Program Planning and Evaluation (PowerPlay, Eh?) Flashcards
3 ways PH programs can intervene
Provide examples.
E.g., Fluridate water, treat sewage, outlaw transfat
Incentives & Disincentives
E.g., fine for not wearing seatbelts, tax cigs, require immunization
Volitional Behavior
E.g., Excercise, sleep under bednets, use contaceptives
Questions we want to answer with/from our program
Did it work?
Achieve intended outcomes?
- *What else do we want to know?**
- reach target group?
- adopted by program/staff?
- fidelity (delivered as intended)?
- quality?
- *Cost effective?**
- did targer groups continue over time?
- continue working of time?
Types of Eval: Efficacy & Effectiveness
**Efficacy — ideal conditions **
*RCT, well-resourced program, ‘pilot’ projects. E.g., plenty of staff, time and money to train and pay for people’s time, very tight controls, high standardization assured.
**Effectiveness — real world conditions **
*more variation – in who’s delivering, who’s getting, in what is delivered; less control and standardization; fewer resources.
Difference between 2 types of evalution: Outcome v. Process Evals
**Outcome Eval **
Focuses on efficacy or effectiveness
Process Eval
Focuses on what elese we want to know
What evaluation does PH prioritize?
Outcome over process eval
Within outcome evaluaitons – efficacy over effectivess
Bottom Line: If we focus on efficacy…
Narrow focus on efficacy can obscure serious issues related to reach and adoption
Bottom Line: If we focus on outcomes…
Narrowly defined outcomes can mask key issues about implementation and quality of services
Note: Implementation and quality issues are usually defined as ‘process’ and therefore tend to receive less attention. But outcomes can (and should?) be defined to incorporate these ‘additional’ program elements for full public health achievement.
What are the steps of the RE-AIM framework?
-reach intended recipients?
- work in ideal circumstances (efficacy)
- work in real-world (effectivess)
-adoped by target delievers (both program and staff)
-implemented as intended
- effects last on individuals
- sustained by programs/providers
What is a Logic Model?
Other names.
- *Visual depiction of program** showing:
- what will occur
- what will be accomplished
- if-then ‘causal’ relationships among elements
- underlying theories
- Theory of change
- Causal Pathway
- Logical Frame (Logframe)
What is the order, direction, of a common logic model?
Inputs > Activities > Outputs > Effect/Outcomes > Impact
Describe the causal pathway framework.
- Change in health status of the population of interest
- May also have socioeconomic benefits
- *Effect**
- Effect –> Impact*
- Change in knowledge, attitudes, skills, behavior of population of interest
Outputs –> Effect –> Impact
-Good quality products and services that must be in place for effects to occur
-Product must be available for use
- *Activities**
- Activities –> outputs –> Effects –> Impact*
- Technical and support tasks required to produce the outputs
Inputs –> Activities –> Outputs –> Effect –> Impact
Resources needed to support the activity
Resources needed (does not specify quality)
Inputs –> Activities –> Outputs –> Effect –> Impact
Resources needed to support the activity
Technical and support (active voice)
Activities –> outputs –> Effects –> Impact
Technical and support tasks required to produce the outputs
Quality products in place; influenced by activity (passive voice)
Outputs –> Effect –> Impact
- Good quality products and services that must be in place for effects to occur
- Product must be available for use
Are we BASK?
Knowledge, attitudes, skills, behavior (BASK in effects)
Effect –> Impact
Change in knowledge, attitudes, skills, behavior of population of interest
Change in health status
Change in health status of the population of interest
May also have socioeconomic benefits