Displaying data in a grid of rows and columns.
Oval shapes used to show the start and end of a flowchart.
Text file
A file stored on a computer that contains plain text.
Third party libraries
Code that has not been written by the Python developer or you that can be imported into your programs to save you from writing them yourself if you don’t have the time or necessary skills.
Trace table
An error checking method that steps through each line of code in a program and records the state of the variables and conditions.
This executes the programs that programmers write in high level languages.
Move through a sequence.
True-random number
This type of random number is generated using unpredictable physical means such as atmospheric noise.
Truth table
A table that lists the outputs of all possible input combinations.
Try and except
A data validation check to see if the data entered can be accepted by the program. If a defined error occurs the user will be prompted with a warning.
A value held under one name.
While loop
A loop that will continue to iterate whilst its condition evaluates as True.
A Boolean / logical operator.