What does Demos Kratos mean?
Democracy (people power)
What are the 5 key features of a democracy?
- Respect for human rights
- A multi-party system (choice)
- A democratic voting system (free and fair)
- Respect for rule of law
- Democratic governance (separation of powers)
- Citizen participation
What was the Scotland 2021 and Northern Ireland 2022 election turnout?
What and when was the lowest election turnout?
2001: 59.4%
What is the franchise?
Those who have the ability to vote.
What is suffrage?
Those seeking the ability to vote.
What was the act in 1832 which enfranchised large members of the middle class?
The great reform act
What did the 1840’s Chartist Movement achieve?
- Equal sized constituencies
- Secret ballot for voting
- Universal suffrage
What did the 1867 and 1884 reform acts do?
1867 doubled the size of the electorate
1884 extended to vote to about 60% male population, including most working class men
What did the 1918 and 1928 Representation of the People Acts do?
Women over 30 given the vote
What did the 1969 Representation of the People Act do?
- Reduce voting age from 21 to 18
What is an example of “locking on”?
Supergluing yourself to something
What is “Strike Action”?
To put pressure on employers, government to improve pay and conditions
What are some examples of outsider pressure groups?
- Just Stop Oil
- Xtinction Rebellion
- Led by Donkeys
- Insulate Britain
What are some examples of insider pressure groups?
- Adam Smith Institute
- National Trust (largest)
- Taxpayers Alliance
- IEA (Institute for Economic Affairs)
What is Ultra Vires?
When a public body goes beyond its powers.
What is a pressure groups main objective?
To put pressure on the judiciary, legislature or executive.
What did the Lee V Asher 2018 case result in?
Protecting freedom of religion over discrimination (equality act 2010)
What did the ZXC V Bloomberg 2022 case result in?
Protects acticle 8 right to respect of privacy and family life
What did the S and Marper 2009 case result in?
Protects acticle 8: right to respect of privacy and family life
What did the Pretty case 2002 result in?
The state must protect the right to life under article 2. (Assisted dying not lawful)
What did the Belmarsh Ruling 2004 result in?
Breached the right to liberty and freedom from torture and degrading treatment.