Programming Flashcards
What is an integer
A positive or negative whole number, includes 0
What is a float
A positive or negative number that can be written as a fraction
What is a boolean
A value that outputs either true or false
What is a character
A single letter, number or symbol
What is a string
A collection of characters
What is date/time
A way of storing a point in time
What is a point/reference
A way of storing a memory address
What is a record
A collection of fields, each of which may have a different data type.
What is an array
A finite, indexed set of related elements each of which has the same data type.
What is a user defined data type
Customised data structures derived from existing data types to ensure a solution is memory efficient.
What is a variable decleration
Creating a variable for the first time, giving it a name and data type. This allocates the computers memory to the variable.
What is a constant declaration
Creating a variable for the first time that cannot change as the program is run.
What is assignment
Giving a variable or constant a value.
What is iteration
Repeating an instruction. Definite iteration when the number of repetitions is known before starting, indefinite when number of repetitions unknown.
What is selection
Comparing values and choosing an action based on those values