Program- Executive Quick Start Flashcards
Mission of program (EQS)
Executive Quick Start (EQS) is a four-week program designed to meet the unique needs of new executive leaders for the Long Beach community.
Gain information and insights on California’s 7th largest city – the communities, the issues, the people and the future
Create opportunities to meet and interact with Long Beach leaders, including government officials, leading business executives, association officials, and community leaders
Join the leadership network of LLB alumni—1,000+ leaders over the past 25 years—who are leading in every sector of the community.
Expand on purpose of program
EQS provides relevant and meaningful information on Long Beach government, business, and community through presentations and discussions with leaders who are shaping Long Beach’s future. The program will provide an opportunity to build connections and access to a network of city leaders and professionals that would normally take years to cultivate.
Program Topics / Session
The curriculum is centered around Long Beach. The series will include panel discussions and presentations from local leaders; key companies and individuals; available business services; city history and demographics; cultural diversity; educational institutions; the arts and tourism; public safety and government; and health and community services. Ultimately, adhering to an overall theme of how we can all work together to make Long Beach the best community it can be.
The program is designed for executive leaders in Long Beach organizations, with the focus on new executive leadership and leaders new to Long Beach. The program group size is kept small to provide more interaction and create meaningful discussions.
Program schedule
The sessions will be held on four consecutive Wednesdays in April and a 1/2 day Saturday bus tour. Wednesday class sessions are 3.5 hours followed by a networking dinner. Dinners provide additional opportunities for sharing, learning and connecting.