Programming Fundamentals Flashcards
What is HTML?
HyperText Markup Language
Is the code that is used to structure a web page and it’s content.
What is CSS?
Cascading Style Sheets
It is used for describing the presentation of a document, written in a markup language such as HTML
What is a text editor?
How do you write a simple title and page heading in HTML?
The Worlds Greatest Website
Hello, World!
What is DOCTYPE?
DOCTYPE tells the browser what document type to expect
What is the HTML heading tag?
<h1> … </h1>
<h2> … </h2>
<h3> … </h3>
<h4> … </h4>
<h5> … </h5>
<h6> … </h6>
What is the HTML paragraph tag?
What is the HTML tag for bold text?
<strong> … </strong>
What is the HTML tag for italics?
<em> … </em>
For “emphasis”
How to generate example text?
E.g. lorem ipsum
Type out: lorem
Then press tab
What are ordered lists? And what is the HTML tag?
Tag = <ol>…</ol>
An ordered list is a numbered list
- Banana
- Apple
- Orange
Code example:
What is an unordered list? What is the HTML tag?
Tag = <ul>…</ul>
An unordered list is a non-numbered list
- Banana
- Apple
- Orange
Code example:
What is the HTML tag for line break?
Self closing tag,
doesn’t need to be closed by
What is the HTML tag for including an image? Give an example using image source “fruit_bowl.jpeg”
- this is a self closing tag and doesn’t need
What tag is used to create a link on a webpage using HTML?
Using the anchor tag
<a> … </a>
<a>New Page</a>
Here you could have the heading “New page” written as:
<h2>New Page</h2>
Then just wrap this heading text in the anchor tag
<h2>New Page</h2></a>