Programming ‘theory’ Flashcards
Define algorithm
- An algorithm is a sequence of steps that can be followed to complete a task
Define Decomposition
- Decomposition means breaking a problem into a number of sub-problems, so that each sub- problem accomplishes an identifiable task, which might itself be further subdivided.
Define Abstraction
- Abstraction is the process of removing unimportant detail from a problem
- so that attention can be given to the important parts of a problem
- to make the problem easier to solve
(so that the important details can be focused on. This can make solving the problem easier.)
Efficiency is what
- Efficiency looks at how much time it takes to run a particular algorithm and how much space is needed
Do you say more efficient when they ask for advantages ?
- say ‘faster’ not more efficient when they ask for advantages (e.g. of using a linear search vs a binary - faster for shorter lists)
When linear search used
Vs binary
- Although linear and binary searching produces the same overall results, linear search is best used when the data is not in order, or for smaller lists. However, when the list is much longer and the data is in order, it is far more efficient to calculate the indexes needed to perform a binary search.
- Linear search advantages (4)
- Performs well with small and medium-sized lists
- Fairly simple to code
- The data set does not need to be in any particular order (some algorithms need an ordered list)
- It doesn’t break if new items are inserted into the list.
- Linear search disadvantages (2)
- May be too slow to process large lists or data sets
- If the search criteria only matches the last item in the list, the search has to go through the entire list to find it.
- binary search advantages (2)
- Very good performance over large ordered lists.
- A binary search takes a maximum of 8 loops to find an item in a list of 1000 items, whilst a linear search worst case would have to search all 1000 items in the list.
- Binary search disadvantages (3)
- Binary search can only work on an ordered list. If the list is random, then a linear search is the only way
- It is a bit more complicated than a linear search to code and so for small lists a linear search is just as good.
- If it is a constantly updated list with items added or removed, the list will need re-ordering every time which may slow down the overall performance compared to a linear search.
When does bubble sort stop
- bubble sort stops when: Once the algorithm has completed a pass without swapping anything and it knows that the list is now ordered and can stop.
When does merges sort stop
- Merge sort stops when: This process of merging and sorting lists continues until all of the individual lists are merged together and just one list remains. Within this list, all of the data items will be sorted into the correct order
- Bubble sort pros (3)
- Simple to write the code for.
- Simple to understand.
- The data is sorted in the same memory location that it is held, so you don’t need much extra memory to run the algorithm.
- Bubble sort con (1)
- One of the slowest ways to sort a list. For example, if the list becomes ten times larger than before, it takes almost a hundred times longer to sort. So this method of sorting is very sensitive to the length of the list.
- Merge sort pros (2)
- It is the fastest of three types of sort (bubble, insert, merge)
- It is the best option to use for long lists of data (more than 1000 long)
- Merge sort cons (2)
- More complicated to code compared to bubble and insert
- It may use twice the memory size of the list - depending on the way it is coded. This becomes important if the list is millions of items long.
Define sequence
- Sequence is the order in which programming statements are executed
Define selection
- Selection is a programming construct where a section of code is run only if a condition is met.
Define iteration
- Iteration is the repetition of a block of statements within a computer program.
Iteration advantages
- Iteration allows programmers to simplify a program and make it more efficient . Instead of writing out the same lines of code again and again, a programmer can write a section of code once, and ask the program to execute the same line repeatedly until no longer needed.
Nested selection is good because?
- Why nested selection is good: Nested selection can be built up over and over to include many possibilities and paths for a program to follow. It allows for complex decisions to be made.
Variable - meaning?
- A variable is a named piece of memory that holds a value. The value held in a variable can - and usually does - change as the program is running.
Why use meaningful identifier
W/ 2 adv
- MEANINGFUL IDENTIFIER: It is good practice in programming to give variables a sensible name that will help explain its purpose. - makes the algorithm easier to follow
- another programmer can better understand the code
- code easier to understand and debug/maintain
Constant meaning
- A constant is a named piece of memory where the value cannot be changed while a program runs.
Constant good why - explain
- Constants are useful because they are declared and assigned once, but can be referred to over and over again throughout the program. This means that if the programmer needs to change the value throughout the program code, they only need to make one change. This can help make a program easier to maintain.
- Limitations of different data types (2)
- integers and real numbers cannot be concatenated, ie joined together.
- numbers held in strings cannot be subject to mathematical operations.
Array adv (2)
- An advantage of array is that a number of sorting, searching and updating functions can be applied to it. - also obviously its purpose is to store related data values under one identifier
How records different to arrays? - mainly
- Records allow data values of different types that relate to each other to be stored together instead of in different arrays.
4 facts- records vs arrays
- An array tends to have the same data type for every element, records often have mixed data type fields
- The number of fields within a record is fixed once it is declared, they cannot be added to or deleted as the program runs.
- A record declaration does not contain actual data - it is a template with which to create variables of that type.
- Arrays can be used to store records with each element in the array of the same record type.
- What do you need to remember when concatenating (2)
- same data type (string)
- you must manually add a space if you want it
- Purpose of ‘import random’
- It imports the random library(/module) so that… (random integers can be generated)
- Advantages of subroutines explained (3)
- Subroutines are usually small in size, which means they are much easier to write, test and debug. They are also easy for someone else to understand.
- As they are written outside of the main program, subroutines can be saved separately as modules and used again in other programs. This saves time because the programmer can use code that has already been written, tested and debugged.
- A subroutine may be used repeatedly at various points in the main program and changed by passing in data known as parameters. However, the code only has to be written once, resulting in shorter programs.
Difference of 2 types of subroutines - in purpose
- Procedures perform a specific task but do not return a value.
- Functions manipulate data and return a value to the main program.
- Why use local variables (5) - explained
- global variables waste memory
- 2. variable names can be unique
- 3. global variables can cause bugs
- 4. local variables start as null each time
- 5. global variables are hard to trace
- declaring variables in a subroutine means that memory allocation is only needed while the subroutine is executing – if the variables were all declared globally, then unnecessary memory would be used whereas local variables are removed from memory once the subroutine has completed
- local variables only need to be unique within the subroutine rather than throughout the whole program – this means that a programmer does not need to know the names of variables used within other subroutines
- local variables cannot be changed by another subroutine which could interfere with the way a program work
- when a subroutine is executed, all local variables are added to memory with no data so any previous data from a previous execution of a subroutine will not affect the result
- ..because they can be manipulated by multiple subroutines
- global variables waste memory
- 3 types of test data - name and meaning
- normal data - typical, sensible data that the program should accept and be able to process
- boundary data - valid data that falls at the boundary of any possible ranges, sometimes known as extreme data
- erroneous data - data that the program cannot process and should not accept
How to answer why an algorithm is more efficient
- why a algorithm is more efficient: The algorithm in [] uses fewer steps/instructions;
9 adv of subroutines and the structured approach
- all explained
- Decomposition
- Abstraction
- Generalisation
Re-usable Easier to read code Debugging Maintenance Development teams Local variables - Using subroutines means that a top-down design can be naturally achieved because the main program forms the top of the tree with each subroutine being a branch of the tree. This means that each task within the top-down design can be tackled separately rather than trying to tackle the whole problem at once.
- Abstraction hides unnecessary data. With subroutines, the detail of how each subroutine is removed from the main program meaning that only the identifier name of the subroutine needs to be used, plus any parameters.
- Subroutines can be used for a variety of different situations. This generalises the subroutine so it is not just used once. For example, a subroutine that finds the average of all values in an array can be used for any array and not just a specific array within a program.
- Subroutines can be used over and over again within a program and if they are within a module they can even be used in other programs. This saves having to repeat sections of code as the subroutine just needs to be called each time instead. It is easier to read the name of a subroutine than all the detail involved in how the subroutine works. This makes the code easier to follow.
- Each subroutine can be tested on its own without being executed as part of the main program. This means that any bugs within the subroutine can be corrected before it is tested within the main program.
- If code needs to be changed in the future, then it is easier to change the code within a subroutine rather than having to work through all the code.
- It is possible for different people to write the code for each subroutine because each subroutine can exist separately.
- All the advantages of local variables discussed on other flashcard